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πŸ” Coward is a Deno module for easy interaction with the Discord API.
import { Endpoints, Intents } from "./util/Constants.ts"
import { Channel } from "./structures/Channel.ts"import { Guild } from "./structures/Guild.ts"import { GuildMember } from "./structures/GuildMember.ts"import { DMChannel } from "./structures/DMChannel.ts"import { Message } from "./structures/Message.ts"import { User } from "./structures/User.ts"import { Role } from "./structures/Role.ts"import { Invite } from "./structures/Invite.ts"
import * as evt from "./Events.ts";import { RequestHandler } from "./network/rest/RequestHandler.ts"import Gateway from "./network/gateway/WebsocketHandler.ts"
/** * Class representing the main client * @extends EventEmitter * * import { Coward } from "" * const client = new Coward("TOKEN_GOES_HERE") * * client.evt.ready.attach(() => { * console.log("READY") * }) * * client.connect() */export class Client { private requestHandler: RequestHandler
public gateway: Gateway public guilds: Map<string, Guild> = new Map<string, Guild>() public users: Map<string, User> = new Map<string, User>() public dmChannels: Map<string, DMChannel> = new Map<string, DMChannel>() public dmChannelUsers: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>() public channelGuildIDs: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>()
/** Create a Client */ public constructor(public token: string, public options: Options.clientConstructor = {}) { if(this.options.intents !== undefined) { let bitmask = 0; if(this.options.intents instanceof Array) { for(const intent of this.options.intents) { bitmask |= intent } } else { bitmask = this.options.intents } this.options.intents = bitmask }
this.gateway = new Gateway(token, this) this.requestHandler = new RequestHandler(this) }
public evt = evt;
/** Connect to the Discord API */ connect() { this.gateway.connect() }
modifyPresence(options: Options.modifyPresence = { status: "online" }): Promise<void> { return this.gateway.modifyPresence(options) }
/** Post a channel in a guild. Requires the `MANAGE_CHANNELS` permission. */ createChannel(guildID: string, options: Options.createChannel): Promise<Channel> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "POST", Endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS(guildID), options ) .then((data: any) => { resolve(Channel.from(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Modify a channel. Requires the `MANAGE_CHANNELS` permission in the guild. */ modifyChannel(channelID: string, options: Options.modifyChannel): Promise<Channel> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "PATCH", Endpoints.CHANNEL(channelID), options ) .then((data: any) => { resolve(Channel.from(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Delete a channel. Requires the `MANAGE_CHANNELS` permission in the guild. */ deleteChannel(channelID: string): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL(channelID) ) }
/** Get a DM channel of a user - if there is none, create one. */ getDMChannel(userID: string): Promise<DMChannel> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let dmChannelID = this.dmChannelUsers.get(userID); if(dmChannelID !== undefined) { resolve(this.dmChannels.get(dmChannelID)) } else { this.requestHandler.request( "POST", Endpoints.USER_CHANNELS("@me"), {recipients: [userID], type: 1}) .then((data: any) => { resolve(new DMChannel(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) } }) }
/** Post a message in a channel. Requires the `SEND_MESSAGES` permission.*/ createMessage(channelID: string, content: string | Options.createMessage): Promise<Message> { if(typeof content === "string") { content = { content: content } } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "POST", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGES(channelID), content ) .then((data: any) => { resolve(new Message(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Modify a message. Must be authored by you. */ modifyMessage( /** Channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** Message to modify */ messageID: string, content: string | Options.modifyMessage ): Promise<Message> { if(typeof content === "string") { content = { content: content } } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "PATCH", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE(channelID, messageID), content ) .then((data: any) => { resolve(new Message(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Delete a message in a channel. Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ deleteMessage( /** Channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** The message to delete */ messageID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE(channelID, messageID) ) }
// TODO: bulkDeleteMessage(channelID: string, amount: number): void {}
/** Put a reaction on a message. Requires the `READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY` permission. Additionally, if nobody has reacted to the message with the emoji, requires the `ADD_REACTIONS` permission. */ putReaction( /** Channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** The message to put the reaction on */ messageID: string, /** Emoji to react with. */ emoji: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "PUT", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_USER(channelID, messageID, encodeURI(emoji), "@me")) }
/** Delete a reaction on a message. If deleting a reaction from another user, requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ deleteReaction( /** The channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** The message to delete the reaction from */ messageID: string, /** The emoji to delete the reaction of */ emoji: string, /** The user ID of the other user. Defaults to self. */ userID?: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_USER(channelID, messageID, encodeURI(emoji), userID || "@me")) }
/** Delete all reactions from a message. Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ deleteAllReactions( /** The channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** The message to delete the reactions on */ messageID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTIONS(channelID, messageID)) }
/** Delete all reactions with a given emoji on a message. Requires `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ deleteAllEmojiReactions( /** The channel the message is in */ channelID: string, /** The message to delete the reactions on */ messageID: string, /** The emoji to delete the reactions of */ emoji: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION(channelID, messageID, encodeURI(emoji))) }
// TODO: putChannelPermissions ?
// TODO: createChannelInvite ?
