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Streaming API for reading and writing CSV for
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import { assertEquals, Buffer } from "./dev_deps.ts";import { CSVWriter, writeCSV, writeCSVObjects } from "./writer.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "CSVWriter writes simple file", async fn() { const buf = new Buffer(); const writer = new CSVWriter(buf);
await writer.writeCell("a"); await writer.writeCell("b"); await writer.writeCell("c"); await writer.nextLine(); await writer.writeCell("1"); await writer.writeCell("2"); await writer.writeCell("3");
assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()), "a,b,c\n1,2,3"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "CSVWriter detects quotes", async fn() { const buf = new Buffer(); const writer = new CSVWriter(buf);
await writer.writeCell("a"); await writer.writeCell("b"); await writer.writeCell("c"); await writer.nextLine(); await writer.writeCell('1"2'); await writer.writeCell("2,3"); await writer.writeCell("3\n4");
assertEquals( new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()), `a,b,c\n"1""2","2,3","3\n4"`, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "CSVWriter works with async iterable", async fn() { const buf = new Buffer(); const writer = new CSVWriter(buf); const asyncCell = async function* () { const enc = new TextEncoder(); yield enc.encode("1"); yield enc.encode("\n"); yield enc.encode('"'); yield enc.encode(","); yield enc.encode("2"); };
await writer.writeCell("a"); await writer.nextLine(); await writer.writeCell(asyncCell());
assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()), `a\n"1\n"",2"`); },});
Deno.test({ name: "writeCSV works with different input", async fn() { const buf = new Buffer(); const enc = new TextEncoder(); const asyncCell = async function* (str: string) { yield enc.encode(str); }; const asyncRow = async function* () { yield "1"; yield "2"; yield asyncCell("3"); }; const asyncRows = async function* () { yield ["a", "b", asyncCell("c")]; yield asyncRow(); };
await writeCSV(buf, asyncRows());
assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()), `a,b,"c"\n1,2,"3"`); },});
Deno.test({ name: "writeCSVObjects works objects", async fn() { const buf = new Buffer(); const asyncRows = async function* () { yield { a: "1", b: "2", c: "3" }; yield { a: "4", b: "5", c: "6" }; };
await writeCSVObjects(buf, asyncRows(), { header: ["a", "b", "c"] });
assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()), `a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6`); },});