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An implementation of the StorageArea interface using Cloudflare Worker's KV storage as a backing store
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any// import ''
import * as Structured from '';import { Encoder as BinaryEncoder, Decoder as BinaryDecoder } from '';
export interface KVPacker { // @ts-ignore: deno only set(kv: KVNamespace, key: string, value: any, opts?: any): Promise<void>; // @ts-ignore: deno only get(kv: KVNamespace, key: string, opts?: any): Promise<any>;}
export class StructuredPacker implements KVPacker { // @ts-ignore: deno only async set(kv: KVNamespace, key: string, value: any, opts?: KVNamespacePutOptions) { await kv.put(key, Structured.stringify(value), opts); } // @ts-ignore: deno only async get(kv: KVNamespace, key: string) { return Structured.fromJSON(await kv.get(key, 'json')); }}
/** @deprecated This doesn't match structured clone algorithm close enough. Not recommended */export class MsgPacker implements KVPacker { // @ts-ignore: deno only async set(kv: KVNamespace, key: string, value: any, opts?: any): Promise<void> { await kv.put(key, new BinaryEncoder({ structuredClone: true }).encode(value), opts); } // @ts-ignore: deno only async get(kv: KVNamespace, key: string): Promise<any> { const data = await kv.get(key, 'arrayBuffer'); return data && new BinaryDecoder({ structuredClone: true }).decode(new Uint8Array(data)); }}
export { StructuredPacker as TypesonPacker }