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πŸ” Coward is a Deno module for easy interaction with the Discord API.
import { connectWebSocket, isWebSocketCloseEvent, WebSocket,
red} from "../../../deps.ts";import { Versions, Discord } from "../../util/Constants.ts";import { fear } from "../../util/Fear.ts";
import { Client } from "../../Client.ts";import { handleEvent } from "./EventHandler.ts";
export default class Gateway { public sock!: WebSocket; public lastPingTimestamp: number = 0; public ping: number = 0;
private sequence: any = null private sessionID: string = "" private heartbeatInt: number = 0 private receivedAck: boolean = true private status: string = "connecting"
constructor(private token: string, private client: Client) {}
public async connect(): Promise<void> { try { this.sock = await connectWebSocket(`${Discord.GATEWAY}/v=${Versions.GATEWAY}`);
if(this.status === "resuming") { this.status = "handshaking" await this.sock.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 6, d: { token: this.token, session_id: this.sessionID, seq: this.sequence } })) } else { this.status = "handshaking" await this.singleHeartbeat() await this.identify() }
for await (const msg of this.sock) { if (isWebSocketCloseEvent(msg)) { fear("error", "websocket was closed"); this.onClose(msg); } else if (typeof msg === "string") { this.handleWSMessage(JSON.parse(msg)); } } } catch (err) { fear("error", "could not connect to websocket \n" + red(err.stack)) } }
private async attemptReconnect() { this.status = "resuming" await this.close() await this.connect() }
private singleHeartbeat() { if(this.receivedAck) { this.sock.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 1, d: this.sequence, })); } else { console.log("Didn't receive heartbeat Ack!") this.attemptReconnect() } this.receivedAck = false this.lastPingTimestamp = }
private heartbeat: any;
private async identify() { await this.sock.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 2, d: { token: this.token, intents: this.client.options.intents, properties: { "$os": "linux", "$browser": "coward", "$device": "coward", }, }, })); }
public async modifyPresence(settings: any) { await this.sock.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 3, d: { afk: false, game:, status: settings.status, since: (settings.status === "idle") ? : 0 } })) }
private async handleWSMessage(message: any) { if(message.s) { this.sequence = message.s }
switch (message.op) { /** case 1: this.sock.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 1, d: this.sequence, })); break; **/ case 7: this.attemptReconnect() // Don't close the connection lol break case 10: this.heartbeatInt = message.d.heartbeat_interval this.heartbeat = setInterval(() => { try { this.singleHeartbeat() } catch (err) { fear("error", "something went wrong when trying to heartbeat \n" + red(err.stack)) } }, this.heartbeatInt) break; case 11: this.receivedAck = true = - this.lastPingTimestamp break }
handleEvent(this.client, message) }
private async close() { this.receivedAck = true if (this.heartbeat) clearInterval(this.heartbeat) if (!this.sock.isClosed) this.sock.close(1000) }
private async onClose(message: any) { this.status = "disconnected" this.close() console.log(message.code) if (message.code) { switch (message.code) { case 4000: // unknown error case 4007: // invalid seq case 4008: // ratelimited ? case 4009: // session timed out this.status = "reconnecting" this.connect() case 4001: fear("error", "Unknown Opcode: You sent an invalid Gateway opcode or an invalid payload for an opcode. Don't do that!", ); break; case 4002: fear("error", "Decode Error: You sent an invalid payload to us. Don't do that!", ); break; case 4003: fear("error", "Not Authenticated: You sent us a payload prior to identifying.", ); break; case 4004: fear("error", `Authentication Failed: The account token sent with your identify payload is incorrect. (${this.token})`, ); break; case 4005: fear("error", "Already Authenticated: You sent more than one identify payload. Don't do that!", ); break; case 4010: fear("error", "Invalid Shard: You sent us an invalid shard when identifying.", ); break; case 4011: fear("error", "Sharding Required: The session would have handled too many guilds - you are required to shard your connection in order to connect.", ); break; case 4012: fear("error", "Invalid API Version: You sent an invalid version for the gateway.", ); break; case 4013: fear("error", "Invalid Intent(s): You sent an invalid intent for a Gateway Intent. You may have incorrectly calculated the bitwise value.", ); break; case 4014: fear("error", "Disallowed Intent(s): You sent a disallowed intent for a Gateway Intent. You may have tried to specify an intent that you have not enabled or are not whitelisted for.", ); break; } } }}