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🐔 Coward is a Deno module for easy interaction with the Discord API.

Contributing to Coward

Thank you for contributing to Coward! 🥳 There are many ways to contribute, whether it be improving the documentation, submitting bug reports, feature requests, or writing code that can be incorporated into Coward.

Don’t use the issue tracker for support questions. Use the #coward-help channel on the Discord Server

Reporting a Bug

Submit a bug report. Make it clear what the issue is.

Submitting a Feature Request

Submit a feature request. Make it clear what feature you want added to coward.

Submitting Changes

  1. Fork & clone the repository. Make sure you’re on the dev branch.
  2. Make your changes!
  3. Make sure to write clear log messages for your commits. Single-line messages are fine for smaller changes, but bigger changes should be multi line.
  4. Make a pull request. They should point to the dev branch, not master.
$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> Add an optional extended description.