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/// <reference types='./workers.d.ts' />
import ms from ''
type GetWithOrWithoutMetadata = { metadata: true } | undefinedtype Partialize<T, K extends keyof T> = Partial<Pick<T, K>> & Omit<T, K>type PartialKey<T> = Partialize<T, keyof T>
export class Store<Schema extends Record<string, unknown> | string> { private namespace: KVNamespace private prefix: string | undefined
constructor (namespace: KVNamespace, prefix?: string) { this.namespace = namespace this.prefix = prefix }
async set(key: string, value: Schema, options?: { expiresIn?: string, expiresAt?: Date, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> }) { await this.namespace.put( this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key, typeof value === 'string' ? value : JSON.stringify(value), options ? { ...(options.expiresIn && { expirationTtl: ms(options.expiresIn) / 1000 }), ...(options.expiresAt && { expiration: Math.round(options.expiresAt.getTime() / 1000) }), ...(options.metadata && { metadata: options.metadata }) } : undefined ) }
async get<T extends GetWithOrWithoutMetadata = undefined>(key: string, options?: T): Promise<(T extends { metadata: true } ? { value: Schema, metadata: { [key: string]: any } | undefined } : Schema) | undefined> { if (options?.metadata) { const raw = await this.namespace.getWithMetadata(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key)
if (!raw.value) return if (raw.value.startsWith('{')) // @ts-ignore return { value: JSON.parse(raw.value), metadata: raw.metadata as { [key: string]: any } | undefined } } else { const raw = await this.namespace.get(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key)
if (!raw) return if (raw.startsWith('{')) return JSON.parse(raw) } }
async has(key: string) { return await this.namespace.get(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key) !== null }
async update(key: string, value: Schema extends object ? PartialKey<Schema> : string): Promise<Schema | undefined> { const raw = await this.namespace.get(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key) if (!raw) return
let updated: Schema , updatedString
if (raw.startsWith('{') && typeof value === 'object') { const original = JSON.parse(raw)
updated = Object.assign({}, original, value) updatedString = JSON.stringify(updated) } else if (typeof value === 'object') { // @ts-ignore updated = value updatedString = JSON.stringify(value) } else { // @ts-ignore updated = value }
// @ts-ignore await namespace.put(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key, updatedString ?? updated)
return updated }
async list(options?: { prefix?: string, limit?: number, cursor?: string }): Promise<{ keys: { [key: string]: { expiresAt?: Date, metadata?: { [key: string]: any } }}, cursor: undefined, isComplete: true } | { keys: { [key: string]: { expiresAt?: number, metadata?: { [key: string]: any } }}, cursor: string, isComplete: false }> { const result = await this.namespace.list( options ? { ...(options.prefix ? { prefix: this.prefix ? this.prefix + options.prefix : options.prefix } : this.prefix && { prefix: this.prefix }), ...(options.limit && { limit: options.limit }), ...(options.cursor && { cursor: options.cursor }) } : undefined )
if (result.keys.length === 0) return { keys: {}, cursor: undefined, isComplete: true }
const keys: { [key: string]: { expiresAt?: Date, metadata?: { [key: string]: any } }} = {}
for (let i = 0; i < result.keys.length; i++) { const item = result.keys[i]
keys[] = { ...(item.expiration && { expiresAt: new Date(item.expiration * 1000) }), // @ts-ignore ...(item.metadata && { metadata: item.metadata }) } }
// @ts-ignore return { keys, // @ts-ignore cursor: result.cursor, isComplete: result.list_complete } }
async delete(key: string) { await this.namespace.delete(this.prefix ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : key) }}