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Streaming API for reading and writing CSV for
import { concat, getLogger, iterateReader, Logger, repeat } from "./deps.ts";import { getUint8Array, hasPrefixFrom } from "./utils.ts";
/** Common options for CSV reader module */export interface CommonCSVReaderOptions { columnSeparator: string | Uint8Array; lineSeparator: string | Uint8Array; quote: string | Uint8Array; encoding?: string; fromLine?: number; toLine?: number;}
/** Options for CSVReader class */export interface CSVReaderOptions extends CommonCSVReaderOptions { onCell(cell: string): void; onRowEnd(): void; onEnd(): void; onError(err: Error): void;}
interface HiddenCSVReaderOptions extends CSVReaderOptions { _readerIteratorBufferSize: number; _columnBufferMinStepSize: number; _inputBufferIndexLimit: number; _columnBufferReserve: number; _stats: { reads: number; inputBufferShrinks: number; columnBufferExpands: number; };}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction noop(_?: any): any {}
const utfBom = new Uint8Array([0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf]);
const defaultCSVReaderOptions: HiddenCSVReaderOptions = { columnSeparator: ",", lineSeparator: "\n", quote: '"', onCell: noop, onRowEnd: noop, onEnd: noop, onError: noop, _readerIteratorBufferSize: 1024, _columnBufferMinStepSize: 1024, _inputBufferIndexLimit: 1024, _columnBufferReserve: 64, _stats: { reads: 0, inputBufferShrinks: 0, columnBufferExpands: 0, },};
/** Class for manual CSV reading: * * let row: string[] = []; * const reader = new CSVReader(f, { * columnSeparator: "\t", * lineSeparator: "\r\n", * onCell(cell: string) { * row.push(cell); * }, * onRowEnd() { * console.log(row); * row = []; * }, * onEnd() { * console.log('end'); * }, * onError(err) { * console.error(err); * } * }); *; */export class CSVReader { private decoder: TextDecoder; private onCell: (cell: string) => void; private onRowEnd: () => void; private onEnd: () => void; private onError: (err: Error) => void; private inputBufferIndexLimit: number; private stats: { reads: number; inputBufferShrinks: number; columnBufferExpands: number; }; private columnSeparator: Uint8Array; private lineSeparator: Uint8Array; private quote: Uint8Array; private doubleQuote: Uint8Array; private minPossibleBufferReserve: number; private columnBufferReserve: number; private columnBufferStepSize: number; private readerIterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>; private inputBuffer: Uint8Array; private inputBufferIndex: number; private columnBuffer: Uint8Array; private columnBufferIndex: number; private readerEmpty: boolean; private emptyLine: boolean; private inQuote: boolean; private inColumn: boolean; private inputBufferUnprocessed: number; private paused: boolean; private debug: (msg: string) => void; private currentPos: number; private linesProcessed: number; private lastLineStartPos: number; private fromLine: number; private toLine: number;
constructor(reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CSVReaderOptions>) { this.decoder = new TextDecoder(options?.encoding); const mergedOptions: HiddenCSVReaderOptions = { ...defaultCSVReaderOptions, ...options, }; this.fromLine = mergedOptions.fromLine || 0; this.toLine = mergedOptions.toLine || Number.MAX_VALUE; this.onCell = mergedOptions.onCell || noop; this.onRowEnd = mergedOptions.onRowEnd || noop; this.onEnd = mergedOptions.onEnd || noop; this.onError = mergedOptions.onError || noop; this.inputBufferIndexLimit = mergedOptions._inputBufferIndexLimit; this.stats = mergedOptions._stats; this.quote = getUint8Array(mergedOptions.quote); this.columnSeparator = getUint8Array(mergedOptions.columnSeparator); this.lineSeparator = getUint8Array(mergedOptions.lineSeparator); this.doubleQuote = repeat(this.quote, 2);
this.minPossibleBufferReserve = Math.max( this.columnSeparator.length, this.lineSeparator.length, this.doubleQuote.length, 1, ); this.columnBufferStepSize = Math.max( mergedOptions._columnBufferMinStepSize, this.minPossibleBufferReserve, ); this.columnBufferReserve = Math.max( mergedOptions._columnBufferReserve, this.minPossibleBufferReserve, );
this.readerIterator = iterateReader(reader, { bufSize: mergedOptions._readerIteratorBufferSize, });
this.inputBuffer = new Uint8Array(); this.inputBufferIndex = 0;
this.columnBuffer = new Uint8Array(this.columnBufferStepSize); this.columnBufferIndex = 0;
this.readerEmpty = false; this.emptyLine = true; this.inQuote = false; this.inColumn = false; this.inputBufferUnprocessed = 0; this.paused = true;
this.currentPos = 0; this.linesProcessed = 0; this.lastLineStartPos = 0;
