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Date-time handling in JavaScript has always been hard. While we’re all waiting for Temporal to arrive, this is a collection of tools for expressive and timezone-safe manipulation of dates and times on top of the JavaScript features already available in today’s browsers and runtime systems.

The central idea in ComPlainDate is to provide timezone-agnostic PlainDate and PlainTime objects with composable utility functions for common calendar and time related operations.

It may well be that ComPlainDate will stay useful even after Temporal is available — only time will tell…

API documentation

The full API documentation and categorized lists of available functions are available at


ComPlainDate is distributed as an npm package as well as a Deno module:

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick example
  3. Working with timezone strings
  4. Why another JavaScript date-time library?
  5. Guiding principles
  6. Limitations


ComPlainDate provides a few special objects and a bunch of utility functions to operate on those objects.

The main concepts we need to represent are:

  • instant: a universal point in time.
  • calendar date: a year, month, and day-of-month.
  • time-of-day: a wall-time of hours, minutes, and seconds.

None of the concepts above have an inherent timezone, in themselves they are all timezone-agnostic. But to convert an instant to the corresponding local calendar date and time-of-day at a specific place, and vice versa, we need to add a supporting concept:

  • timezone: a set of rules describing how local wall-time in an area relates to universal time.

Let’s go through how ComPlainDate supports working with each of these four concepts, starting with the simplest but perhaps most central one.

Timezones are just strings

Modern JavaScript engines know the rules for timezones around the globe through Intl, and although it’s not entirely straight-forward we can tap into that knowledge using some clever tricks. The main purpose of ComPlainDate is to abstract those tricks away.

All we need is the name of a timezone, and those names are represented by simple strings with underscore replacing space, like "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam".

ComPlainDate has utility functions that helps parse, validate, sanitize and format timezone strings.

What, no Instant?

Surprisingly, ComPlainDate does not provide any special object representing a universal instant in time.

JavaScript’s Date is basically a wrapper around a UNIX timestamp (the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC) and doesn’t know about timezones. This UTC-centric aspect of Date is good for timezone-agnostic operations such as comparing universal points in time and adding or subtracting time in hours, minutes, or seconds.

ComPlainDate has a few utility functions supporting those operations and you should aim to use native JavaScript Date objects as much as you can. When you need to do an operation that the provided instant-utilities doesn’t support it’s time to reach for the other concepts, described below!

PlainDate for calendar dates

Plain-date objects adhere to a contract and have three numeric properties (year, month, and day) used for most operations. The iso property and string coercion produces a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd that can be used for simple display purposes, while the toLocaleString method is good for tailored formatting of dates in user interfaces.

Plain-dates have a map method taking a callback function that makes it easy to build a new plain-date that represents some modification of an existing plain-date. They also have a pipe method that applies any number of operations, from left to right, returning a new plain-date. The provided plain-date utility functions can be used with map and pipe, and you are encouraged to build your own mapper functions on top of the existing ones.

PlainTime for time-of-day

Plain-time objects adhere to a contract and have four numeric properties (hour, minute, second, and millisecond), that may be used for operations, but they are surprisingly uncommon. The iso property is a string in the format Thh:mm:ss.sss that is mostly used for technical purposes.

For display, string coercion will give the shortest of the formats hh:mm / hh:mm:ss / hh:mm:ss.sss depending on the resolution of the specific plain-time. Of course, the toLocaleString method is best for controlled formatting in user interfaces.

Quick example

This will show you how to split a native JavaScript Date into separate plain-date and plain-time objects.

We’ll navigate from that plain-date to another using a pipeline of operations, and then we’ll describe how to use utility functions independently for navigation and getting information about a plain-date.

The final step will merge a plain-date and a plain-time into a native JavaScript Date, completing the circle.

// Deno users can import directly from, like this:
import {
} from "";

// Extract a plain-date and a plain-time from any JS `Date`
const [june6, time1337] = splitDateTime(
  "Europe/Stockholm", // Note: A timezone is required for this operation
  // Sweden is at UTC+2 in June, so this `Date` represents 13:37 wall-time there
  new Date("2023-06-06T13:37+0200"),
); // Note: When called without a `Date`, this produces current wall-time (now)

// The plain-date part is an object adhering to the full ComPlainDate interface
june6; // { year: 2023, month: 6, day: 6, iso: "2023-06-06", ...}
june6.toLocaleString("en"); // "6/6/23"{ month: 6, day: 6 }); // true

