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Collection data structures that are not standard built-in objects in JavaScript. This includes a vector (double-ended queue), binary heap (priority queue), binary search tree, and a red black tree.
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/** This module is browser compatible. */
import type { compare, map } from "./common.ts";
const maxCapacity: number = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
function positiveIndex(length: number, index: number, inclusive = false) { index = Math.floor(index); if (index < -length) index = 0; if (index < 0) index += length; if (index >= length) index = length - (inclusive ? 1 : 0); return index;}
function reduce<T, U>( iterator: IterableIterator<T>, length: number, step: -1 | 1, callback: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U, initialValue?: U,): U { if (typeof initialValue === "undefined" && length === 0) { throw new TypeError("cannot reduce empty vector with no initial value"); } let result: U; let index: number = step < 0 ? length - 1 : 0; if (typeof initialValue === "undefined") { result =; index += step; } else { result = initialValue; } for (const current of iterator) { result = callback(result, current, index); index += step; } return result;}
export type mapVector<T, U> = ( v: T | undefined, k: number, vector: Vector<T>,) => U | undefined;
/** * A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer. * Vector is faster than JavaScript's built in Array class for shifting and unshifting * because it only requires reallocation when increasing the capacity. */export class Vector<T> implements Iterable<T> { private data: (T | undefined)[]; private _capacity = 0; private _length = 0; private start = 0; private end = -1;
constructor(capacity: number = 0) { if ( typeof capacity !== "number" || Math.floor(capacity) !== capacity ) { throw new TypeError("invalid capacity"); } else if (capacity < 0 || capacity > maxCapacity) { throw new RangeError("invalid capacity"); } this._capacity = capacity; = []; = capacity; }
/** Creates a new vector from an array like or iterable object. */ static from<T, U, V>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | Vector<T>, ): Vector<U>; static from<T, U, V>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | Vector<T>, options: { map: map<T, U>; thisArg?: V; }, ): Vector<U>; static from<T, U, V>( collection: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T> | Vector<T>, options?: { map: map<T, U>; thisArg?: V; }, ): Vector<U> { let result: Vector<U>; if (collection instanceof Vector) { if (options?.map) { result =, options.thisArg); } else { result = new Vector(); = Array.from( as (U | undefined)[]; result._capacity = collection.capacity; result._length = collection.length; result.start = collection.start; result.end = collection.end; } } else { result = new Vector(); = options?.map ? Array.from(collection, options?.map, options?.thisArg) : Array.from(collection as (U | undefined)[]); result._length =; result._capacity = result._length; result.start = 0; result.end = result._length - 1; } return result; }
/** * The amount of values stored in the vector. * You can set the length to truncate the vector. * If you increase the length by setting it, the new slots will be empty. */ get length(): number { return this._length; } set length(value: number) { if (value === 0) { if (this.length !== 0) = []; = this.capacity; this.start = 0; this.end = -1; } else if ( typeof value !== "number" || Math.floor(value) !== value ) { throw new TypeError("invalid length"); } else if (value < 0 || value > maxCapacity) { throw new RangeError("invalid length"); } else if (value < this.length) { const previousEnd: number = this.end; this.end = (this.start + value - 1) % this.capacity; if (previousEnd < this.start && this.end >= this.start) {, this.end + 1, this.capacity);, 0, previousEnd + 1); } else {, this.end + 1, previousEnd + 1); } } else if (value > this.capacity) { this.capacity = value; this.end = (this.start + value - 1) % this.capacity; } else if (value > this.length) { this.end = (this.start + value - 1) % this.capacity; } this._length = value; }
/** * The vector will be able to hold this many values without reallocating. * If the length exceeds the capacity, then the capacity will be increased. * Changing the capacity may trigger reallocation. * Changing the capacity to less than the length will change * the length to be equal to the new capacity. */ get capacity(): number { return this._capacity; } set capacity(value: number) { if (value === 0) { this._capacity = 0; this.clear(); } else if ( typeof value !== "number" || Math.floor(value) !== value ) { throw new TypeError("invalid capacity"); } else if (value < 0 || value > maxCapacity) { throw new RangeError("invalid capacity"); } else if (value < this.length) { this._length = value; this.end = (this.start + value - 1) % this.capacity; = this.toArray(); this.start = 0; this.end = value - 1; } else if (this.end < this.start && value !== this.capacity) { = .slice(this.start, this.capacity) .concat(, this.end + 1)); this.start = 0; this.end = this.length - 1; } else if (this.end >= value) { =, this.end + 1); this.start = 0; this.end = this.length - 1; } = value; this._capacity = value; }
/** * Returns the value at the given index. * If the value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end. * The index 0 would return the first value in the vector. * The index -1 would return the last value in the vector. */ get(index: number): T | undefined { if (index < -this.length || index >= this.length) return; index = positiveIndex(this.length, index); index = (this.start + index) % this.capacity; return[index]; }