/** Get invites in a guild channel. Returns an array of Invite objects. Requires `MANAGE_CHANNELS` permission. */ getChannelInvites(channelID: string): Promise<Array<Invite>> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "GET", Endpoints.CHANNEL_INVITES(channelID)) .then((data: any) => { const arrayInvites: Array<Invite> = [] data.forEach((invite: any) => { arrayInvites.push(new Invite(invite, this)) }) resolve(arrayInvites) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** * Post a typing indicator for a specified channel. * Bots should usually not use this, however if a bot is responding to a command and expects the computation to take a few seconds, this may be used to let the user know that the bot is processing their message. */ postTypingIndicator(channelID: string): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "POST", Endpoints.CHANNEL_TYPING(channelID) ) }
/** Pin a message in a channel. Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ putPin( /** Channel to pin the message in */ channelID: string, /** Message to pin */ messageID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "PUT", Endpoints.CHANNEL_PIN(channelID, messageID) ) }
/** Delete a pinned channel message. Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. */ deletePin( /** Channel to delete the pin from */ channelID: string, /** Message to delete the pin from */ messageID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.CHANNEL_PIN(channelID, messageID) ) }
// TODO: Emoji (
/** Modify a guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission. */ modifyGuild(guildID: string, options: Options.modifyGuild): Promise<Guild> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "PATCH", Endpoints.GUILD(guildID), options ) .then((data: any) => { resolve(new Guild(data, this)) }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) } ) }) }
/** Delete a guild permanently. Must be the owner. */ deleteGuild(guildID: string): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.GUILD(guildID) ) }
/** Modify the attributes of a guild member. */ modifyMember(guildID: string, userID: string, options: Options.modifyMember): Promise<GuildMember> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "PATCH", Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER(guildID, userID), options ) .then((data: any) => { const guild = this.guilds.get(guildID) if(!guild) { reject() } else { const member = new GuildMember(data, guild, this) guild.members.set(, member) resolve(member) } }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Put a role on a member in a guild. Requires `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. */ putRole( /** Guild the member is in */ guildID: string, /** Member to add the role to */ userID: string, /** ID of the role */ roleID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "PUT", Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE(guildID, userID, roleID) ) }
/** Remove a role from a member in a guild. Requires `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. */ removeRole( /** Guild the member is in */ guildID: string, /** Member to remove the role from */ userID: string, /** ID of the role */ roleID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE(guildID, userID, roleID) ) }
/** Remove a member from a guild. Requires `KICK_MEMBERS` permission. */ removeMember( /** Guild the member is in */ guildID: string, /** Member to remove from the guild */ userID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER(guildID, userID) ) }
/** Put a ban in a guild. Requires `BAN_MEMBERS` permission. */ putBan( /** Guild to put the ban in */ guildID: string, /** User to ban */ userID: string, options: Options.putBan ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "PUT", Endpoints.GUILD_BAN(guildID, userID), options ) }
/** Delete a ban from a guild. Requires `BAN_MEMBERS` permission. */ deleteBan( /** Guild to ban the user from */ guildID: string, /** User to ban */ userID: string ): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.GUILD_BAN(guildID, userID) ) }
/** Create a role in a guild. Requires `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. */ createRole(guildID: string, options: Options.createRole): Promise<Role> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "POST", Endpoints.GUILD_ROLES(guildID), options ) .then((data: any) => { const guild = this.guilds.get(guildID) if(!guild) { reject() } else { const role = new Role(data, guild, this) guild.roles.set(, role) resolve(role) } }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
// TODO: modify role positions
/** Modify a role in a guild. Requires `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. */ modifyRole(guildID: string, roleID: string, options: Options.modifyRole): Promise<Role> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.requestHandler.request( "PATCH", Endpoints.GUILD_ROLE(guildID, roleID), options ) .then((data: any) => { const guild = this.guilds.get(guildID) if(!guild) { reject() } else { const role = new Role(data, guild, this) guild.roles.set(, role) resolve(role) } }) .catch((err: any) => { reject(err) }) }) }
/** Delete a role in a guild. Requires `MANAGE_ROLES` permission. */ deleteRole(guildID: string, roleID: string): Promise<void> { return this.requestHandler.request( "DELETE", Endpoints.GUILD_ROLE(guildID, roleID) ) }
// TODO: prune
/** Namespace for functions */export namespace Options { export interface clientConstructor { intents?: number[] | number }
export interface modifyPresence { status?: "online" | "dnd" | "idle" | "invisible" | "offline", game?: { name: string, type: number } }
export interface createChannel { name: string, type: number, position?: number, //permission_overwrites?: topic?: string, nsfw?: boolean, bitrate?: number, user_limit?: number, rate_limit_per_user?: number, parent_id?: string }
export interface modifyChannel { name?: string, type?: number, position?: number, topic?: string, nsfw?: boolean, rate_limit_per_user?: number, bitrate?: number, user_limit?: number, //permission_overwrites?: Array<>, parent_id?: string }
export interface createMessage { content?: string, tts?: boolean, file?: {name: string, file: File | Blob}, embed?: any }
export interface modifyMessage { content?: string, // TODO: file embed?: any }
export interface modifyGuild { name?: string, region?: string, verification_level?: number, default_message_notifcations?: number, explicit_content_filter?: number, afk_channel_id?: string, afk_timeout?: number, // TODO: icon owner_id?: string, // TODO: splash // TODO: banner system_channel_id?: string, rules_channel_id?: string, public_updates_channel_id?: string, preferred_locale?: string }
export interface modifyMember { /** Value to set the user's nickname to. Requires `MANAGE_NICKNAMES` permission */ nick?: string, //roles?: Array<string> /** Whether the user is muted in voice channels. Requires `MUTE_MEMBERS` permission */ mute?: boolean, /** Whether the user is deafened in voice channels. Requires `DEAFEN_MEMBERS` permission */ deaf?: boolean, /** The channel to move the member to (if they are in a voice channel). Requires `MOVE_MEMBERS` permission */ channel_id?: string }
export interface putBan { /** Amount of days to delete messages for (between 1-7) */ "delete-message-days"?: number reason?: string }
export interface createRole { name?: string, //permissions?: number, color?: number, hoist?: boolean, mentionable?: boolean }
export interface modifyRole { name?: string, //permissions?: number, color?: number, hoist?: boolean, mentionable?: boolean }}