// The plain-time part is an object adhering to the full ComPlainTime interface
time1337; // { hour: 13, minute: 37, second: 0, millisecond: 0, ... }
time1337.toLocaleString("en"); // "1:37 PM"

// Apply any pipeline of operations to get a new plain-date
// from any hassle involving timezones!
const midsummersEve = june6.pipe(
  startOfMonth, // Go back to the 1st day of June
  addDays(18), // Move to the first possible midsummer's eve candidate (June 19)
  firstWeekDay(WeekDay.FRIDAY), // Find the first Friday
); // 2023-06-23

// Objects can be compared; // false
midsummersEve > june6; // true

// Utility functions can be used independently with plain-dates, for example:
const newYearsDay = startOfYear(midsummersEve); // 2023-01-01
daysInMonth(newYearsDay); // 31
isLastDayOfMonth(newYearsDay); // false
weekDayNumber(midsummersEve); // 5 (equal to `WeekDay.FRIDAY`)
differenceInMonths(midsummersEve)(newYearsDay); // -5

// Quickly turn a plain-date into a UTC "instant", a JS `Date` at UTC midnight
newYearsDay.toUtcInstant(); // 2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

// Combine any shape of local date & time into an "instant", a JS `Date`
  // The Wiener Musikverein is at UTC+1 in January
  "Europe/Vienna", // Note: A timezone is required for this operation
  ...{ hour: 11, minute: 15 },
}); // 2023-01-01T10:15:00.000Z

Working with timezone strings

JavaScript throws RangeError whenever it encounters an invalid timezone name. User input timezones will clearly need validation before use, but support for a specific timezone name may also differ between JavaScript engines. For example, a timezone supported in your backend may not be supported in the user’s current browser.

Before using a timezone string in frontend code, pass it through the safeTimezone utility to get a string guaranteed to be a valid timezone in the local system. Should the given timezone name be unsuitable, it will return the operating system’s named timezone instead, or "UTC" if no timezone can be determined. For the user, this should make for the best possible graceful degradation when their preferred timezone is unavailable.

When your application doesn’t support timezone as a user preference, the localTimezone utility can be used to retrieve a relevant timezone for the current view. Although, be careful with server side rendering…

Show the timezone name in the user interface

Because the timezone used may be a fallback and not what the user expects, it’s important to always display the actual timezone name whenever time information is present in the user interface.

formatTimezone will make a timezone name look pretty for the user. It replaces underscores with spaces to give a less technical impression, for example "Africa/Dar es Salaam" instead of "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam".

Guided timezone preference input

If your user interface provides a way for users to select their preferred timezone, use supportedCanonicalTimezones to get a list of all the named timezones in the system. You may even create an endpoint that returns the timezones supported by your backend and intersect that with the browser’s timezones to really make sure no unhandled timezone is suggested.

You may populate an HTML <datalist id="availableTimezones"> with all relevant timezones, enabling an ordinary <input type="text" list="availableTimezones"> to become an autocomplete “combobox” for the user to select from. See the datalist documentation on MDN for details and examples.

Don’t forget to use localTimezone to set a sensible initial value for the input!

Validating timezones

User input can be run through sanitizeTimezone to clean up a timezone string, removing some common user typos and converting whitespace to underscore. The result can be checked with isTimezone.

If you’d rather throw RangeError on failure, or want to extract a timezone name that is part of a longer string, use parseTimezone directly to both sanitize and validate the result.

Why another JavaScript date-time library?

Most other date-time libraries either don’t provide any clear strategy for timezone handling, for example date-fns, or keep the timezone information hidden inside date-time objects, like Luxon does. ComPlainDate takes a lot of inspiration from both of them (while staying clear of their pitfalls) and also adds in some very useful ideas from the suggested Temporal API. The combination makes calendar operations in any timezone very easy to implement and maintain, for frontend and backend alike.

The entire ComPlainDate API is explicitly designed to prevent developers from making hard-to-spot mistakes and aims to remove the need for testing of timezone related edge cases in local code. This is achieved with a few core principles:

The dangers of accidentally working in an ambiguous or incorrect timezone is meant to be completely eliminated by design. There just is no way to accidentally add hours to a plain-date, subtract days from a plain-time or move to the start-of-day for a global instant in time. Every function accepts just the shape of objects that makes sense for its purpose and all returned objects make their meaning clear.

Guiding principles

Explicit named timezones

These utilities are designed to always require a named timezone for every operation that would be ambiguous without one. The timezone is the very first argument given to such functions, showing how important it is.

