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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { getFlag } from "../../flags/_utils.ts";import { Table } from "../../table/table.ts";import { dedent, getDescription, parseArgumentsDefinition } from "../_utils.ts";import type { Command } from "../command.ts";import { blue, bold, dim, getColorEnabled, green, italic, magenta, red, setColorEnabled, yellow,} from "../deps.ts";import { Type } from "../type.ts";import type { IArgument, IEnvVar, IExample, IOption } from "../types.ts";
export interface HelpOptions { types?: boolean; hints?: boolean; colors?: boolean; long?: boolean;}
interface OptionGroup { name?: string; options: Array<IOption>;}
/** Help text generator. */export class HelpGenerator { private indent = 2; private options: Required<HelpOptions>;
/** Generate help text for given command. */ public static generate(cmd: Command, options?: HelpOptions): string { return new HelpGenerator(cmd, options).generate(); }
private constructor( private cmd: Command, options: HelpOptions = {}, ) { this.options = { types: false, hints: true, colors: true, long: false, ...options, }; }
private generate(): string { const areColorsEnabled = getColorEnabled(); setColorEnabled(this.options.colors);
const result = this.generateHeader() + this.generateMeta() + this.generateDescription() + this.generateOptions() + this.generateCommands() + this.generateEnvironmentVariables() + this.generateExamples();
return result; }
private generateHeader(): string { const usage = this.cmd.getUsage(); const rows = [ [ bold("Usage:"), magenta( this.cmd.getPath() + (usage ? " " + highlightArguments(usage, this.options.types) : ""), ), ], ]; const version: string | undefined = this.cmd.getVersion(); if (version) { rows.push([bold("Version:"), yellow(`${this.cmd.getVersion()}`)]); } return "\n" + Table.from(rows) .indent(this.indent) .padding(1) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateMeta(): string { const meta = Object.entries(this.cmd.getMeta()); if (!meta.length) { return ""; }
const rows = []; for (const [name, value] of meta) { rows.push([bold(`${name}: `) + value]); }
return "\n" + Table.from(rows) .indent(this.indent) .padding(1) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateDescription(): string { if (!this.cmd.getDescription()) { return ""; } return this.label("Description") + Table.from([ [dedent(this.cmd.getDescription())], ]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth(140) .padding(1) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateOptions(): string { const options = this.cmd.getOptions(false); if (!options.length) { return ""; }
let groups: Array<OptionGroup> = []; const hasGroups = options.some((option) => option.groupName); if (hasGroups) { for (const option of options) { let group = groups.find((group) => === option.groupName); if (!group) { group = { name: option.groupName, options: [], }; groups.push(group); } group.options.push(option); } } else { groups = [{ name: "Options", options, }]; }
let result = ""; for (const group of groups) { result += this.generateOptionGroup(group); }
return result; }
private generateOptionGroup(group: OptionGroup): string { if (!group.options.length) { return ""; } const hasTypeDefinitions = !!group.options.find((option) => !!option.typeDefinition );
if (hasTypeDefinitions) { return this.label( ?? "Options") + Table.from([ IOption) => [ => blue(flag)).join(", "), highlightArguments( option.typeDefinition || "", this.options.types, ), red(bold("-")), getDescription(option.description, !this.options.long), this.generateHints(option), ]), ]) .padding([2, 2, 1, 2]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth([60, 60, 1, 80, 60]) .toString() + "\n"; }
return this.label( ?? "Options") + Table.from([ IOption) => [ => blue(flag)).join(", "), red(bold("-")), getDescription(option.description, !this.options.long), this.generateHints(option), ]), ]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth([60, 1, 80, 60]) .padding([2, 1, 2]) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateCommands(): string { const commands = this.cmd.getCommands(false); if (!commands.length) { return ""; }
const hasTypeDefinitions = !!commands.find((command) => !!command.getArgsDefinition() );
if (hasTypeDefinitions) { return this.label("Commands") + Table.from([ Command) => [ [command.getName(), ...command.getAliases()].map((name) => blue(name) ).join(", "), highlightArguments( command.getArgsDefinition() || "", this.options.types, ), red(bold("-")), command.getShortDescription(), ]), ]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth([60, 60, 1, 80]) .padding([2, 2, 1, 2]) .toString() + "\n"; }
return this.label("Commands") + Table.from([ Command) => [ [command.getName(), ...command.getAliases()].map((name) => blue(name)) .join(", "), red(bold("-")), command.getShortDescription(), ]), ]) .maxColWidth([60, 1, 80]) .padding([2, 1, 2]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateEnvironmentVariables(): string { const envVars = this.cmd.getEnvVars(false); if (!envVars.length) { return ""; } return this.label("Environment variables") + Table.from([ IEnvVar) => [ string) => blue(name)).join(", "), highlightArgumentDetails( envVar.details, this.options.types, ), red(bold("-")), this.options.long ? dedent(envVar.description) : envVar.description.trim().split("\n", 1)[0], envVar.required ? `(${yellow(`required`)})` : "", ]), ]) .padding([2, 2, 1, 2]) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth([60, 60, 1, 80, 10]) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateExamples(): string { const examples = this.cmd.getExamples(); if (!examples.length) { return ""; } return this.label("Examples") + Table.from( IExample) => [ dim(bold(`${capitalize(}:`)), dedent(example.description), ])) .padding(1) .indent(this.indent * 2) .maxColWidth(150) .toString() + "\n"; }
private generateHints(option: IOption): string { if (!this.options.hints) { return ""; } const hints = [];
option.required && hints.push(yellow(`required`)); typeof option.default !== "undefined" && hints.push( bold(`Default: `) + inspect(option.default, this.options.colors), ); option.depends?.length && hints.push( yellow(bold(`Depends: `)) + italic(", ")), ); option.conflicts?.length && hints.push( red(bold(`Conflicts: `)) + italic(", ")), );
const type = this.cmd.getType(option.args[0]?.type)?.handler; if (type instanceof Type) { const possibleValues = type.values?.(this.cmd, this.cmd.getParent()); if (possibleValues?.length) { hints.push( bold(`Values: `) + unknown) => inspect(value, this.options.colors) ).join(", "), ); } }
if (hints.length) { return `(${hints.join(", ")})`; }
return ""; }
private label(label: string) { return "\n" + " ".repeat(this.indent) + bold(`${label}:`) + "\n\n"; }}
function capitalize(string: string): string { return string?.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1) ?? "";}
function inspect(value: unknown, colors: boolean): string { return Deno.inspect( value, // deno < 1.4.3 doesn't support the colors property. { depth: 1, colors, trailingComma: false } as Deno.InspectOptions, );}
/** * Colorize arguments string. * @param argsDefinition Arguments definition: `<color1:string> <color2:string>` * @param types Show types. */function highlightArguments(argsDefinition: string, types = true) { if (!argsDefinition) { return ""; }
return parseArgumentsDefinition(argsDefinition, false, true) .map((arg: IArgument | string) => typeof arg === "string" ? arg : highlightArgumentDetails(arg, types) ) .join(" ");}
/** * Colorize argument string. * @param arg Argument details. * @param types Show types. */function highlightArgumentDetails( arg: IArgument, types = true,): string { let str = "";
str += yellow(arg.optionalValue ? "[" : "<");
let name = ""; name +=; if (arg.variadic) { name += "..."; } name = magenta(name);
str += name;
if (types) { str += yellow(":"); str += red(arg.type); if (arg.list) { str += green("[]"); } }
str += yellow(arg.optionalValue ? "]" : ">");
return str;}