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A collection of tools for handling Deno's configuration.
interface DenoConfiguration
import { type DenoConfiguration } from "";


compilerOptions: { allowJs?: boolean; allowUnreachableCode?: boolean; allowUnusedLabels?: boolean; checkJs?: boolean; exactOptionalPropertyTypes?: boolean; experimentalDecorators?: boolean; jsx?:
| "preserve"
| "react"
| "react-jsx"
| "react-jsxdev"
| "react-native"
; jsxFactory?: string; jsxFragmentFactory?: string; jsxImportSource?: string; keyofStringsOnly?: boolean; lib?: string[]; noErrorTruncation?: boolean; noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean; noImplicitAny?: boolean; noImplicitOverride?: boolean; noImplicitReturns?: boolean; noImplicitThis?: boolean; noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean; noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean; noUnusedLocals?: boolean; noUnusedParameters?: boolean; noUncheckedIndexedAccess?: boolean; strict?: boolean; strictBindCallApply?: boolean; strictFunctionTypes?: boolean; strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean; strictNullChecks?: boolean; suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean; suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean; }

Instructs the TypeScript compiler how to compile .ts files.

importMap: string

The location of an import map to be used when resolving modules. If an import map is specified as an --importmap flag or using "imports" and "scopes" properties, they will override this value.

imports: { [k: string]: string; }

A map of specifiers to their remapped specifiers.

scopes: { [k: string]: { [k: string]: string; }; }

Define a scope which remaps a specifier in only a specified scope

exclude: string[]

List of files, directories or globs that will be ignored by all other configurations. Requires Deno 1.34 or later.

lint: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; files?: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; }; rules?: { tags?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; include?: string[]; }; report?: "pretty" | "json" | "compact"; }

Configuration for linter

fmt: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; files?: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; }; useTabs?: boolean; lineWidth?: number; indentWidth?: number; singleQuote?: boolean; proseWrap?: "always" | "never" | "preserve"; semiColons?: boolean; options?: { useTabs?: boolean; lineWidth?: number; indentWidth?: number; singleQuote?: boolean; proseWrap?: "always" | "never" | "preserve"; semiColons?: boolean; }; }

Configuration for formatter

nodeModulesDir: boolean

Enables or disables the use of a local node_modules folder for npm packages. Alternatively, use the --node-modules-dir or --node-modules-dir=false flag. Requires Deno 1.34 or later.

denoModulesDir: boolean

UNSTABLE: Enables or disables the use of a local deno_modules folder as a local cache for remote modules. Alternatively, use the --deno-modules-dir or --deno-modules-dir=false flag. Requires Deno 1.36 or later.

tasks: { [k: string]: string; }

Configuration for deno task

test: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; files?: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; }; }

Configuration for deno test

bench: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; files?: { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; }; }

Configuration for deno bench

lock: string | boolean

Whether to use a lock file or the path to use for the lock file. Can be overridden by CLI arguments.