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import { Command, DenoLandProvider, EnumType, UpgradeCommand, ValidationError,} from "../deps.ts";import { getDiffText } from "../lib/get_diff_text.ts";import { getCommitMessageSuggestion } from "../lib/get_commit_message_suggestion.ts";import { loadConfig } from "../lib/load_config.ts";import { ConfigCommand } from "./config.ts";
export class MainCommand extends Command { constructor() { super();
const modelType = new EnumType(["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"]);"cg") .env("OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKEN=<value:string>", "OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN") .env("OPENAI_API_KEY=<value:string>", "OPENAI API KEY") .type("model-type", modelType) .option("-m --model <model:model-type>", "Model name") .option("-d, --debug", "Print debug log") .action(async (options) => { const config = await loadConfig(); const apiKey = options.openaiAccessToken || options.openaiApiKey || config.api_key;
if (apiKey === undefined) { throw new ValidationError( "Any of the environment variables are required", ); }
const diffText = await getDiffText(); const model = options.model || config.model || "gpt-3.5-turbo"; const commitMessageSuggestion = await getCommitMessageSuggestion( apiKey, diffText, model, options.debug, );
console.log(commitMessageSuggestion); }) .command("config", new ConfigCommand()) .command( "upgrade", new UpgradeCommand({ main: "cg.ts", args: [ "--allow-env", "--allow-run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "--allow-write", ], provider: new DenoLandProvider({ name: "commit_genius" }), }), ) .reset(); }}