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Currying and partial application utilities
// Copyright 2023-latest Tomoki Miyauchi. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** Create a bound function with arguments fixed from the left. * * @example * ```ts * import { papplyLeft } from "$VERSION/partial.ts"; * * declare const fn: (a: string, b: number, c: boolean) => void; * * const ternary = papplyLeft(fn); * const binary = papplyLeft(fn, ""); * const unary = papplyLeft(fn, "", 0); * const nullary = papplyLeft(fn, "", 0, false); * ``` */export function papplyLeft< T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[], R,>( fn: (...args: readonly [...T, ...U]) => R, ...args: T): ( U) => R { return function bound( U): R { return fn(...args,; };}
/** Create a bound function with arguments fixed from the right * * @example * ```ts * import { papplyRight } from "$VERSION/partial.ts"; * * declare const fn: (a: string, b: number, c: boolean) => void; * * const binary = papplyRight(fn, false); * const unary = papplyRight(fn, false, 0); * const nullary = papplyRight(fn, false, 0, ""); * ``` */export function papplyRight<A0, A extends readonly unknown[], R>( fn: (...args: readonly [...A, A0]) => R, arg0: A0,): (...args: A) => R;export function papplyRight<A0, A1, A extends readonly unknown[], R>( fn: (...args: readonly [...A, A1, A0]) => R, arg0: A0, arg1: A1,): (...args: A) => R;export function papplyRight<A0, A1, A2, A extends readonly unknown[], R>( fn: (...args: readonly [...A, A2, A1, A0]) => R, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2,): (...args: A) => R;export function papplyRight<A0, A1, A2, A3, A extends readonly unknown[], R>( fn: (...args: readonly [...A, A3, A2, A1, A0]) => R, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3,): (...args: A) => R;export function papplyRight< A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A extends readonly unknown[], R,>( fn: (...args: readonly [...A, A3, A2, A1, A0]) => R, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4,): (...args: A) => R;export function papplyRight<AX, R>( fn: (...args: readonly AX[]) => R, ...args: AX[]): (...args: readonly AX[]) => R;export function papplyRight<AX, R>( fn: (...args: readonly AX[]) => R, ...args: AX[]): (...args: readonly AX[]) => R { args = args.reverse(); return function bound( R { return fn.apply(null, rest.concat(args)); };}
/** Create a bound function with fixed arguments except the first one. * * @example * ```ts * import { papplyRest } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * declare const fn: (a: string, b: number, c: boolean) => void; * * const binary = papplyRest(fn, 0); * const unary = papplyRest(fn, 0, false); * ``` */export function papplyRest< H, T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[], R,>( fn: (...args: readonly [H, ...T, ...U]) => R, ...tail: T): (head: H, U) => R { return function bound(head: H, U): R { return fn(head, ...tail,; };}