const logger: Logger = getLogger("csv"); if (logger.levelName === "DEBUG") { this.debug = (msg) => logger.debug(msg); } else { this.debug = noop; } }
public read() { if (this.paused) { this.paused = false; this.parseCycle(); } }
public pause() { this.paused = true; }
private processColumn() { const result = this.decoder.decode( this.columnBuffer.subarray(0, this.columnBufferIndex), ); this.columnBufferIndex = 0; this.onCell(result); }
private processRow() { this.onRowEnd(); }
private hasNext(chars: Uint8Array) { return hasPrefixFrom(this.inputBuffer, chars, this.inputBufferIndex); }
private skip(length: number) { this.debug(`skip: ${length}`); this.inputBufferIndex += length; this.inputBufferUnprocessed -= length; this.currentPos += length; }
private shrinkInputBuffer() { this.stats.inputBufferShrinks++; this.debug("shrink input buffer"); this.inputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.slice(this.inputBufferIndex); this.inputBufferIndex = 0; this.inputBufferUnprocessed = this.inputBuffer.length; }
private readChars(n: number) { this.columnBuffer.set( this.inputBuffer.subarray( this.inputBufferIndex, this.inputBufferIndex + n, ), this.columnBufferIndex, ); this.columnBufferIndex += n; this.inputBufferIndex += n; this.inputBufferUnprocessed -= n; this.currentPos += n; }
private async readMoreData() { this.stats.reads++; this.debug("read more data"); const { done, value } = await; if (done) { this.readerEmpty = true; } else { this.inputBuffer = concat(this.inputBuffer, value); this.inputBufferUnprocessed += value.length; } }
private expandColumnBuffer() { this.stats.columnBufferExpands++; const newColumn = new Uint8Array( this.columnBuffer.length + this.columnBufferStepSize, ); this.debug( `expand column buffer from ${this.columnBuffer.length} to ${newColumn.length}`, ); newColumn.set(this.columnBuffer); this.columnBuffer = newColumn; }
private countLine() { this.countLines(1, this.currentPos); }
private countLines(newLines: number, lastLineStartPos: number) { this.debug( `count lines: newLines=${newLines} lastLineStartPos=${lastLineStartPos}`, ); this.linesProcessed += newLines; this.lastLineStartPos = lastLineStartPos; }
private getCurrentPos() { const line = this.linesProcessed + 1; const ch = this.currentPos - this.lastLineStartPos + 1;
return `line ${line}, character ${ch}`; }
private async parseCycle() { while (true) { if (this.paused) { return; }
// lacks of data if ( !this.readerEmpty && this.inputBufferUnprocessed < this.minPossibleBufferReserve ) { // TODO: many loops could be started if pause/unpause while reading await this.readMoreData(); continue; }
// buffer could be emptied if (this.inputBufferIndex >= this.inputBufferIndexLimit) { this.shrinkInputBuffer(); continue; }
// column buffer is almost full if ( this.columnBuffer.length - this.columnBufferIndex < this.columnBufferReserve ) { this.expandColumnBuffer(); continue; }
// skip line if it didn't reach fromLine if (!this.inColumn && this.linesProcessed < this.fromLine) { const slice = this.inputBuffer.subarray(this.inputBufferIndex); const index = findReadTillLineSeparatorIndex(slice, this.lineSeparator); if (index === null) { this.skip(slice.length); continue; } this.skip(index + this.lineSeparator.length); this.countLine(); this.emptyLine = true; continue; }
// linesProcessed start at 1 and toLine at 0 // stop reading if toLine is reached if (!this.inColumn && this.linesProcessed >= this.toLine) { this.debug("eof"); this.onEnd(); return; }
// skip UTF BOM if (!this.inColumn && this.currentPos === 0 && this.hasNext(utfBom)) { this.skip(utfBom.length); continue; }
if (!this.inColumn && this.inputBufferUnprocessed === 0) { this.debug("eof"); if (!this.emptyLine) { this.processColumn(); this.processRow(); } this.onEnd(); return; }
if (!this.inColumn && this.hasNext(this.lineSeparator)) { this.debug("lineSeparator"); if (!this.emptyLine) { this.processColumn(); this.processRow(); } this.skip(this.lineSeparator.length); this.countLine(); this.emptyLine = true; continue; }
if (!this.inColumn && this.hasNext(this.columnSeparator)) { this.debug("columnSeparator"); this.emptyLine = false; this.processColumn(); this.skip(this.columnSeparator.length); continue; }
if (!this.inColumn) { this.inColumn = true; this.emptyLine = false; if (this.hasNext(this.quote)) { this.debug("start quoted column"); this.inQuote = true; this.skip(this.quote.length); } else { this.debug("start unquoted column"); } continue; }
if (this.inColumn && this.inQuote && this.hasNext(this.doubleQuote)) { this.debug("double quote"); this.columnBuffer.set(this.quote, this.columnBufferIndex); this.columnBufferIndex += this.quote.length; this.skip(this.doubleQuote.length); continue; }
