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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { KeyCode, parse } from "../keycode/mod.ts";
type KeyPressEventType = "keydown";
/** Keypress event options. */export interface KeyPressEventInit extends EventInit, KeyCode { /** Indicates if the alt key is pressed. */ alt?: boolean; /** Indicates if the key was pressed multiple times. */ repeat?: boolean;}
/** Keypress event listener. */export type KeyPressEventListener = ( evt: KeyPressEvent,) => void | Promise<void>;
/** Keypress event listener object. */export interface KeyPressEventListenerObject { handleEvent(evt: KeyPressEvent): void | Promise<void>;}
/** Keypress event listener or event listener object. */export type KeyPressEventListenerOrEventListenerObject = | KeyPressEventListener | KeyPressEventListenerObject;
/** Keypress event. */export class KeyPressEvent extends Event { /** Key name. */ public readonly key?: string; /** Key string value. */ public readonly char?: string; /** Key sequence. */ public readonly sequence?: string; /** Key code. */ public readonly code?: string; /** Indicates if the ctrl key is pressed. */ public readonly ctrlKey: boolean; /** Indicates if the meta key is pressed. */ public readonly metaKey: boolean; /** Indicates if the shift key is pressed. */ public readonly shiftKey: boolean; /** Indicates if the alt key is pressed. */ public readonly altKey: boolean; /** Indicates if the key was pressed multiple times. */ public readonly repeat: boolean;
constructor( type: KeyPressEventType, eventInitDict: KeyPressEventInit, ) { super(type, eventInitDict); this.key =; this.char = eventInitDict.char; this.sequence = eventInitDict.sequence; this.code = eventInitDict.code; this.ctrlKey = eventInitDict.ctrl ?? false; this.metaKey = eventInitDict.meta ?? false; this.shiftKey = eventInitDict.shift ?? false; this.altKey = eventInitDict.alt ?? false; this.repeat = eventInitDict.repeat ?? false; }}
type Resolver<T> = (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;type Reject = (error: Error) => void;
interface PullQueueItem { resolve: Resolver<KeyPressEvent | null>; reject: Reject;}
/** Keypress class. */export class Keypress extends EventTarget implements AsyncIterableIterator<KeyPressEvent>, PromiseLike<KeyPressEvent> { #disposed = false; #pullQueue: PullQueueItem[] = []; #pushQueue: (KeyPressEvent | null)[] = []; #lastEvent?: KeyPressEvent; #listeners: Record< KeyPressEventType, Set<EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null> > = { keydown: new Set(), };
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<KeyPressEvent> { return this; }
/** Indicates if event loop is disposed. */ get disposed(): boolean { return this.#disposed; }
async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<KeyPressEvent>> { const event: KeyPressEvent | null | false = !this.#disposed && await this.#pullEvent();
return event && !this.#disposed ? { done: false, value: event } : { done: true, value: undefined }; }
then<T, S>( f: (v: KeyPressEvent) => T | Promise<T>, g?: (v: Error) => S | Promise<S>, ): Promise<T | S> { return .then(({ value }) => { this.dispose(); return value; }) .then(f) .catch(g); }
/** * Add keydown event listener. * * @param type Event type. * @param listener Event listener. * @param options Event listener options. */ addEventListener( type: "keydown", listener: KeyPressEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void; addEventListener( type: KeyPressEventType, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void { if (!this.#hasListeners()) { void this.#eventLoop(); } super.addEventListener(type, listener, options); this.#listeners[type].add(listener); }
/** * Remove keydown event listener. * * @param type Event type. * @param listener Event listener. * @param options Event listener options. */ removeEventListener( type: "keydown", listener: KeyPressEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean, ): void; removeEventListener( type: KeyPressEventType, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean, ): void { super.removeEventListener(type, listener, options); this.#listeners[type].delete(listener); }
/** * Dispose event loop. * * @param error If an error is passed, the event loop will throw an error. */ dispose(error?: Error) { if (this.#disposed) { throw new Error("KeyCodeStream already disposed"); } this.#disposed = true; if (this.#pullQueue.length > 0) { const { resolve, reject } = this.#pullQueue[0]; this.#pullQueue.shift(); error ? reject(error) : resolve(null); } }
#eventLoop = async (): Promise<void> => { if (this.#disposed) { return; } await this.#read();
// Jump into the next cycle of deno's event loop. await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));
// Stop event loop if there are no listeners available. if (this.#pullQueue.length || this.#hasListeners()) { await this.#eventLoop(); } };
#read = async (): Promise<void> => { const buffer = new Uint8Array(8); // Deno.stdin.setRaw(true, { cbreak: true }); Deno.stdin.setRaw(true); const nread: number | null = await (error) => { if (!this.#disposed) { this.dispose(error); } return null; }, ); Deno.stdin.setRaw(false);
if (this.#disposed) { return; }
let keys: Array<KeyCode>; try { keys = nread === null ? parse(buffer) : parse(buffer.subarray(0, nread)); } catch (_) { // Ignore invalid characters and read again from stdin. return this.#read(); }
this.#dispatch(keys); };
#dispatch = (keys: Array<KeyCode>): void => { for (const key of keys) { const event = new KeyPressEvent("keydown", { ...key, cancelable: true, repeat: this.#lastEvent && this.#lastEvent.sequence === key.sequence && - this.#lastEvent.timeStamp < 100, }); if (this.#pullQueue.length || !this.#hasListeners()) { this.#pushEvent(event); } if (this.#hasListeners()) { // const canceled = !this.dispatchEvent(event); // if (canceled || this.#disposed) { // if (this.#disposed) { // if (!this.#disposed) { // this.dispose(); // } // break; // } this.dispatchEvent(event); if (this.#disposed) { break; } } this.#lastEvent = event; } };
#pushEvent = (event: KeyPressEvent): void => { if (this.#pullQueue.length > 0) { const { resolve } = this.#pullQueue.shift() as PullQueueItem; resolve(event); } else { this.#pushQueue.push(event); } };
#pullEvent = async (): Promise<KeyPressEvent | null> => { if (!this.#hasListeners()) { await this.#read(); } return new Promise<KeyPressEvent | null>( (resolve: Resolver<KeyPressEvent | null>, reject: Reject) => { if (this.#pushQueue.length > 0) { const event: KeyPressEvent | null = this.#pushQueue.shift() ?? null; resolve(event); } else { this.#pullQueue.push({ resolve, reject }); } }, ); };
#hasListeners = (): boolean => { return Object.values(this.#listeners).some((listeners) => listeners.size); };}
let keyPress: Keypress;
/** * Listens to keypress events. * * ### Promise * * ```typescript * import { keypress, KeyPressEvent } from "./mod.ts"; * * const event: KeyPressEvent = await keypress(); * * console.log(event); * ``` * * ### Async Iterator * * ```ts * import { keypress, KeyPressEvent } from "./mod.ts"; * * console.log("Press ctrl+c to exit."); * * for await (const event: KeyPressEvent of keypress()) { * console.log(event); * * if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === "c") { * console.log("exit"); * break; * } * } * ``` * * ### Event Target * * ```typescript * import { keypress, KeyPressEvent } from "./mod.ts"; * * keypress().addEventListener("keydown", (event: KeyPressEvent) => { * console.log(event); * * if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === "c") { * console.log("exit"); * keypress().dispose(); * } * }); * ``` */export function keypress(): Keypress { if (!keyPress || keyPress.disposed) { keyPress = new Keypress(); } return keyPress;}