/** * Sets the value at the given index, then returns the value. * If the value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end. * The index 0 would set the first value in the vector. * The index -1 would set the last value in the vector. * If the absolute index value is greater than the length, * the size will be increased to match before setting the value. */ set(index: number, value: T | undefined) { const offset: number = (index < 0 ? Math.abs(index) : (index + 1)) - this.length; if (offset > 0) { const newLength: number = this.length + offset; let newCapacity: number = this.capacity || 1; while (newCapacity < newLength) newCapacity *= 2; this.capacity = newCapacity; this.length = newLength; } if (index < 0) { if (offset > 0) { this.start -= offset; this.end -= offset; if (this.start < 0) this.start += this.capacity; if (this.end < 0) this.end += this.capacity; } index = this.end + index + 1; if (index < 0) index = this.capacity + index; } else { index = (this.start + index) % this.capacity; }[index] = value; return value; }
/** * Removes and returns the value at index from the vector. * If the value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end. * The values between the index and the end will be shifted to the left. */ delete(index: number): T | undefined { let value: T | undefined; if ( this.length !== 0 && index < this.length && index >= -this.length ) { value = this.splice(index, 1).get(0); } return value; }
/** Shrinks the capacity to be equal to the length. */ shrinkToFit(): void { this.capacity = this.length; }
/** Returns the first value in the vector, or undefined if it is empty. */ peek(): T | undefined { return[this.start]; }
/** Removes the first value from the vector and returns it, or undefined if it is empty. */ shift(): T | undefined { const result =[this.start]; if (this.length > 0) {[this.start] = undefined; this._length--; this.start = this.start === this.capacity ? 0 : ((this.start + 1) % this.capacity); } return result; }
/** Adds values to the start of the vector. */ unshift(...values: T[]): number { const newLength: number = this.length + values.length; let newCapacity: number = this.capacity || 1; while (newCapacity < newLength) newCapacity *= 2; this.capacity = newCapacity; this.length = newLength; this.start = values.length < this.start ? (this.start - values.length) : (this.capacity - values.length + this.start); this.end = (this.start + this.length - 1) % this.capacity; let index: number = this.start; for (const value of values) {[index++ % this.capacity] = value; } return this.length; }
/** Returns the last value in the vector, or undefined if it is empty. */ peekRight(): T | undefined { return[this.end]; }
/** Removes the last value from the vector and returns it, or undefined if it is empty. */ pop(): T | undefined { const result =[this.end]; if (this.length > 0) {[this.end] = undefined; this._length--; this.end = (this.end || this.capacity) - 1; } return result; }
/** Adds values to the end of the vector. */ push(...values: T[]): number { const oldLength: number = this.length; const newLength: number = oldLength + values.length; let newCapacity: number = this.capacity || 1; while (newCapacity < newLength) newCapacity *= 2; this.capacity = newCapacity; this.length = newLength; let index: number = (this.start + oldLength) % this.capacity; for (const value of values) {[index++ % this.capacity] = value; } return this.length; }
/** * Applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the vector (from left-to-right) to reduce it to a single value. * If no initial value is supplied, the first value in the vector will be used and skipped. * Calling reduce on an empty array without an initial value creates a TypeError. */ reduce<U>( callback: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U, initialValue?: U, ): U { return reduce(this.values(), this.length, 1, callback, initialValue); }
/** * Applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the vector (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. * If no initial value is supplied, the last value in the vector will be used and skipped. * Calling reduce on an empty array without an initial value creates a TypeError. */ reduceRight<U>( callback: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U, initialValue?: U, ): U { return reduce(this.valuesRight(), this.length, -1, callback, initialValue); }
/** * Creates and returns a new string concatenating all of the values in the Vector, * converted to strings using their toString methods and * separated by commas or a specified separator string. */ join(separator = ","): string { const iterator: IterableIterator<T> = this.values(); let result = ""; let started = false; for (const value of iterator) { if (started) result += separator; result += (value as unknown as string)?.toString() ?? ""; if (!started) started = true; } return result; }
/** * Creates and returns a new string concatenating all of the values in the Vector, * converted to strings using their toString methods and separated by commas. */ toString(): string { return this.join(); }
/** * Creates and returns a new string concatenating all of the values in the Vector, * converted to strings using their toLocaleString methods and * separated by a locale-specific string. */ toLocaleString(): string { return this.toArray().toLocaleString(); }
/** * Returns a shallow copy of a portion of the vector into a new vector. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. * For example, `vector.slice(-2)` would return a new vector * containing the last 2 values. */ slice(start = 0, end?: number): Vector<T> { const vector: Vector<T> = new Vector();
start = positiveIndex(this.length, start); end = positiveIndex(this.length, end ?? this.length); if (start >= end) return vector; start = (this.start + start) % this.capacity; end = (this.start + end) % this.capacity; = (end > start ?, end) : ( .slice(start, this.capacity) .concat(, end)))) as T[]; vector._length =; vector._capacity = vector._length; vector.end = vector._length - 1; return vector; }
