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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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/** Parser options. */export interface ParseFlagsOptions< TFlagOptions extends FlagOptions = FlagOptions,> { /** An array of flag options. */ flags?: Array<TFlagOptions>; /** Parser callback function for custom types. */ parse?: TypeHandler<unknown>; /** Option callback function. Will be called for all parsed options. */ option?: (option: TFlagOptions, value?: unknown) => void; /** * Enable stop early. If enabled, all arguments starting from the first non * option argument will be added to the unknown array. * * For example: * `command --debug-level warning server --port 80` * * Will result in: * - flags: `{ debugLevel: 'warning' }` * - unknown: `['server', '--port', '80']` */ stopEarly?: boolean; /** Works similar to `stopEarly`, bit stops on first unknown option or argument. */ stopOnUnknown?: boolean; /** * Don't throw an error when no arguments are passed to the `parseFlags` * function. */ allowEmpty?: boolean; /** Ignore default values for defined flags. */ ignoreDefaults?: Record<string, unknown>; /** Enable/disable dotted options. Default is `true`. */ dotted?: boolean;}
/** Flag options. */export interface FlagOptions extends Omit<ArgumentOptions, "optional"> { /** The name of the flag. */ name: string; /** An array of argument options. */ args?: Array<ArgumentOptions>; /** Mark argument as optional. */ optionalValue?: boolean; /** Name aliases. */ aliases?: string[]; /** If enabled, option cannot be combined with other options. */ standalone?: boolean; /** Default value. */ default?: DefaultValue; /** Mark flag as required. */ required?: boolean; /** * An array of required flags that needs to be called together with this flag. * If one of the flags is missing, an error will be thrown. */ depends?: string[]; /** * An array of conflicting flags that cannot be called together with this flag. * If one of the flags is used together with this flag, an error will be * thrown. */ conflicts?: string[]; /** * A callback function to map the flag value(s). The first argument if the * callback function is the current value, and the second argument is an array * of previous values when combined with the `collect` option. */ value?: ValueHandler; /** * If enabled, the flag can be used multiple times and all values will be * collected into an array. */ collect?: boolean; /** * If enabled, the argument must be assigned with an equals sign to the flag * `--flag=<value>`, otherwise the value for this option will be ignored. */ equalsSign?: boolean;}
/** Options for a flag argument. */export interface ArgumentOptions { /** Argument type. */ type?: ArgumentType | string; /** Make argument optional. */ optional?: boolean; /** Make argument variadic. */ variadic?: boolean; /** * If enabled, argument will be separated by a separator defined with the * `separator` option. */ list?: boolean; /** List separator. */ separator?: string;}
/** Available build-in argument types. */export type ArgumentType = "string" | "boolean" | "number" | "integer";
/** Default flag value or a callback method that returns the default value. */export type DefaultValue<TValue = unknown> = | TValue | DefaultValueHandler<TValue>;
/** Default value callback function to lazy load the default value. */export type DefaultValueHandler<TValue = unknown> = () => TValue;
/** A callback method for custom processing or mapping of flag values. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type ValueHandler<TValue = any, TReturn = TValue> = ( val: TValue, previous?: TReturn,) => TReturn;
/** * Parse result. The parse context will be returned by the `parseFlags` method * and can be also passed as first argument to the `parseFlags` method. */export interface ParseFlagsContext< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any TFlags extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>, TStandaloneOption extends FlagOptions = FlagOptions,> { /** An object of parsed flags. */ flags: TFlags; /** An array of unknown arguments. */ unknown: Array<string>; /** An array of arguments defined after the double dash ` -- `. */ literal: Array<string>; /** Matched standalone option. */ standalone?: TStandaloneOption; /** Is set to `true` if `stopEarly` option is enabled. */ stopEarly: boolean; /** Is set to `true` if `stopOnUnknown` option is enabled. */ stopOnUnknown: boolean; /** A map of option names and default values. */ defaults: Record<string, boolean>;}
/** Argument parsing informations. */export interface ArgumentValue { /** A lable/name which describes the kind of argument, e.g: `Option`. */ label: string; /** The type of the argument. */ type: ArgumentType | string; /** The name of the argument. */ name: string; /** The value of the argument. */ value: string;}
/** * Parse method for custom types. Gets the raw user input passed as argument * and returns the parsed value. */export type TypeHandler<TReturn = unknown> = (arg: ArgumentValue) => TReturn;