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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import type { KeyCode } from "../keycode/key_code.ts";import { GenericInput, GenericInputKeys, GenericInputPromptOptions, GenericInputPromptSettings,} from "./_generic_input.ts";import { blue, bold, dim, dirname, join, normalize, stripColor, underline,} from "./deps.ts";import { Figures, getFiguresByKeys } from "./figures.ts";import { distance } from "../_utils/distance.ts";
interface LocalStorage { getItem(key: string): string | null; removeItem(key: string): void; setItem(key: string, value: string): void;}
/** Input keys options. */export interface GenericSuggestionsKeys extends GenericInputKeys { complete?: string[]; next?: string[]; previous?: string[]; nextPage?: string[]; previousPage?: string[];}
export type SuggestionHandler = ( input: string,) => Array<string | number> | Promise<Array<string | number>>;
export type CompleteHandler = ( input: string, suggestion?: string,) => Promise<string> | string;
/** Generic input prompt options. */export interface GenericSuggestionsOptions<T, V> extends GenericInputPromptOptions<T, V> { keys?: GenericSuggestionsKeys; id?: string; suggestions?: Array<string | number> | SuggestionHandler; complete?: CompleteHandler; files?: boolean | RegExp; list?: boolean; info?: boolean; listPointer?: string; maxRows?: number;}
/** Generic input prompt settings. */export interface GenericSuggestionsSettings<T, V> extends GenericInputPromptSettings<T, V> { keys?: GenericSuggestionsKeys; id?: string; suggestions?: Array<string | number> | SuggestionHandler; complete?: CompleteHandler; files?: boolean | RegExp; list?: boolean; info?: boolean; listPointer: string; maxRows: number;}
const sep = === "windows" ? "\\" : "/";
/** Generic input prompt representation. */export abstract class GenericSuggestions< T, V, S extends GenericSuggestionsSettings<T, V>,> extends GenericInput<T, V, S> { protected suggestionsIndex = -1; protected suggestionsOffset = 0; protected suggestions: Array<string | number> = []; #hasReadPermissions?: boolean;
/** * Prompt constructor. * @param settings Prompt settings. */ protected constructor(settings: S) { super({ ...settings, keys: { complete: ["tab"], next: ["up"], previous: ["down"], nextPage: ["pageup"], previousPage: ["pagedown"], ...(settings.keys ?? {}), }, }); }
protected get localStorage(): LocalStorage | null { // Keep support for deno < 1.10. if ( && "localStorage" in window) { try { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return (window as any).localStorage; } catch (_) { // Ignore error if --location is not set. } } return null; }
protected loadSuggestions(): Array<string | number> { if ( { const json = this.localStorage?.getItem(; const suggestions: Array<string | number> = json ? JSON.parse(json) : []; if (!Array.isArray(suggestions)) { return []; } return suggestions; } return []; }
protected saveSuggestions(...suggestions: Array<string | number>): void { if ( { this.localStorage?.setItem(, JSON.stringify([ ...suggestions, ...this.loadSuggestions(), ].filter(uniqueSuggestions)), ); } }
protected async render(): Promise<void> { if (this.settings.files && this.#hasReadPermissions === undefined) { const status = await Deno.permissions.request({ name: "read" }); // disable path completion if read permissions are denied. this.#hasReadPermissions = status.state === "granted"; } await this.match(); return super.render(); }
protected async match(): Promise<void> { this.suggestions = await this.getSuggestions(); this.suggestionsIndex = Math.max( this.getCurrentInputValue().trim().length === 0 ? -1 : 0, Math.min(this.suggestions.length - 1, this.suggestionsIndex), ); this.suggestionsOffset = Math.max( 0, Math.min( this.suggestions.length - this.getListHeight(), this.suggestionsOffset, ), ); }
protected input(): string { return super.input() + dim(this.getSuggestion()); }
protected getSuggestion(): string { return this.suggestions[this.suggestionsIndex]?.toString() .substr( this.getCurrentInputValue().length, ) ?? ""; }
protected async getUserSuggestions( input: string, ): Promise<Array<string | number>> { return typeof this.settings.suggestions === "function" ? await this.settings.suggestions(input) : this.settings.suggestions ?? []; }
#isFileModeEnabled(): boolean { return !!this.settings.files && this.#hasReadPermissions === true; }
protected async getFileSuggestions( input: string, ): Promise<Array<string | number>> { if (!this.#isFileModeEnabled()) { return []; }
const path = await Deno.stat(input) .then((file) => file.isDirectory ? input : dirname(input)) .catch(() => dirname(input));
return await listDir(path, this.settings.files); }
protected async getSuggestions(): Promise<Array<string | number>> { const input = this.getCurrentInputValue(); const suggestions = [ ...this.loadSuggestions(), ...await this.getUserSuggestions(input), ...await this.getFileSuggestions(input), ].filter(uniqueSuggestions);
if (!input.length) { return suggestions; }
return suggestions .filter((value: string | number) => stripColor(value.toString()) .toLowerCase() .startsWith(input) ) .sort((a: string | number, b: string | number) => distance((a || a).toString(), input) - distance((b || b).toString(), input) ); }
protected body(): string | Promise<string> { return this.getList() + this.getInfo(); }
protected getInfo(): string { if (! { return ""; } const selected: number = this.suggestionsIndex + 1; const matched: number = this.suggestions.length; const actions: Array<[string, Array<string>]> = [];
if (this.suggestions.length) { if (this.settings.list) { actions.push( ["Next", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.next ?? [])], ["Previous", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.previous ?? [])], ["Next Page", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.nextPage ?? [])], [ "Previous Page", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.previousPage ?? []), ], ); } else { actions.push( ["Next", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.next ?? [])], ["Previous", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.previous ?? [])], ); } actions.push( ["Complete", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.complete ?? [])], ); } actions.push( ["Submit", getFiguresByKeys(this.settings.keys?.submit ?? [])], );
