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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --unstable
import { prompt } from "../../prompt/prompt.ts";import { Checkbox } from "../../prompt/checkbox.ts";import { Confirm } from "../../prompt/confirm.ts";import { Number } from "../../prompt/number.ts";
const result = await prompt([{ name: "animals", message: `Select some animal's`, type: Checkbox, options: ["dog", "cat", "snake"],}, { name: "like", message: `Do you like animal's?`, type: Confirm, after: async ({ like }, next) => { // executed after like prompt if (like) { await next(); // run age prompt } else { await next("like"); // run like prompt again } },}, { name: "age", message: "How old are you?", type: Number, before: async ({ animals }, next) => { // executed before age prompt if (animals?.length === 3) { await next(); // run age prompt } else { await next("animals"); // begin from start } },}]);