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🦕 Combinatorial generators including combinations, permutations, combinations with replacement, permutations with replacement, cartesian products, and power sets.
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/** * Yields `r` length `Arrays` from the input `iterable`. Order of selection is not * important and elements are chosen with replacement. * * ```ts * import { assertEquals } from ""; * import { combinationsWithReplacement } from ""; * * const sequences = [...combinationsWithReplacement([1, 2, 3, 4], 2)]; * * assertEquals(sequences, [ * [1, 1], * [1, 2], * [1, 3], * [1, 4], * [2, 2], * [2, 3], * [2, 4], * [3, 3], * [3, 4], * [4, 4], * ]); * ``` */export function* combinationsWithReplacement<T>( iterable: Iterable<T>, r: number,): Generator<T[]> { if (!Number.isInteger(r) || r < 0) { throw RangeError("r must be a non-negative integer"); } const pool = [...iterable]; const n = pool.length; if (n === 0 && r > 0) { return; } const indices = new Uint32Array(r); yield Array(r).fill(pool[0]); while (true) { let i: number; loop: { for (i = r - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (indices[i] !== n - 1) { break loop; } } return; } const result: T[] = Array(r); for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { result[j] = pool[indices[j]]; } const index = indices[i] + 1; const element = pool[index]; for (let j = i; j < r; j++) { indices[j] = index; result[j] = element; } yield result; }}