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interface KVNamespace<K extends string = string> { get( key: K, options?: Partial<KVNamespaceGetOptions<undefined>> ): Promise<string | null>; get(key: K, type: "text"): Promise<string | null>; get<ExpectedValue = unknown>( key: K, type: "json" ): Promise<ExpectedValue | null>; get(key: K, type: "arrayBuffer"): Promise<ArrayBuffer | null>; get(key: K, type: "stream"): Promise<ReadableStream | null>; get(key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"text">): Promise<string | null>; get<ExpectedValue = unknown>( key: string, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"json"> ): Promise<ExpectedValue | null>; get( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"arrayBuffer"> ): Promise<ArrayBuffer | null>; get( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"stream"> ): Promise<ReadableStream | null>; list<Metadata = unknown>( options?: KVNamespaceListOptions ): Promise<KVNamespaceListResult<Metadata>>; /** * Creates a new key-value pair, or updates the value for a particular key. * @param key key to associate with the value. A key cannot be empty, `.` or `..`. All other keys are valid. * @param value value to store. The type is inferred. The maximum size of a value is 25MB. * @returns Returns a `Promise` that you should `await` on in order to verify a successful update. * @example * await NAMESPACE.put(key, value); */ put( key: K, value: string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | ReadableStream, options?: KVNamespacePutOptions ): Promise<void>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, options?: Partial<KVNamespaceGetOptions<undefined>> ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<string, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, type: "text" ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<string, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<ExpectedValue = unknown, Metadata = unknown>( key: K, type: "json" ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ExpectedValue, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, type: "arrayBuffer" ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ArrayBuffer, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, type: "stream" ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ReadableStream, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"text"> ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<string, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<ExpectedValue = unknown, Metadata = unknown>( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"json"> ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ExpectedValue, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"arrayBuffer"> ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ArrayBuffer, Metadata>>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: K, options: KVNamespaceGetOptions<"stream"> ): Promise<KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<ReadableStream, Metadata>>; delete(name: string): Promise<void>;}
interface KVNamespaceGetOptions<Type> { type: Type; cacheTtl?: number;}
interface KVNamespaceGetWithMetadataResult<Value, Metadata> { value: Value | null; metadata: Metadata | null;}
interface KVNamespaceListKey<Metadata> { name: string; expiration?: number; metadata?: Metadata;}
interface KVNamespaceListOptions { limit?: number; prefix?: string | null; cursor?: string | null;}
interface KVNamespaceListResult<Metadata> { keys: KVNamespaceListKey<Metadata>[]; list_complete: boolean; cursor?: string;}
interface KVNamespacePutOptions { expiration?: number; expirationTtl?: number; metadata?: any | null;}