/** * Changes the contents of an array in place by removing or replacing existing elements * or inserting new values. Then returns an Vector of the values that were removed. * Returns a shallow copy of a portion of the vector into a new vector. * The start represents the index of value you may insert values before * or delete values starting from. * The deleteCount is the number of values you would like to delete from the vector. * The deleteCount would default to the number of values between the index and the end of the vector. * If the start value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. * If the deleteCount is less than 0, no values will be deleted. * If any insert values are specified, they will be inserted before the start index. */ splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number): Vector<T>; splice( start: number, deleteCount: number, ...insertValues: (T | undefined)[] ): Vector<T>; splice( start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...insertValues: (T | undefined)[] ): Vector<T> { start = positiveIndex(this.length, start); deleteCount = deleteCount ?? (this.length - start); if (deleteCount < 0) deleteCount = 0; let end: number = start + deleteCount; if (end > this.length) end = this.length; const removed: Vector<T> = this.slice(start, end); let offset = start - end + insertValues.length; const before = start; const after = this.length - end; if (offset) { if (offset > 0) { this.length += offset; if (before < after) { this.start -= offset; this.end -= offset; if (this.start < 0) this.start += this.capacity; if (this.end < 0) this.end += this.capacity; for (let i = 0; i < before; i++) { this.set(i, this.get(i + offset)); } } else { for (let i = 1; i <= after; i++) { const index = this.length - i; this.set(index, this.get(index - offset)); } } } else { offset *= -1; if (before < after) { start += offset; for (let i = 1; i <= before; i++) { const index = start - i; this.set(index, this.get(index - offset)); } this.start += offset; this.end += offset; if (this.start < 0) this.start += this.capacity; if (this.end < 0) this.end += this.capacity; } else { end -= offset; for (let i = 0; i < after; i++) { const index = end + i; this.set(index, this.get(index + offset)); } } this.length -= offset; } } for (let i = 0; i < insertValues.length; i++) { this.set(start + i, insertValues[i]); } return removed; }
/** * Reverses the vector in place then returns it. */ reverse(): Vector<T> { const mid: number = Math.floor(this.length / 2); for (let i = 0; i < mid; i++) { const temp: T | undefined = this.get(i); const j: number = this.length - i - 1; this.set(i, this.get(j)); this.set(j, temp); } return this; }
/** * Executes the provided function once for each value in the vector. * Optionally, you can iterate a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ forEach( callback: (value: T | undefined, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => void, start?: number, end?: number, ): void; forEach<U>( callback: (value: T | undefined, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => void, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): void; forEach<U>( callback: (value: T | undefined, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => void, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): void { if (typeof thisArg === "number") { end = start; start = thisArg; thisArg = undefined; } start = positiveIndex(this.length, start ?? 0); end = positiveIndex(this.length, end ?? this.length); for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {, this.get(i)!, i, this); } }
/** * Creates a new vector from the results of executing the provided function * for each value in the vector. * Optionally, you can iterate a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ map<U>( callback: mapVector<T, U>, start?: number, end?: number, ): Vector<U>; map<U, V>( callback: mapVector<T, U>, thisArg?: V, start?: number, end?: number, ): Vector<U>; map<U, V>( callback: mapVector<T, U>, thisArg?: V, start?: number, end?: number, ): Vector<U> { if (typeof thisArg === "number") { end = start; start = thisArg; thisArg = undefined; } start = positiveIndex(this.length, start ?? 0); end = positiveIndex(this.length, end ?? this.length); const result: Vector<U> = (start === 0 && end === this.length ? Vector.from(this) : this.slice(start, end)) as Vector<U>; const offset: number = start; start = 0; end = result.length; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { result.set( i,, this.get(i + offset), i + offset, this), ); } return result; }
/** * Returns the index of the first value in the vector that satisfies the * provided testing function or 1 if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ findIndex( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): number; findIndex<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): number; findIndex<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): number { if (typeof thisArg === "number") { end = start; start = thisArg; thisArg = undefined; } start = positiveIndex(this.length, start ?? 0); end = positiveIndex(this.length, end ?? this.length); for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (, this.get(i)!, i, this)) return i; } return -1; }
/** * Returns the index of the last value in the vector that satisfies the * provided testing function or -1 if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ findLastIndex( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): number; findLastIndex<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): number; findLastIndex<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): number { if (typeof thisArg === "number") { end = start; start = thisArg; thisArg = undefined; } start = positiveIndex(this.length, start ?? 0); end = positiveIndex(this.length, end ?? this.length);
