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Implement different Data Structures using TypeScript. Deno Third-party Module.
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Doubly Linked List Api

DataType<T> = {
    key: string|number
    value: T

// Time Complexity: O(1)
size: number;

// Time Complexity: O(1)
prepend(data: DataType<any>): boolean;
append(data: DataType<any>): boolean;

// Time Complexity: O(n)
add(data: DataType<any>, position: number): boolean;

// Time Complexity: O(1)
getFromHead(): object|false;

// Time Complexity: O(1)
getFromTail(): object|false;

// Time Complexity: O(n)
print(): void;

// Time Complexity:
// head node: O(1), other nodes: O(n)
remove(key: string|number): object|boolean;

// Time Complexity:
// head node & tail: O(1), other nodes: O(n)
update(key: string|number, newValue: any): object|boolean;

// Time Complexity:
// head node & tail node: O(1), other nodes: O(n)
search(key: string|number): object|null


import { SinglyLinkedList } from "";

const singlyLinkedList = new SinglyLinkedList()

singlyLinkedList.size	// get the size of the linked list

singlyLinkedList.prepend({key: 'a', value: 'apple'})	// insert in the head
singlyLinkedList.prepend({key: 'b', value: [1, 2, 3]})
singlyLinkedList.prepend({key: 11, value: 'add to head'})

singlyLinkedList.append({key: 'c', value: 'add to last'})	// insert in the tail

singlyLinkedList.add({key: 'x', value: 'X'}, 1)	// insert anywhere except head & tail


singlyLinkedList.print()	// print all values

singlyLinkedList.update('a', [1, 4, 8])'Sourav')