if (this.inColumn && this.inQuote && this.hasNext(this.quote)) { this.debug("end quoted column"); this.inQuote = false; this.inColumn = false; this.skip(this.quote.length); if ( this.inputBufferUnprocessed > 0 && !this.hasNext(this.lineSeparator) && !this.hasNext(this.columnSeparator) ) { const charCode = this.inputBuffer[this.inputBufferIndex]; const char = charCode === 13 ? "\\r" : String.fromCharCode(charCode); let msg = `Expected EOF, COLUMN_SEPARATOR, LINE_SEPARATOR; received ${char} (${this.getCurrentPos()})`; if (charCode === 13) { msg += '\nPerhaps you need to add the setting lineSeparator: "\\r\\n"\n'; } this.onError(new Error(msg)); return; } continue; }
if ( this.inColumn && !this.inQuote && (this.inputBufferUnprocessed === 0 || this.hasNext(this.lineSeparator) || this.hasNext(this.columnSeparator)) ) { this.debug("end unquoted column"); this.inColumn = false; continue; }
if (this.inColumn && this.inputBufferUnprocessed > 0) { const slice = this.inputBuffer.subarray(this.inputBufferIndex); const limit = Math.min( slice.length - this.minPossibleBufferReserve, this.columnBuffer.length - this.columnBufferIndex, );
let readTillIndex = 1; let newLines = 0; let lastLineStartPos = -1; if (limit > 1) { if (this.inQuote) { const { till, lineSeparatorsFound, lastLineSeparatorEndIndex } = findReadTillIndexQuoted( slice, limit, this.quote, this.lineSeparator, );
readTillIndex = till; newLines = lineSeparatorsFound; lastLineStartPos = this.currentPos + lastLineSeparatorEndIndex; } else { const { till, type } = findReadTillIndex( slice, limit, this.lineSeparator, this.columnSeparator, this.quote, );
if (till === 0 && type === FindReadTillIndexType.QUOTE) { this.onError( new Error( `Unexpected quote in unquoted field (${this.getCurrentPos()})`, ), ); return; }
readTillIndex = till; } }
if (readTillIndex > 0) { this.debug(`read char: ${readTillIndex}`); this.readChars(readTillIndex); } if (newLines > 0) { this.countLines(newLines, lastLineStartPos); } continue; }
if (this.inQuote && this.inputBufferUnprocessed === 0) { this.onError( new Error(`Expected quote, received EOF (${this.getCurrentPos()})`), ); return; }
this.onError(new Error(`unexpected (${this.getCurrentPos()})`)); return; } }}
class CSVStreamReader implements AsyncIterableIterator<string | symbol> { private reader: CSVReader; private done: boolean; private buffer: Array<IteratorResult<string | symbol, void> | Error>; private nextPromise?: Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol, void>>; private nextPromiseResolve?: ( res: IteratorResult<string | symbol, void>, ) => void; private nextPromiseReject?: (err: Error) => void;
constructor(reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>) { this.buffer = []; this.done = false; this.reader = new CSVReader(reader, { ...options, onCell: (value) => this.onCell(value), onRowEnd: () => this.onRowEnd(), onEnd: () => this.onEnd(), onError: (err) => this.onError(err), }); }
private onCell(value: string) { this.process({ done: false, value }); }
private onRowEnd() { this.process({ done: false, value: newLine }); }
private onEnd() { this.done = true; this.process({ done: true, value: undefined }); }
private onError(err: Error) { this.process(err); }
private process(result: IteratorResult<string | symbol, void> | Error) { const cb = result instanceof Error ? this.nextPromiseReject : this.nextPromiseResolve;
if (cb) { this.nextPromise = undefined; this.nextPromiseResolve = undefined; this.nextPromiseReject = undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any cb(result as any); } else { this.buffer.push(result); }
this.reader.pause(); }
next(): Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol, void>> { if (this.done && this.buffer.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ done: true, value: undefined }); }
let promise = this.nextPromise; if (!promise) { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { const res = this.buffer.shift()!; if (res instanceof Error) { return Promise.reject(res); } else { return Promise.resolve(res); } }
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.nextPromiseResolve = resolve; this.nextPromiseReject = reject;; }); }
// not resolved yet if (this.nextPromiseResolve) { this.nextPromise = promise; }
return promise; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }}
/** readCSVStream returns this symbol to show that row is ended */export const newLine = Symbol("newLine");
/** Read CSV as stream of cells and newlines: * * for await (const token of readCSVStream(f)) { * if (token === newLine) { * console.log('new line'); * } else { * console.log(`cell: ${token}`); * } * } */export function readCSVStream( reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>,): AsyncIterable<string | symbol> { return new CSVStreamReader(reader, options);}
