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A comprehensive color library for JavaScript.
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import converter from './converter.js';import round from './round.js';import prepare from './_prepare.js';import { getMode } from './modes.js';
let twoDecimals = round(2);
const clamp = value => Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));const fixup = value => Math.round(clamp(value) * 255);
export const serializeHex = color => { if (color === undefined) { return undefined; }
let r = fixup(color.r); let g = fixup(color.g); let b = fixup(color.b);
return '#' + ((1 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16).slice(1);};
export const serializeHex8 = color => { if (color === undefined) { return undefined; }
let a = fixup(color.alpha !== undefined ? color.alpha : 1); return serializeHex(color) + ((1 << 8) | a).toString(16).slice(1);};
export const serializeRgb = color => { if (color === undefined) { return undefined; }
let r = color.r !== undefined ? fixup(color.r) : 'none'; let g = color.g !== undefined ? fixup(color.g) : 'none'; let b = color.b !== undefined ? fixup(color.b) : 'none';
if (color.alpha === undefined || color.alpha === 1) { // opaque color return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`; } else { // transparent color return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${twoDecimals(clamp(color.alpha))})`; }};
export const serializeHsl = color => { if (color === undefined) { return undefined; }
const h = twoDecimals(color.h || 0); const s = color.s !== undefined ? twoDecimals(clamp(color.s) * 100) + '%' : 'none'; const l = color.l !== undefined ? twoDecimals(clamp(color.l) * 100) + '%' : 'none';
if (color.alpha === undefined || color.alpha === 1) { // opaque color return `hsl(${h}, ${s}, ${l})`; } else { // transparent color return `hsla(${h}, ${s}, ${l}, ${twoDecimals(clamp(color.alpha))})`; }};
export const formatCss = c => { const color = prepare(c); if (!color) { return undefined; } const def = getMode(color.mode); if (!def.serialize || typeof def.serialize === 'string') { let res = `color(${def.serialize || `--${color.mode}`} `; def.channels.forEach((ch, i) => { if (ch !== 'alpha') { res += (i ? ' ' : '') + (color[ch] !== undefined ? color[ch] : 'none'); } }); if (color.alpha !== undefined && color.alpha < 1) { res += ` / ${color.alpha}`; } return res + ')'; } if (typeof def.serialize === 'function') { return def.serialize(color); } return undefined;};
export const formatHex = c => serializeHex(converter('rgb')(c));export const formatHex8 = c => serializeHex8(converter('rgb')(c));export const formatRgb = c => serializeRgb(converter('rgb')(c));export const formatHsl = c => serializeHsl(converter('hsl')(c));