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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --unstable
import { tty } from "../../ansi/tty.ts";import { prompt } from "../../prompt/prompt.ts";import { Input } from "../../prompt/input.ts";import { Select } from "../../prompt/select.ts";
const sig = Deno.signals.interrupt();(async () => { for await (const _ of sig) { // tty.cursorShow(); // console.log("\nSigint received. Exiting deno process!"); Deno.exit(1); }})();
const result = await prompt([{ name: "configuration", message: "Select the Setting to Configure", type: Select, search: true, options: [ "token", "prefix", "supportServerID", "channelIds", "roleIDs", "userIDs", ],}, { name: "token", message: "Enter the Bot Token:", type: Input, before: async ({ configuration }, next) => { if (configuration?.includes("token")) { await next(); // run token prompt } else { await next(true); // skip token prompt } },}, { name: "prefix", message: "prefix...", type: Input, before: async ({ configuration }, next) => { if (configuration?.includes("prefix")) { await next(); // run prefix prompt } else { await next(true); // skip prefix prompt } },}], { cbreak: true,});