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cross-platform Deno module for writing and reading clipboard.
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import { Buffer, copy } from "../deps.ts";import { decode, encode, writeTmp } from "./helper.ts";
export async function read_text(): Promise<string> { const p ={ cmd: ["powershell", "-noprofile", "-command", "Get-Clipboard"], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", });
try { const status = await p.status(); if (!status.success) { p.stdout.close(); const cause = decode(await p.stderrOutput()); throw new Error( `cannot read text: exit code: ${status.code}, error: ${cause}`, ); } p.stderr.close(); return decode(await p.output()).replace(/\r?\n/, ""); } finally { p.close(); }}
export async function write_text(text: string): Promise<void> { const p ={ cmd: ["powershell", "-noprofile", "-command", "$input|Set-Clipboard"], stdin: "piped", stderr: "piped", });
const buf = new Buffer(encode(text)); await copy(buf, p.stdin);
try { const status = await p.status(); if (!status.success) { const cause = decode(await p.stderrOutput()); throw new Error( `cannot write text: exit code: ${status.code}, error: ${cause}`, ); } p.stderr.close(); } finally { p.close(); }}
export async function read_image(): Promise<Deno.Reader> { const tmp = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const p ={ cmd: [ "PowerShell", "-Command", "Add-Type", "-AssemblyName", `System.Windows.Forms;$clip=[Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetImage();if ($clip -ne $null) { $clip.Save('${tmp}') };`, ], stderr: "piped", });
try { const status = await p.status(); if (!status.success) { const cause = decode(await p.stderrOutput()); throw new Error( `cannot read text: exit code: ${status.code}, error: ${cause}`, ); } p.stderr.close();
const dst = new Buffer(); const src = await; await copy(src, dst); src.close(); return dst; } finally { p.close(); }}
export async function write_image(data: Uint8Array): Promise<void> { const tmp = await writeTmp(new Buffer(data)); const p ={ cmd: [ "PowerShell", "-Command", "Add-Type", "-AssemblyName", `System.Windows.Forms;[Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::SetImage([System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile('${tmp}'));`, ], stderr: "piped", });
try { const status = await p.status(); if (!status.success) { const cause = decode(await p.stderrOutput()); throw new Error( `cannot read text: exit code: ${status.code}, error: ${cause}`, ); } p.stderr.close(); } finally { p.close(); }}