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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import type { Cursor } from "../ansi/cursor_position.ts";import { Tty, tty } from "../ansi/tty.ts";import { KeyCode, parse } from "../keycode/key_code.ts";import { bold, brightBlue, dim, green, italic, type Reader, red, stripAnsiCode, type WriterSync, yellow,} from "./deps.ts";import { Figures } from "./_figures.ts";
/** Static generic prompt interface. */export interface StaticGenericPrompt<TValue, TOptions> { /** * Inject prompt value. If called, the prompt doesn't prompt for an input and * returns immediately the injected value. Can be used for unit tests or pre * selections. * * @param value The injected value. */ inject?(value: TValue): void;
/** * Execute the prompt with the given options. * * @param options Prompt options. */ prompt(options: TOptions): Promise<TValue>;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type InferPromptOptions<TPrompt extends GenericPrompt<any, any>> = Parameters< TPrompt["getDefaultSettings"] >[0];
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type InferPromptValue<TPrompt extends GenericPrompt<any, any>> = Awaited< ReturnType< TPrompt["prompt"] >>;
/** Generic prompt options. */export interface GenericPromptOptions<TValue, TRawValue> { /** The prompt message. */ message: string; /** The default value of the prompt. */ default?: TValue; /** Don't show the default value after the prompt message. */ hideDefault?: boolean; /** Validate prompt value. */ validate?: (value: TRawValue) => ValidateResult; /** Transform input value to output value. */ transform?: (value: TRawValue) => TValue | undefined; /** Show a hint below the prompt. */ hint?: string; /** Change the prompt pointer. Default is `brightBlue("›")`. */ pointer?: string; /** Indent the prompt. */ indent?: string; /** Keymap to assign key names to prompt actions. */ keys?: GenericPromptKeys; /** Enable cbreak mode. For more information see [Deno.SetRawOptions]( */ cbreak?: boolean; /** Change the prompt prefix. Default is: `yellow("? ")`. */ prefix?: string; /** Change the prompt input stream. */ reader?: Reader & { setRaw(mode: boolean, options?: Deno.SetRawOptions): void; isTerminal(): boolean; }; /** Change the prompt output stream. */ writer?: WriterSync;}
/** Generic prompt settings. */export interface GenericPromptSettings<TValue, TRawValue> extends GenericPromptOptions<TValue, TRawValue> { pointer: string; indent: string; prefix: string; cbreak: boolean; tty: Tty; reader: Reader & { setRaw(mode: boolean, options?: Deno.SetRawOptions): void; isTerminal(): boolean; }; writer: WriterSync;}
/** Prompt validation return tape. */export type ValidateResult = string | boolean | Promise<string | boolean>;
/** Generic prompt keymap. */export interface GenericPromptKeys { /** Submit keymap. Default is `["enter", "return"]`. */ submit?: Array<string>;}
/** Generic prompt representation. */export abstract class GenericPrompt< TValue, TRawValue,> { protected static injectedValue: unknown | undefined; protected abstract readonly settings: GenericPromptSettings< TValue, TRawValue >; protected readonly cursor: Cursor = { x: 0, y: 0, }; #value: TValue | undefined; #lastError: string | undefined; #isFirstRun = true; #encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * Inject prompt value. If called, the prompt doesn't prompt for an input and * returns immediately the injected value. Can be used for unit tests or pre * selections. * * @param value Input value. */ public static inject(value: unknown): void { GenericPrompt.injectedValue = value; }
public getDefaultSettings( options: GenericPromptOptions<TValue, TRawValue>, ): GenericPromptSettings<TValue, TRawValue> { return { ...options, tty: tty({ // Stdin is only used by getCursorPosition which we don't need. reader: Deno.stdin, writer: options.writer ?? Deno.stdout, }), cbreak: options.cbreak ?? false, reader: options.reader ?? Deno.stdin, writer: options.writer ?? Deno.stdout, pointer: options.pointer ?? brightBlue(Figures.POINTER_SMALL), prefix: options.prefix ?? yellow("? "), indent: options.indent ?? "", keys: { submit: ["enter", "return"], ...(options.keys ?? {}), }, }; }
/** Execute the prompt. */ public async prompt(): Promise<TValue> { try { return await this.#execute(); } finally { this.settings.tty.cursorShow(); } }
/** Clear prompt output. */ protected clear(): void { this.settings.tty.cursorLeft.eraseDown(); }
/** Execute the prompt. */ #execute = async (): Promise<TValue> => { // Throw errors on unit tests. if (typeof GenericPrompt.injectedValue !== "undefined" && this.#lastError) { throw new Error(this.error()); }
await this.render(); this.#lastError = undefined;
if (!await { return this.#execute(); }
if (typeof this.#value === "undefined") { throw new Error("internal error: failed to read value"); }
this.clear(); const successMessage: string | undefined = this.success(this.#value);
if (successMessage) { this.settings.writer.writeSync( this.#encoder.encode(successMessage + "\n"), ); }
GenericPrompt.injectedValue = undefined; this.settings.tty.cursorShow();
return this.#value; };
/** Render prompt. */ protected async render(): Promise<void> { const result: [string, string | undefined, string | undefined] = await Promise.all([ this.message(), this.body?.(), this.footer(), ]);
const content: string = result.filter(Boolean).join("\n"); const lines = content.split("\n");
const columns = getColumns(); const linesCount: number = columns ? lines.reduce((prev, next) => { const length = stripAnsiCode(next).length; return prev + (length > columns ? Math.ceil(length / columns) : 1); }, 0) : content.split("\n").length;
