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interface FetchContext
implements Context
import { type FetchContext } from "";

Type Parameters

B = unknown
Q = unknown
H = unknown
C = unknown
P = unknown


req: { raw: CloudflareRequest; body: B extends TSchema ? Static<B> : B; query: Q extends TSchema ? Static<Q> : Q; headers: H extends TSchema ? Static<H> : H; cookies: C extends TSchema ? Static<C> : C; parameters: P extends TSchema ? Static<P> : P; geo: { ip: string; city?: string; region?: string; country?: string; continent?: string; regionCode?: string; latitude?: string; longitude?: string; postalCode?: string; timezone?: string; datacenter?: string; }; buffer: () => Promise<ArrayBuffer>; blob: () => Promise<Blob>; formData: () => Promise<FormData>; stream?: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>; }
res: { code: (code: number) => void; cookie: (
name: string,
value: string,
options?: { expiresAt?: Date; maxAge?: number; domain?: string; path?: string; secure?: boolean; httpOnly?: boolean; sameSite?: "strict" | "lax" | "none"; },
) => void; header: (name: string, value: string) => void; html: (data: string, code?: number) => void; json: (data: Record<string, unknown>, code?: number) => void; text: (data: string, code?: number) => void; redirect: (destination: string, code?: number) => void; formData: (data: FormData, code?: number) => void; blob: (data: Blob, code?: number) => void; stream: (data: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, code?: number) => void; buffer: (data: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, code?: number) => void; }