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JavaScript date-time utilities that keeps timezones on the surface
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interface ComPlainTime
import { type ComPlainTime } from "";

Describes a basic time-of-day object with minimal properties.


hour: number

Hour (1-23)

minute: number

Minute (0-59)

second: number

Second (0-59)

millisecond: number

Millisecond (0-999)

iso: string

Thh:mm:ss.sss (ISO 8601)

valueOf: () => number

Tallied milliseconds since 00:00

toString: () => string

hh:mm / hh:mm:ss / hh:mm:ss.sss

toJSON: () => ReturnType<this["toString"]>

hh:mm / hh:mm:ss / hh:mm:ss.sss

toLocaleString: (locale?: Intl.LocalesArgument, options?: FormatPlainTimeOptions) => string

Localize the time for display to a user.

constructor: PlainTimeFactory<this>