const y: number = linesCount - this.cursor.y - 1;
if (!this.#isFirstRun || this.#lastError) { this.clear(); } this.#isFirstRun = false; this.settings.writer.writeSync(this.#encoder.encode(content));
if (y) { this.settings.tty.cursorUp(y); } this.settings.tty.cursorTo(this.cursor.x); }
/** Read user input from stdin, handle events and validate user input. */ protected async read(): Promise<boolean> { if (typeof GenericPrompt.injectedValue !== "undefined") { const value: TRawValue = GenericPrompt.injectedValue as TRawValue; await this.#validateValue(value); } else { const events: Array<KeyCode> = await this.#readKey();
if (!events.length) { return false; }
for (const event of events) { await this.handleEvent(event); } }
return typeof this.#value !== "undefined"; }
protected submit(): Promise<void> { return this.#validateValue(this.getValue()); }
protected message(): string { return `${this.settings.indent}${this.settings.prefix}` + bold(this.settings.message) + this.defaults(); }
protected defaults(): string { let defaultMessage = ""; if ( typeof this.settings.default !== "undefined" && !this.settings.hideDefault ) { defaultMessage += dim(` (${this.format(this.settings.default)})`); } return defaultMessage; }
/** Get prompt success message. */ protected success(value: TValue): string | undefined { return `${this.settings.indent}${this.settings.prefix}` + bold(this.settings.message) + this.defaults() + " " + this.settings.pointer + " " + green(this.format(value)); }
protected body?(): string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
protected footer(): string | undefined { return this.error() ?? this.hint(); }
protected error(): string | undefined { return this.#lastError ? this.settings.indent + red(bold(`${Figures.CROSS} `) + this.#lastError) : undefined; }
protected hint(): string | undefined { return this.settings.hint ? this.settings.indent + italic(brightBlue(dim(`${Figures.POINTER} `) + this.settings.hint)) : undefined; }
protected setErrorMessage(message: string) { this.#lastError = message; }
/** * Handle user input event. * @param event Key event. */ protected async handleEvent(event: KeyCode): Promise<void> { switch (true) { case === "c" && event.ctrl: this.clear(); this.settings.tty.cursorShow(); Deno.exit(130); return; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "submit", event): await this.submit(); break; } }
/** * Map input value to output value. * @param value Input value. * @return Output value. */ protected abstract transform(value: TRawValue): TValue | undefined;
/** * Validate input value. * @param value User input value. * @return True on success, false or error message on error. */ protected abstract validate(value: TRawValue): ValidateResult;
/** * Format output value. * @param value Output value. */ protected abstract format(value: TValue): string;
/** Get input value. */ protected abstract getValue(): TRawValue;
/** Read user input from stdin and pars ansi codes. */ #readKey = async (): Promise<Array<KeyCode>> => { const data: Uint8Array = await this.#readChar();
return data.length ? parse(data) : []; };
/** Read user input from stdin. */ #readChar = async (): Promise<Uint8Array> => { const buffer = new Uint8Array(8); const isTty = this.settings.reader.isTerminal();
if (isTty) { this.settings.reader.setRaw( true, { cbreak: this.settings.cbreak }, ); } const nread: number | null = await;
if (isTty) { this.settings.reader.setRaw(false); }
if (nread === null) { return buffer; }
return buffer.subarray(0, nread); };
/** * Map input value to output value. If a custom transform handler ist set, the * custom handler will be executed, otherwise the default transform handler * from the prompt will be executed. * @param value The value to transform. */ #transformValue = (value: TRawValue): TValue | undefined => { return this.settings.transform ? this.settings.transform(value) : this.transform(value); };
/** * Validate input value. Set error message if validation fails and transform * output value on success. * If a default value is set, the default will be used as value without any * validation. * If a custom validation handler ist set, the custom handler will * be executed, otherwise a prompt specific default validation handler will be * executed. * @param value The value to validate. */ #validateValue = async (value: TRawValue): Promise<void> => { if (!value && typeof this.settings.default !== "undefined") { this.#value = this.settings.default; return; }
this.#value = undefined; this.#lastError = undefined;
const validation = await (this.settings.validate ? this.settings.validate(value) : this.validate(value));
if (validation === false) { this.#lastError = `Invalid answer.`; } else if (typeof validation === "string") { this.#lastError = validation; } else { this.#value = this.#transformValue(value); } };
/** * Check if key event has given name or sequence. * @param keys Key map. * @param name Key name. * @param event Key event. */ protected isKey<TKey extends unknown, TName extends keyof TKey>( keys: TKey | undefined, name: TName, event: KeyCode, ): boolean { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const keyNames: Array<unknown> | undefined = keys?.[name] as any; return typeof keyNames !== "undefined" && ( (typeof !== "undefined" && keyNames.indexOf( !== -1) || (typeof event.sequence !== "undefined" && keyNames.indexOf(event.sequence) !== -1) ); }}
function getColumns(): number | null { try { // Catch error in none tty mode: Inappropriate ioctl for device (os error 25) return Deno.consoleSize().columns ?? null; } catch (_error) { return null; }}