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import * as OTP from ''
export default { /** * Create a random secret. */ secret(length = 64) { return [...Array(length)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16) ).join('') },
/** * Get the 6-digit token for a given timestamp. */ token(secret: string, timestamp?: number) { const totp = new OTP.TOTP({ algorithm: 'SHA1', digits: 6, period: 30, secret: OTP.Secret.fromHex(secret) }) return totp.generate({ timestamp }) },
/** * Create a URI that you can use, for example, for a QR code to scan with Google Authenticator. */ uri(label: string, issuer: string, secret: string) { const totp = new OTP.TOTP({ issuer, label, algorithm: 'SHA1', digits: 6, period: 30, secret: OTP.Secret.fromHex(secret) }) return totp.toString() },
/** * Determine if the token is valid. */ validate(token: string, secret: string) { const totp = new OTP.TOTP({ algorithm: 'SHA1', digits: 6, period: 30, secret: OTP.Secret.fromHex(secret) }) return totp.validate({ token }) === 0 }}