This avoids confusion caused by working with JavaScript Date or other DateTime-like objects where the timezone information is hidden away. Timezones set inside objects are especially problematic when passing those objects over context boundaries. With ComPlainDate, developers are compelled to pass the timezone separate from the date-time objects, making that timezone very visible.

Separate plain-date and plain-time objects

By keeping the calendar date and the time-of-day information in separate objects we are free to do any operations on them both in an expressive way, with no need to worry about such things as crossings into daylight savings time (DST) or what start-of-hour means in a timezone with a half-hour offset.

The only operations where we need an explicit timezone are when we split a universal representation of an instant (e.g. Date object) into separate plain-date and plain-time objects, and when we merge them back together.

Instants are represented by Date objects

The native JavaScript Date object is actually good enough for keeping universal representations of specific instants in time. Date doesn’t have the prettiest interface, but it makes little sense to replace it here. ComPlainDate provides some useful utilities for those operations that are relevant to do directly on instants, but honestly, they are quite few.

Allow partial and relaxed objects where possible

Many operations that take some date or time representation as input don’t actually require the full object to produce correct results. For example, to determine if a given calendar date is in a leap year, we don’t care about the month or day-of-month, only the year of the date has any significance.

Functions in ComPlainDate use object destructuring of parameters to extract only the properties that are actually needed.

It still makes sense to keep a common expected shape of objects, with some shared properties that can be mixed and matched for different purposes:

  • year

  • month

  • day

  • hour

  • minute

  • second

  • millisecond

The plain-date and plain-time objects are the strictest forms of this common shape where every property exists as an integer.

Whenever possible, relaxed objects having interchangeable number or string type properties can also be passed to functions, making it easier to combine user input into valid parameters.

Avoid type aliases

We’ve chosen not to extract type aliases for reuse within ComPlainDate, but instead type every function parameter explicitly making IDE tools and the API documentation show the expected object shapes up front. There exists some type aliases but those are meant to support developers when implementing their own utilities outside of ComPlainDate.

Composable functions

Inspired by concepts from functional programming, all functions are pure and composable and all operations requiring multiple arguments are implemented as higher-order functions for currying.

Also, there are no classes here, only objects adhering to interfaces and accompanying factory functions to create them.

Please don’t let this scare you, the ComPlainDate utilities are just as easy to use in a non-functional paradigm too!

Coerce objects to relevant primitive types

Constructed objects include implementations of the common valueOf, toString, toJSON, and toLocaleString methods, making their behavior and use similar to JavaScript’s Date objects when converting to primitive types. This enables comparing objects of the same type with operators <, >, <=, and >=.

Allow for the smallest possible bundle size

First of all, there are no external dependencies, and there will never be any.

The base PlainDate and PlainTime objects are carefully composed to be minimal loveable objects, containing only what is needed for a neat developer experience. The utility functions are meant to be imported and applied with these base objects when required.

When bundle size is not an issue (i.e. server-side), you can work with full ExPlainDate objects if you want to call available operations directly on the plain-date object. This may sound convenient, but it is very hard to tree-shake, making your bundle size unnecessary big when used.

There is no extended interface for the plain-time objects, because there are actually very few complex operations to do on a wall-time object. Plain-time objects are most often used for display purposes, they seldom need to be manipulated.

The footprint of a tree-shaken and compressed production build starts below 1 kB when using just the PlainDate object API. This will increase a little with every imported utility, but you’ll probably find that most projects require very few of them.

Unambiguous function names

The unfortunate choice of name for Date in JavaScript makes any function with the word date difficult to quickly assess from the name alone. Does it operate on Date or not? Had Date been called Instant or even DateTime, the single word date could have been used in the names of our utility functions that operates on plain-date objects.

Now that’s not the case so a deliberate decision has been made to use the longer but less ambiguous PlainDate and PlainTime in function names. For example, our utilities are called parsePlainDate and formatPlainDate, even though parseDate and formatDate would have been more succinct.

Functions related to JavaScript Date objects have the word Instant in their names whenever needed for clarity.


Current JavaScript Date objects support the Gregorian calendar only, and therefore these tools have the same limitations.

The IANA timezone database is constantly being updated and it takes a little while before changes are available in new releases of browsers and runtime systems. This means that timezone operations are dependent of the version of the JavaScript engine running the code. The results of the same operation may differ between systems depending on their version and there is no guarantee that the same code running in a browser and on a server produces identical results.