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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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/** * Get next words from the beginning of [content] until all words have a length lower or equal then [length]. * * @param length Max length of all words. * @param content The text content. */import { Cell, CellType } from "./cell.ts";import { consumeWords } from "./consume_words.ts";import { stripAnsiCode, unicodeWidth } from "./deps.ts";
/** * Get longest cell from given row index. */export function longest( index: number, rows: Array<Array<CellType>>, maxWidth?: number,): number { const cellLengths = => { const cell = row[index]; const cellValue = cell instanceof Cell && cell.getColSpan() > 1 ? "" : cell?.toString() || "";
return cellValue .split("\n") .map((line: string) => { const str = typeof maxWidth === "undefined" ? line : consumeWords(maxWidth, line);
return strLength(str) || 0; }); }).flat();
return Math.max(...cellLengths);}
export const strLength = (str: string): number => { return unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode(str));};
/** Regex `source` to match any relevant ANSI code. */export const ansiRegexSource = // deno-lint-ignore no-control-regex /\x1b\[(?:(?<_0>0)|(?<_22>1|2|22)|(?<_23>3|23)|(?<_24>4|24)|(?<_27>7|27)|(?<_28>8|28)|(?<_29>9|29)|(?<_39>30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38;2;\d+;\d+;\d+|38;5;\d+|39|90|91|92|93|94|95|96|97)|(?<_49>40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47|48;2;\d+;\d+;\d+|48;5;\d+|49|100|101|102|103|104|105|106|107))m/ .source;
/** * Get unclosed ANSI runs in a string. * * @param text - A string segment possibly containing unclosed ANSI runs. */export function getUnclosedAnsiRuns(text: string) { type Token = { kind: string; content: string }; const tokens: Token[] = []; for (const { groups } of text.matchAll(new RegExp(ansiRegexSource, "g"))) { const [_kind, content] = Object.entries(groups!).find(([_, val]) => val)!; tokens.push({ kind: _kind.slice(1), content }); }
let unclosed: Token[] = []; for (const token of tokens) { // Subsequent ANSI codes of a given kind automatically "close" previous // codes of the same kind, so we remove the previous ones. // E.g. in the string `${bg_red} A ${bg_yellow} B ${close_bg} C`, "B" only // has a single background color (yellow), and "C" has no background color. unclosed = [...unclosed.filter((y) => y.kind !== token.kind), token]; }
unclosed = unclosed.filter(({ content, kind }) => content !== kind);
const currentSuffix = unclosed .map(({ kind }) => `\x1b[${kind}m`).reverse().join(""); const nextPrefix ={ content }) => `\x1b[${content}m`).join("");
return { /** The suffix to be appended to the text to close all unclosed runs. */ currentSuffix, /** * The prefix to be appended to the next segment to continue unclosed * runs if the input text forms the first segment of a multi-line string. */ nextPrefix, };}