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An ArangoDB driver for Deno.
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import { axiod } from "./deps.ts";import { ArangoCursor, CursorOptions } from "./cursor.ts";
/** * Define Document methods. */export interface DocumentBase { update(): Promise<void>; delete(): Promise<boolean>;}
/** * Join DocumentData<T> and DocumentBase */export type Document<T> = & DocumentData<T> & DocumentBase;
/** * Document ID fields */export type DocumentID = { _id: string; _key: string; _rev: string };
/** * Document Data and ID fields. */export type DocumentData<T> = T & DocumentID;
/** * An object representing a collection on the ArangoDB server. */export class Collection<T> { constructor(private ax: typeof axiod, public readonly name: string) {} /** * Get a document directly by its key * @param key The document key * @returns The document specified by the key. */ public async get(key: string): Promise<Document<T>> { const res = await`/_api/document/${}/${key}`); if (res.status != 200) { throw new Error(`Unable to get document: ${}`); } return this.makeDocument(; } private async updateDocument( key: string, data: DocumentData<T>, ): Promise<void> { const res = await`/_api/document/${}/${key}`, data); switch (res.status) { case 400: case 404: case 412: throw new Error(`Unable to update document: ${}`); default: { const ids = as DocumentID; data._rev = ids._rev; } } } private async deleteDocument(key: string): Promise<boolean> { const res = await`/_api/document/${}/${key}`); switch (res.status) { case 404: case 412: return false; default: return true; } } private makeDocument(obj: DocumentData<T>): Document<T> { const data = Object.assign({}, obj); return Object.assign(data, { update: async () => { await this.updateDocument(data._key, data); }, delete: async () => { return await this.deleteDocument(data._key); }, }); } /** * Create a new document in the collection. * @param data The initial document data. * @returns The document, as it exists on the server. */ public async create(data: T): Promise<Document<T>> { const res = await`/_api/document/${}`, data); switch (res.status) { case 400: case 404: throw new Error(`Unable to create document. ${}`); default: { const ids: DocumentID =; const doc = await this.get(ids._key); if (doc == null) throw new Error("Unable to get created document."); return doc; } } } /** * Find multiple documents matching the filter provided. * @param filter Partial document data to filter results by. * @returns Documents matching the filter provided. */ public async find( filter: Partial<DocumentData<T>>, ): Promise<Document<T>[]> { const filterStrings: string[] = []; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const filterAny: { [key: string]: any } = filter; for (const key of Object.keys(filterAny)) { filterStrings.push( `FILTER doc.${key} == ${JSON.stringify(filterAny[key])}`, ); } const query = `FOR doc IN ${}\n\t${ filterStrings.join("\n\t") }\n\tRETURN doc`; return await this.query(query); } /** * Find the first document matching the filter provided. * @param filter Partial document data to filter results by. * @returns A document matching the filter provided. */ public async findOne( filter: Partial<DocumentData<T>>, ): Promise<Document<T> | undefined> { return (await this.find(filter))[0]; } /** * Run a query, returning the results as Document objects. * @param aql The query string to execute. * @param options Cursor options. * @returns The collected results of the query, converted to Document objects. */ public async query( aql: string, options?: CursorOptions, ): Promise<Document<T>[]> { const res = await new ArangoCursor<DocumentData<T>>(, aql, options) .collect(); return => this.makeDocument(d)); } /** * Truncate the collection. */ public async truncate(): Promise<void> { const res = await`/_api/collection/${}/truncate`); if ( { throw new Error( `Unable to truncate collection: ${}`, ); } }}