for (let i = end - 1; i >= start; i--) { if (, this.get(i)!, i, this)) return i; } return -1; }
/** * Returns the first value in the vector that satisfies the * provided testing function or undefined if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ find( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined; find<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined; find<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined { const index: number = this.findIndex(callback, thisArg, start, end); return index !== -1 ? this.get(index) : undefined; }
/** * Returns the last value in the vector that satisfies the * provided testing function or undefined if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ findLast( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined; findLast<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined; findLast<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): T | undefined { const index: number = this.findLastIndex(callback, thisArg, start, end); return index !== -1 ? this.get(index) : undefined; }
/** * Returns true if a value in the vector satisfies the * provided testing function or false if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ some( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean; some<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean; some<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean { const index: number = this.findIndex(callback, thisArg, start, end); return index !== -1; }
/** * Returns true if a value in the vector satisfies the * provided testing function or false if it is not found. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ every( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean; every<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean; every<U>( callback: (value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) => unknown, thisArg?: U, start?: number, end?: number, ): boolean { const index: number = this.findIndex( function (this: U, value: T, index: number, vector: Vector<T>) { return !, value, index, vector); }, thisArg, start, end, ); return index === -1; }
/** * Returns the first index at which the search value can be found in the vector, * or -1 if it is not found. This uses strict equality checks. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ indexOf(searchValue: T, start?: number, end?: number): number { return this.findIndex((value: T) => value === searchValue, start, end); }
/** * Returns the last index at which the search value can be found in the vector, * or -1 if it is not found. This uses strict equality checks. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ lastIndexOf(searchValue: T, start?: number, end?: number): number { return this.findLastIndex((value: T) => value === searchValue, start, end); }
/** * Returns true if the search value can be found in the vector, * or false if it is not found. This uses strict equality checks. * Optionally, you can search a subset of the vector by providing an index range. * The start and end represent the index of values in the vector. * The end is exclusive meaning it will not be included. * If the index value is negative, it will be subtracted from the end of the vector. */ includes(searchValue: T, start?: number, end?: number): boolean { const index: number = this.indexOf(searchValue, start, end); return index !== -1; }
/** * Merges two or more iterables together. * This does not change existing Iterables, it returns a new Vector. */ concat<U>(...values: (Vector<U> | ConcatArray<U>)[]): Vector<U> { const vector: Vector<U> = new Vector(); = this.toArray() as unknown as U[]; = .apply(, Vector<U> | ConcatArray<U>) => { return value instanceof Vector ? value.toArray() : value; }) as ConcatArray<U>[], ); vector._length =; vector._capacity = vector._length; vector.end = vector._length - 1; return vector; }
/** * Sorts the values of the vector in place then returns it. * This uses Array sort method internally. * If the vector has been shifted it may trigger reallocation before sorting. */ sort(compare?: compare<T>) { if (this.start !== 0) { = this.toArray(); this.start = 0; this.end = this.length - 1; }
if (compare); else; return this; }
/** Removes all values from the vector. */ clear(): void { if (this.length !== 0) { = []; = this.capacity; this._length = 0; } this.start = 0; this.end = -1; }
/** Checks if the vector is empty. */ isEmpty(): boolean { return this.length === 0; }
/** * Converts the vector to an array. * It's recommended to use this instead of `Array.from` because * this method is significantly faster. */ toArray(): T[] { return (this.end >= this.start ?, this.end + 1) : ( .slice(this.start, this.capacity) .concat(, this.end + 1)))) as T[]; }
/** Returns an iterator for retrieving and removing values from the vector (from left-to-right). */ *drain(): IterableIterator<T> { while (!this.isEmpty()) { yield this.shift() as T; } }
/** Returns an iterator for retrieving and removing values from the vector (from right-to-left). */ *drainRight(): IterableIterator<T> { while (!this.isEmpty()) { yield this.pop() as T; } }
/** Returns an iterator for retrieving values from the vector (from left-to-right). */ *values(): IterableIterator<T> { let offset = 0; while (offset < this.length) { const idx = (this.start + offset++) % this.capacity; yield[idx] as T; } }
/** Returns an iterator for retrieving values from the vector (from right-to-left). */ *valuesRight(): IterableIterator<T> { let offset = 0; while (offset < this.length) { let index = this.end - offset++; if (index < 0) index = this.capacity + index; yield[index] as T; } }
/** Returns an iterator for retrieving values from the vector (from left-to-right). */ *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T> { yield* this.values(); }}