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A comprehensive color library for JavaScript.
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import converter from './converter.js';import displayable from './displayable.js';import prepare from './_prepare.js';import { getMode } from './modes.js';
let rgb = converter('rgb');
const fixup_rgb = color => { let c = rgb(color); c.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(c.r, 1)); c.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(c.g, 1)); c.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(c.b, 1)); return c;};
export const clampRgb = color => { color = prepare(color);
// if the color is undefined or displayable, return it directly if (color === undefined || displayable(color)) return color;
// keep track of color's original mode let conv = converter(color.mode);
return conv(fixup_rgb(color));};
export const clampChroma = (color, mode = 'lch') => { color = prepare(color);
// if the color is undefined or displayable, return it directly if (color === undefined || displayable(color)) return color;
// keep track of color's original mode let conv = converter(color.mode);
// convert to the provided `mode` for clamping color = converter(mode)(color);
// try with chroma = 0 let clamped = { ...color, c: 0 };
// if not even chroma = 0 is displayable // fall back to RGB clamping if (!displayable(clamped)) { return conv(fixup_rgb(clamped)); }
// By this time we know chroma = 0 is displayable and our current chroma is not. // Find the displayable chroma through the bisection method. let start = 0; let end = color.c; let range = getMode(mode).ranges.c; let resolution = (range[1] - range[0]) / Math.pow(2, 13); let _last_good_c;
while (end - start > resolution) { clamped.c = start + (end - start) * 0.5; if (displayable(clamped)) { _last_good_c = clamped.c; start = clamped.c; } else { end = clamped.c; } }
return conv( displayable(clamped) ? clamped : { ...clamped, c: _last_good_c } );};