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Powered by functional composition and the URL Pattern API, composium has become the most flexible routing framework in the world.
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import { compose } from "./composition.ts";import { type Middleware } from "./route.ts";import { type Context } from "./context.ts";
export type ServerHandlerOptions<S> = { state?: S; enableXResponseTimeHeader?: boolean; enableLogger?: boolean;};
function setXResponseTimeHeader<C extends Context>(ctx: C) { const ms = - ctx.startTime; ctx.response.headers.set("X-Response-Time", `${ms}ms`);}
function log<C extends Context>(ctx: C) { const rt = ctx.response.headers.get("X-Response-Time"); console.log( `${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.url} [${ctx.response.status}] - ${rt}`, ); if (ctx.error) console.log(ctx.error);}
export function assertError(caught: unknown): Error { return caught instanceof Error ? caught : new Error("[non-error thrown]");}
/** * A curried function which takes a `Context` class, `tryMiddlewares`, * `catchMiddlewares` and `finallyMiddlewares` and returns a `Deno.ServeHandler` * which can be passed to `Deno.serve`. It also handles the HTTP method * `HEAD` appropriately, sets the `X-Response-Time` header and logs to the * console by default. Optionally you can enable the logger or pass an * initial `state` object. * ```ts * const handler = createHandler(Ctx)(tryMiddlewares)(catchMiddlewares)(finallyMiddlewares) * Deno.serve(handler); * ``` */export function createHandler<C extends Context, S>( Context: new ( request: Request, connInfo: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, state?: S, ) => C, { state, enableXResponseTimeHeader = true, enableLogger = false, }: ServerHandlerOptions<S> = {},) { return (...tryMiddlewares: Middleware<C>[]) => (...catchMiddlewares: Middleware<C>[]) => (...finallyMiddlewares: Middleware<C>[]): Deno.ServeHandler => async ( request: Request, connInfo: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, ): Promise<Response> => { const ctx = new Context(request, connInfo, state); try { ctx.startTime =; await (compose(...tryMiddlewares)(ctx)); } catch (caught) { ctx.error = assertError(caught); await (compose(...catchMiddlewares)(ctx)); } finally { await (compose(...finallyMiddlewares)(ctx)); if (enableXResponseTimeHeader) setXResponseTimeHeader(ctx); if (enableLogger) log(ctx); } return request.method === "HEAD" ? new Response(null, ctx.response) : ctx.response; };}