class CSVRowReader implements AsyncIterableIterator<string[]> { private reader: CSVReader; private done: boolean; private row: string[]; private buffer: Array<IteratorResult<string[], void> | Error>; private nextPromise?: Promise<IteratorResult<string[], void>>; private nextPromiseResolve?: (res: IteratorResult<string[], void>) => void; private nextPromiseReject?: (err: Error) => void;
constructor(reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>) { this.buffer = []; this.done = false; this.row = []; this.reader = new CSVReader(reader, { ...options, onCell: (value) => this.onCell(value), onRowEnd: () => this.onRowEnd(), onEnd: () => this.onEnd(), onError: (err) => this.process(err), }); }
private onCell(cell: string) { this.row.push(cell); }
private onRowEnd() { const row = this.row; this.row = []; this.process({ done: false, value: row }); }
private onEnd() { this.done = true; this.process({ done: true, value: undefined }); }
private process(result: IteratorResult<string[], void> | Error) { const cb = result instanceof Error ? this.nextPromiseReject : this.nextPromiseResolve;
if (cb) { this.nextPromise = undefined; this.nextPromiseResolve = undefined; this.nextPromiseReject = undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any cb(result as any); } else { this.buffer.push(result); }
this.reader.pause(); }
next(): Promise<IteratorResult<string[], void>> { if (this.done && this.buffer.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ done: true, value: undefined }); }
let promise = this.nextPromise; if (!promise) { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { const res = this.buffer.shift()!; if (res instanceof Error) { return Promise.reject(res); } else { return Promise.resolve(res); } }
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.nextPromiseResolve = resolve; this.nextPromiseReject = reject;; }); }
// not resolved yet if (this.nextPromiseResolve) { this.nextPromise = promise; }
return promise; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }}
/** Read CSV as stream of arrays of cells: * * for await (const row of readCSVRows(f)) { * console.log(`row: ${row.join(' ')}`) * } */export function readCSVRows( reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>,): AsyncIterable<string[]> { return new CSVRowReader(reader, options);}
class RowIterator implements AsyncIterableIterator<string> { private onRequested: () => Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol>>; private done: boolean;
constructor(onRequested: () => Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol>>) { this.onRequested = onRequested; this.done = false; }
async readTillEnd() { if (this.done) { return; }
for await (const _ of this) { // just read all cells } }
async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<string>> { if (this.done) { return { done: true, value: null }; }
const { done, value } = await this.onRequested();
if (done || value === newLine) { this.done = true; return { done: true, value: null }; } else { return { done: false, value: value as string }; } }
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }}
class CSVRowIteratorReader implements AsyncIterableIterator<RowIterator> { private reader: CSVReader; private done: boolean; private rowIterator: RowIterator | undefined; private buffer: Array<IteratorResult<string | symbol, void> | Error>; private nextPromise?: Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol, void>>; private nextPromiseResolve?: ( res: IteratorResult<string | symbol, void>, ) => void; private nextPromiseReject?: (err: Error) => void;
constructor(reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>) { this.done = false; this.buffer = []; this.reader = new CSVReader(reader, { ...options, onCell: (value) => this.onCell(value), onRowEnd: () => this.onRowEnd(), onEnd: () => this.onEnd(), onError: (err) => this.onError(err), }); }
private onCell(value: string) { this.process({ done: false, value }); }
private onRowEnd() { this.process({ done: false, value: newLine }); }
private onEnd() { this.done = true; this.process({ done: true, value: undefined }); }
private onError(err: Error) { this.process(err); }
private process(result: IteratorResult<string | symbol, void> | Error) { const cb = result instanceof Error ? this.nextPromiseReject : this.nextPromiseResolve;
if (cb) { this.nextPromise = undefined; this.nextPromiseResolve = undefined; this.nextPromiseReject = undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any cb(result as any); } else { this.buffer.push(result); }
this.reader.pause(); }