let info = this.settings.indent; if (this.suggestions.length) { info += blue(Figures.INFO) + bold(` ${selected}/${matched} `); } info += actions .map((cur) => `${cur[0]}: ${bold(cur[1].join(" "))}`) .join(", ");
return info; }
protected getList(): string { if (!this.suggestions.length || !this.settings.list) { return ""; } const list: Array<string> = []; const height: number = this.getListHeight(); for ( let i = this.suggestionsOffset; i < this.suggestionsOffset + height; i++ ) { list.push( this.getListItem( this.suggestions[i], this.suggestionsIndex === i, ), ); } if (list.length && { list.push(""); } return list.join("\n"); }
/** * Render option. * @param value Option. * @param isSelected Set to true if option is selected. */ protected getListItem( value: string | number, isSelected?: boolean, ): string { let line = this.settings.indent ?? ""; line += isSelected ? `${this.settings.listPointer} ` : " "; if (isSelected) { line += underline(this.highlight(value)); } else { line += this.highlight(value); } return line; }
/** Get suggestions row height. */ protected getListHeight( suggestions: Array<string | number> = this.suggestions, ): number { return Math.min( suggestions.length, this.settings.maxRows || suggestions.length, ); }
/** * Handle user input event. * @param event Key event. */ protected async handleEvent(event: KeyCode): Promise<void> { switch (true) { case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "next", event): if (this.settings.list) { this.selectPreviousSuggestion(); } else { this.selectNextSuggestion(); } break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "previous", event): if (this.settings.list) { this.selectNextSuggestion(); } else { this.selectPreviousSuggestion(); } break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "nextPage", event): if (this.settings.list) { this.selectPreviousSuggestionsPage(); } else { this.selectNextSuggestionsPage(); } break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "previousPage", event): if (this.settings.list) { this.selectNextSuggestionsPage(); } else { this.selectPreviousSuggestionsPage(); } break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "complete", event): await this.#completeValue(); break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "moveCursorRight", event): if (this.inputIndex < this.inputValue.length) { this.moveCursorRight(); } else { await this.#completeValue(); } break; default: await super.handleEvent(event); } }
/** Delete char right. */ protected deleteCharRight(): void { if (this.inputIndex < this.inputValue.length) { super.deleteCharRight(); if (!this.getCurrentInputValue().length) { this.suggestionsIndex = -1; this.suggestionsOffset = 0; } } }
async #completeValue() { this.inputValue = await this.complete(); this.inputIndex = this.inputValue.length; this.suggestionsIndex = 0; this.suggestionsOffset = 0; }
protected async complete(): Promise<string> { let input: string = this.getCurrentInputValue();
if (!input.length) { return input; } const suggestion: string | undefined = this .suggestions[this.suggestionsIndex]?.toString();
if (this.settings.complete) { input = await this.settings.complete(input, suggestion); } else if ( this.#isFileModeEnabled() && !== sep && await isDirectory(input) && ( this.getCurrentInputValue().at(-1) !== "." || this.getCurrentInputValue().endsWith("..") ) ) { input += sep; } else if (suggestion) { input = suggestion; }
return this.#isFileModeEnabled() ? normalize(input) : input; }
/** Select previous suggestion. */ protected selectPreviousSuggestion(): void { if (this.suggestions.length) { if (this.suggestionsIndex > -1) { this.suggestionsIndex--; if (this.suggestionsIndex < this.suggestionsOffset) { this.suggestionsOffset--; } } } }
/** Select next suggestion. */ protected selectNextSuggestion(): void { if (this.suggestions.length) { if (this.suggestionsIndex < this.suggestions.length - 1) { this.suggestionsIndex++; if ( this.suggestionsIndex >= this.suggestionsOffset + this.getListHeight() ) { this.suggestionsOffset++; } } } }
/** Select previous suggestions page. */ protected selectPreviousSuggestionsPage(): void { if (this.suggestions.length) { const height: number = this.getListHeight(); if (this.suggestionsOffset >= height) { this.suggestionsIndex -= height; this.suggestionsOffset -= height; } else if (this.suggestionsOffset > 0) { this.suggestionsIndex -= this.suggestionsOffset; this.suggestionsOffset = 0; } } }
/** Select next suggestions page. */ protected selectNextSuggestionsPage(): void { if (this.suggestions.length) { const height: number = this.getListHeight(); if (this.suggestionsOffset + height + height < this.suggestions.length) { this.suggestionsIndex += height; this.suggestionsOffset += height; } else if (this.suggestionsOffset + height < this.suggestions.length) { const offset = this.suggestions.length - height; this.suggestionsIndex += offset - this.suggestionsOffset; this.suggestionsOffset = offset; } } }}
function uniqueSuggestions( value: unknown, index: number, self: Array<unknown>,) { return typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== "" && self.indexOf(value) === index;}
function isDirectory(path: string): Promise<boolean> { return Deno.stat(path) .then((file) => file.isDirectory) .catch(() => false);}
async function listDir( path: string, mode?: boolean | RegExp,): Promise<Array<string>> { const fileNames: string[] = [];
for await (const file of Deno.readDir(path || ".")) { if ( mode === true && (".") ||"~")) ) { continue; } const filePath = join(path,;
if (mode instanceof RegExp && !mode.test(filePath)) { continue; } fileNames.push(filePath); }
return fileNames.sort(function (a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); });}