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An implementation of parser combinators for Deno. If you’re looking for production-ready code use Parsimmon.


const helloWorldParser = seq(
  mapJoin(manyTill(anyChar(), str("!"))),

const worldRes = helloWorldParser({
  text: "Hello, World!",
  index: 0,

  success: true,
  ctx: {
    text: "Hello, World!",
    index: 13

const nameParser = map(helloWorldParser, ([, , name]) => name);
const nameRes = nameParser({
  text: "Hello, Joe Doe!",
  index: 0,

  success: true,
  value: "Joe Doe!",
  ctx: {
    text: "Hello, Joe Doe!",
    index: 15

For more examples, take a look at tests.


A parser combinator is a function that takes several parsers as input, and returns a new parser. combine defines a few such combinators depending on how the parsers should be combined, seq which takes a list of parser that are applied sequentially, oneOf which tries all parsers sequentially and applies the first one that’s succesful, furthest which tries all parsers and applies the one that consumes the most input and more.

Most included parsers are LL(1), with some notable exceptions such as str and regex. Other LL(k) parsers library are the result of using combinators and are included for convenience, like signed, horizontalSpace and others.

A couple of common utility functions are also included.

Order and recursion

While you can use parsers as shown in the above example, that quickly becomes a problem for some parsing tasks, like DSLs.

Take a simple calculator grammar defined as:

expr=term, expr1;
term=factor, term1;
term1="*", factor, term1 | "/", factor, term1|;
factor="(", expr , ")" | number;
number=digit , {digit};
digit = "1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"|"0";

expr needs to be defined using term and expr1, so these two parsers need to be defined first. But then expr1 refers to itself which triggers an infinite loop unless we use lazy.

An implementation of the above can be seen in the calculator test.

We can see that the parsers which depend on each other need to be declared using a named function as opposed to addop and mulop. Also, in the factor parser we need to use lazy, otherwise we’d trigger an infinite mutual recursion where:

factor calls expression expression calls factor


Borrowing a trick from Parsimmon, we can use the createLanguage function to define our grammar. This allows us to not worry about the order in which we define parsers, and we get each parser defined as lazy for free (well, with some minor computational cost). You can see a comparison of directly using the parser vs createLanguage in this benchmark, and you can see another example in this other benchmark.

Typing support for createLanguage is not great at the moment. There are two ways to use it:

 * Untyped, provide `UnknownLanguage` as a type parameter.
 * This will make all of the grammar consist of Parser<unknown>,
 * but you at least get a mapping for the `self` parameter.
const lang = createLanguage<UnknownLanguage>({
  Foo: (s) => either(s.Bar /* this is checked to exist */, number()),
  Bar: () => str("Bar"),

// Typed
type TypedLanguage = {
  Foo: Parser<string, number>,
  Bar: Parser<string>,
  // ...
const typedLang = createLanguage<TypedLanguage>({
  Foo: (s) => either(
    s.Bar // this is checked to exist with the expected type 
  Bar: () => str("Bar"),

Note that for more complex grammar you generally need some sort of recursion. For those cases, it can be tricky to define the TypedLanguage, have a look at this example for inspiration.

Note that since this also wraps all of the functions in a lazy() closure, this does also bring a small performance hit. In the future we should be able to only apply lazy() only where it’s needed.


Performance is an inherent challenge for parser combinators. It’s easy to create a parser that performs badly due to backtracking, or by using expensive combinators like furthest.

For small inputs, combine performs ~3x slower than Parsimmon (see benchmark), but that gap widens even further as the input grows.

Going forward

This started out as a learning exercise and it most likely will stay that way for some time. There’s no reason at the moment for anyone to be using this instead of any other framework available for TypeScript - not in terms of usability, and not in terms of performance or tooling. If this changes - then it would make sense to get this out of pre-release.

Major improvement opportunities:

  • Address performance issues
  • Tooling: tracing, profiling, etc.
  • Nicer composition of parsers (avoid the pyramid of doom)


MIT © Claudiu Ceia