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Simple config handling for your app or module with Deno.
import { assertEquals } from "";import Conf from "./mod.ts";
const projectName: string = "test";
// Make sure the class works finenew Conf({ projectName, configName: "test" });new Conf({ projectName, cwd: "" });new Conf({ projectName, fileExtension: "foo" });new Conf({ projectName, clearInvalidConfig: false });new Conf({ projectName, serialize: (_: any) => "foo" });new Conf( { projectName, deserialize: (_: string) => ({ foo: "foo", unicorn: true }), },);new Conf({ projectName, projectSuffix: "foo" });new Conf({ projectName, accessPropertiesByDotNotation: false });
// Make our testsDeno.test("set values", () => { const conf = new Conf({ projectName });
conf.set("hello", 1); conf.set("unicorn", false); conf.set("foo", "bar"); assertEquals(conf.get("hello"), 1); assertEquals(conf.get("unicorn"), false); assertEquals(conf.get("foo"), "bar");});
Deno.test("delete single element", () => { const conf = new Conf({ projectName }); assertEquals(conf.get("hello"), 1); conf.delete("hello"); assertEquals(conf.get("hello"), null);});
Deno.test("clear whole database", () => { const conf = new Conf({ projectName }); assertEquals(conf.get("foo"), "bar"); conf.clear(); assertEquals(conf.get("hello"), null); assertEquals(conf.get("unicorn"), null); assertEquals(conf.get("foo"), null);});