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Deno.js CORS middleware
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import { CorsOptions, CorsOptionsDelegate } from "./types.ts";import { Cors } from "./cors.ts";
interface Req { method: string; headers: { get(name: string): string | null | undefined; };}
interface Res { setStatus(code: any): this; set(headerKey: string, headerValue: string): this; get(headerKey: string): string | null | undefined;}
/** * opineCors middleware wrapper * @param o CorsOptions | CorsOptionsDelegate * @link */export const opineCors = < RequestT extends Req = Req, ResponseT extends Res = any, MiddlewareT extends ( request: RequestT, response: ResponseT, next: (...args: any) => any, ) => any = any,>( o?: CorsOptions | CorsOptionsDelegate<RequestT>,) => { const corsOptionsDelegate = Cors.produceCorsOptionsDelegate< CorsOptionsDelegate<RequestT> >(o);
return (async (request, response, next) => { try { const options = await corsOptionsDelegate(request);
const corsOptions = Cors.produceCorsOptions(options || {}); const originDelegate = Cors.produceOriginDelegate(corsOptions);
if (originDelegate) { const requestMethod = request.method; const getRequestHeader = (headerKey: string) => request.headers.get(headerKey); const getResponseHeader = (headerKey: string) => response.get(headerKey); const setResponseHeader = (headerKey: string, headerValue: string) => response.set(headerKey, headerValue); const setStatus = (statusCode: number) => response.setStatus(statusCode);
const origin = await originDelegate(getRequestHeader("origin"));
if (!origin) return next(); else { corsOptions.origin = origin;
return new Cors({ corsOptions, requestMethod, getRequestHeader, getResponseHeader, setResponseHeader, setStatus, next, }).configureHeaders(); } } } catch (error) { console.error(error); }
return next(); }) as MiddlewareT;};