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Deno “Curry Cache” Library

A deno library by @codemonument which allows currying of a function to cache it’s result. Has an interface to allow providing your own store!


See ./example/main.ts!
Run this with deno task start!


  • Note: To run the planetscale storage engine tests, you need a planetscale database with admin credentials (admin bc. clearCache() runs a TRUNCATE TABLE internally)

Missing Things

  • force invalidation via options-param when invoking a curryCached function
  • some fix for weired typing behavior


=> Integrate new ES Decorators into the lib! (Avaliable when Typescript 5.0 hits deno!) Allow functions & methods to be annotatet with @CurryCache() to be able to add caching functionality more easily!

=> Add support for generator functions, like

function* helloWorldGenerator() {
  yield "Hello World!";
  yield "Hello World 2!";
  yield "Hello World 3!";

const cachedHelloWorld = curryCache(helloWorldGenerator().next, {
  overrideCacheKeyFactory: (
    { inputFunctionName }: { inputFunctionName: string },
  ) => inputFunctionName,

  const res1 = cachedHelloWorld([]);
 // DOES NOT WORK CURRENTLY, cure to cachedHelloWorld not being able to call .next() on the generator internally!


  • Maybe use tanstack-query-core and persist it’s cache? => May simplify my implementation!