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Web framework for Deno, built on top of Oak 🦇
// Copyright 2020 Liam Tan. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export enum HttpMethod { GET = "get", POST = "post", PUT = "put", PATCH = "patch", DELETE = "delete",}/** * All parameter decorator types. When a route argument is declared * using a parameter decorator, the correct `ArgsType` is assigned * so that at runtime `Router` can determine where to retreive the * data from */export enum ArgsType { PARAM = "param", BODY = "body", QUERY = "query", HEADER = "header", CONTEXT = "context", REQUEST = "request", RESPONSE = "response", COOKIE = "cookie",}
/** * Metadata shape describing a controller and its * subsidiary routes. Includes all data in addtion * to routes like controller action args, response * codes */export interface ControllerMetadata { prefix: string | null; routes: Map<string | Symbol, RouteDefinition>; defaultResponseCodes: Map<string | Symbol, number>; args: RouteArgument[];}/** * Route definition metadata, as mapped to a controller * action. Consumed in `ControllerMetadata` to build * routes that oak understands */export interface RouteDefinition { path: string; requestMethod: HttpMethod; methodName: string | Symbol;}/** * Definition for a parameter decorator on a controller * action. */export interface RouteArgument { type: ArgsType; index: number; key: string | undefined; argFor: string | Symbol;}/** * Root config for the `Application` class. */
export interface ApplicationConfig { controllers: Array<Newable<any>>; config?: { timing?: boolean; log?: boolean; cors?: boolean; }}/** * Definition for a class. */export interface Newable<T> { new (...args: any[]): T;}