onRequested(): Promise<IteratorResult<string | symbol>> { let promise = this.nextPromise; if (!promise) { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { const res = this.buffer.shift()!; if (res instanceof Error) { return Promise.reject(res); } else { return Promise.resolve(res); } }
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.nextPromiseResolve = resolve; this.nextPromiseReject = reject;; }); }
// not resolved yet if (this.nextPromiseResolve) { this.nextPromise = promise; }
return promise; }
async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<RowIterator, void>> { if (this.rowIterator) { await this.rowIterator.readTillEnd(); this.rowIterator = undefined; }
if (this.done) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; }
this.rowIterator = new RowIterator(() => this.onRequested());
return { done: false, value: this.rowIterator }; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }}
/** Read CSV as stream of steams of cells: * * for await (const row of readCSV(f)) { * console.log('row:') * for await (const cell of row) { * console.log(` cell: ${cell}`); * } * } */export function readCSV( reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>,): AsyncIterable<AsyncIterable<string>> { return new CSVRowIteratorReader(reader, options);}
/** Read CSV as stream of objects: * * for await (const obj of readCSVObjects(f)) { * console.log(obj); * } */export async function* readCSVObjects( reader: Deno.Reader, options?: Partial<CommonCSVReaderOptions>,): AsyncIterable<{ [key: string]: string }> { let header: string[] | undefined;
for await (const row of new CSVRowReader(reader, options)) { if (!header) { header = row; continue; }
const obj: { [key: string]: string } = {}; for (let i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { obj[header[i]] = row[i]; }
yield obj; }}
function findReadTillIndexQuoted( a: Uint8Array, limit: number, quote: Uint8Array, lineSeparator: Uint8Array,): { till: number; lineSeparatorsFound: number; lastLineSeparatorEndIndex: number;} { const s1 = quote[0]; const s2 = lineSeparator[0]; let result = limit; let lineSeparatorsFound = 0; let lastLineSeparatorEndIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= limit) { result = limit; break; }
if (a[i] === s1) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < quote.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== quote[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === quote.length) { result = i; break; } }
if (a[i] === s2) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < lineSeparator.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== lineSeparator[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === lineSeparator.length) { lineSeparatorsFound++; lastLineSeparatorEndIndex = i + lineSeparator.length; i += lineSeparator.length - 1; } } }
return { till: result, lineSeparatorsFound, lastLineSeparatorEndIndex };}
enum FindReadTillIndexType { LIMIT = 0, LINE_SEPARATOR = 1, COLUMN_SEPARATOR = 2, QUOTE = 3,}
function findReadTillIndex( a: Uint8Array, limit: number, lineSeparator: Uint8Array, columnSeparator: Uint8Array, quote: Uint8Array,): { till: number; type: FindReadTillIndexType } { const s1 = lineSeparator[0]; const s2 = columnSeparator[0]; const s3 = quote[0];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (i >= limit) { return { till: limit, type: FindReadTillIndexType.LIMIT }; }
if (a[i] === s1) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < lineSeparator.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== lineSeparator[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === lineSeparator.length) { return { till: i, type: FindReadTillIndexType.LINE_SEPARATOR }; } }
if (a[i] === s2) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < columnSeparator.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== columnSeparator[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === columnSeparator.length) { return { till: i, type: FindReadTillIndexType.COLUMN_SEPARATOR }; } }
if (a[i] === s3) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < quote.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== quote[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === quote.length) { return { till: i, type: FindReadTillIndexType.QUOTE }; } } }
return { till: limit, type: FindReadTillIndexType.LIMIT };}
function findReadTillLineSeparatorIndex( a: Uint8Array, lineSeparator: Uint8Array,): number | null { const s1 = lineSeparator[0];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === s1) { let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < lineSeparator.length) { j++; if (a[j] !== lineSeparator[j - i]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === lineSeparator.length) { return i; } } }
return null;}