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Commands 📦

Commands for node users

create a file called run.config

inside he writes:

  server: node server.js

then execute with node js the file Commands.js and enter your command.

Commands for deno users

nest badge deno nest badge

for deno users now you can create command shortcuts to run files in deno and listen to changes in files.

create a file called run.json

inside he writes:

  "config": {
    "yourCommand": "--[any] anyFile.ts or .js"
  "files": ["./myWatch.ts", "./src/index.js"]

note: by default listen to all files

to install Commands for deno you must run the command:

$ deno install --allow-read --allow-run -n commands --unstable

to update Commands run:

$ deno install -f --allow-read --allow-run -n commands --unstable

Use with deno


in run.json

  "config": {
    "start": "--allow-net server.ts"
  "files": ["./app.ts", "./server.ts"]

in command line

$ commands start

info ⚠

the run.json file must be at the root of the directory to function.

Commands for deno is created with the standard libraries which are not yet completely stable, any problem can create an issue to the repository

installation permissions

  • Read: to read the run.json file

  • Run: to run deno in background