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deno land npm version

Wrapper utility class that enables composition via asynchronous (Promises) and synchronous method chaining.



# npm
npm install --save composable-async
# yarn
yarn add composable-async
# pnpm
pnpm install --save composable-async


import { Composable } from "";

Example Usage

Provided the following class:

class TestClass {
  public readonly propertyOne: number;
  public readonly propertyTwo: number;

    propertyOne = 0,
    propertyTwo = 0,
  }: Partial<TestClass> = {}) {
    this.propertyOne = propertyOne;
    this.propertyTwo = propertyTwo;

  async asyncIncrement(
    property: string,
    increment: number,
  ): Promise<TestClass> {
    return new TestClass({
      [property]: await Promise.resolve(this[property] + increment),

    property: string,
    increment: number,
  ): Promise<TestClass> {
    return new TestClass({
      [property]: this[property] + increment,

Traditionally to chain these methods you would need to do the follwing:

const { propertyOne, propertyTwo } = await testClass
  .asyncIncrement("propertyOne", 3)
  .then((t) => tasyncIncrement("propertyTwo", 5))
  .then((t) => Promise.resolve(t.increment("propertyTwo", 5)));

console.log(`Result: propertyOne=${propertyOne}, propertyTwo=${propertyTwo}`);
// OUTPUT: "Result: propertyOne=3, propertyTwo=10"

With Composable-Async, it is simplified and easier to read.

const { propertyOne, propertyTwo } = await Composable.create(testClass)
  .asyncIncrement("propertyOne", 3)
  .asyncIncrement("propertyTwo", 5)
  .increment("propertyTwo", 5)

console.log(`Result: propertyOne=${propertyOne}, propertyTwo=${propertyTwo}`);
// OUTPUT: "Result: propertyOne=3, propertyTwo=10"