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šŸ¦•ć€Deno怑Propagate deadlines, a cancellation and other request-scoped values to multiple promise.
import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertThrowsAsync, assertThrows,} from "";import { delay } from "";import * as context from "./context.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
test("background context", () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); assertEquals(ctx.error(), null); assertEquals(ctx.done(), null);});
interface testcase { name: string; key: any; val: any; want?: string;}
const normalCasesWithValue: testcase[] = [ { name: "key: string, val: string", key: "key", val: "hello, world", }, { name: "key: number, val: number", key: 10.03, val: 100, }, { name: "key: boolean, val: boolean", key: true, val: false, },];
normalCasesWithValue.forEach((c) => { test(, () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); const vctx = new context.WithValue(ctx, c.key, c.val); const key = deepCopy(c.key);
assertEquals(vctx.value(key), c.val); assertNotEquals(vctx.value(key), null); assertEquals(vctx.error(), null); assertEquals(vctx.done(), null); });});
class temporary { constructor() {}}
const errorCasesWithValue: testcase[] = [ { name: "key: undefined", key: undefined, val: 100, want: "undefined or null key", }, { name: "key: null", key: null, val: 100, want: "undefined or null key", }, { name: "key: {}", key: {}, val: "hello", want: "object key", }, { name: "key: temporary class", key: new temporary(), val: "world", want: "object key", }, { name: "key: []", key: [], val: 5000, want: "array key", }, { name: "key: () => {}", key: () => {}, val: () => {}, want: "function key", },];errorCasesWithValue.forEach((c) => { test("error case " +, () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); assertThrows( () => { new context.WithValue(ctx, c.key, 100); }, Error, c.want, ); });});
// deepCopy = <T>(target: T): T => { if (target === null) { return target; } if (target instanceof Date) { return new Date(target.getTime()) as any; } if (target instanceof Array) { const cp = [] as any[]; (target as any[]).forEach((v) => { cp.push(v); }); return any) => deepCopy<any>(n)) as any; } if (typeof target === "object" && target !== {}) { const cp = { ...(target as { [key: string]: any }) } as { [key: string]: any; }; Object.keys(cp).forEach((k) => { cp[k] = deepCopy<any>(cp[k]); }); return cp as T; } return target;};
test("withvalue context", () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); const vctx = new context.WithValue(ctx, "key", "value"); const vctx2 = new context.WithValue(vctx, true, false); const vctx3 = new context.WithValue(vctx2, 123, 456.789);
// check to get from parent context values assertEquals(vctx3.value("key"), "value"); assertEquals(vctx3.value(true), false); assertEquals(vctx3.value(123), 456.789); assertEquals(vctx3.value("does not exist"), null);
// get by current key (vctx3) at parent. assertEquals(vctx2.value(123), null);
assertEquals(vctx3.error(), null); assertEquals(vctx3.done(), null);
const cctx = new context.WithCancel(vctx3); cctx.cancel(); // To prevent leaking async ops
// check to get from parent context values on WithCancel assertEquals(cctx.value("key"), "value"); assertEquals(cctx.value(true), false); assertEquals(cctx.value(123), 456.789); assertEquals(cctx.value("does not exist"), null);
const tctx = new context.WithTimeout(vctx3, 10); tctx.cancel(); // To prevent leaking async ops
// check to get from parent context values on WithTimeout assertEquals(tctx.value("key"), "value"); assertEquals(tctx.value(true), false); assertEquals(tctx.value(123), 456.789); assertEquals(tctx.value("does not exist"), null);});
test("cancel context", async () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); const cctx = new context.WithCancel(ctx); const cctx2 = new context.WithCancel(cctx); const cctx3 = new context.WithCancel(cctx2); const cctx4 = new context.WithCancel(cctx3);
[cctx, cctx2, cctx3, cctx4].forEach((c, i) => { assertEquals(c.error(), null, "context: " + i); assertEquals(c.done().aborted, false, "context: " + i); });
// cancel and will check the result of propagation cctx.cancel(); await delay(10); // let cancellation propagate
[cctx, cctx2, cctx3, cctx4].forEach((c, i) => { assertEquals(c.done().aborted, true, "cancel context: " + i); assertEquals(c.error(), new context.Canceled(), "cancel context: " + i); });});
test("timeout context", async () => { const ctx = new context.Background(); const tctx = new context.WithTimeout(ctx, 20); // 20ms const cctx = new context.WithCancel(tctx); const cctx2 = new context.WithCancel(cctx); const tctx2 = new context.WithTimeout(cctx2, 100); // 100ms
// wait 21ms // context canceling to children by context.WithTimeout(ctx, 20) await delay(21);
assertEquals(tctx.error(), new context.DeadlineExceeded()); assertEquals(tctx.done().aborted, true);
[cctx, cctx2, tctx2].forEach((c, i) => { assertEquals(c.done().aborted, true, "timeout context: " + i); assertEquals( c.error(), new context.DeadlineExceeded(), "timeout context: " + i, ); });});
test("clearTimeout on context.WithTimeout", async () => { const ctx = new context.Background();
const timeout = 50; const tctx = new context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout); // 50ms
// We expect to do clearTimeout on this cancel. tctx.cancel(); assertEquals(tctx.error(), new context.Canceled());
await delay(timeout + 10);
// Unexpected new context.DeadlineExceeded() assertEquals(tctx.error(), new context.Canceled());});
function ctxDelay( ctx: context.Context, ms: number,): context.ContextPromise<void> { return new context.ContextPromise(ctx, (resolve) => { const id = setTimeout((): void => { clearTimeout(id); resolve(); }, ms); ctx.done()?.onCanceled((reason?: any) => { clearTimeout(id); }); });}
test("context promise", async () => { const ctx = new context.Background();
await ctxDelay(ctx, 300); // expect to wait 300ms
const cctx = new context.WithTimeout(ctx, 100);
await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await ctxDelay(cctx, 3000); }, context.Canceled);
const tctx = new context.WithTimeout(ctx, 100);
await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await ctxDelay(tctx, 3000); }, context.DeadlineExceeded);});