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Implement different Data Structures using TypeScript. Deno Third-party Module.
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import { HashTableApi, DataType } from "./helper.d.ts";import { hashFunction } from "./hashFunction.ts";import { HashNode } from "./hashNode.ts";import { addGenerator, removeGenerator, updateGenerator, getGenerator, iteratorGenerator} from "./generators.ts";

export class HashTable implements HashTableApi { #table: Array<any> public length: number
constructor() { this.#table = new Array() this.length = 0 }
add(data: DataType<any>) { const index = hashFunction(data.key) const node = new HashNode(data)
if (this.#table[index] === undefined) { this.#table[index] = node this.length++ return true } if (this.#table[index].next === null) { this.#table[index].next = node return true }
let currentNode = this.#table[index].next // generator function that returns an iterator const iterator = addGenerator(currentNode, node) const iteratorNext = if (iteratorNext.value) { return true } return false; }
remove(key: string) { let index = hashFunction(key) if (this.#table[index] === undefined) return false
if (this.#table[index].data.key === key) { delete this.#table[index] this.length-- return true; }
if (this.#table[index].next !== null) { let currentNode = this.#table[index] // generator function that returns an iterator const iterator = removeGenerator(key, currentNode) const iteratorNext = if (iteratorNext.value) { return true } }
return false }
update(key: string, newValue: any) { let index = hashFunction(key) if (this.#table[index] === undefined) return false
if (this.#table[index].data.key === key) { this.#table[index].data.value = newValue return this.#table[index].data.value; }
if (this.#table[index].next !== null) { let currentNode = this.#table[index] // generator function that returns an iterator const iterator = updateGenerator(key, newValue, currentNode) const iteratorNext = if (iteratorNext.value) { return true } } return false }
get(key: string) { let index = hashFunction(key) if (this.#table[index] === undefined) return false
if (this.#table[index].data.key === key) { return this.#table[index].data; }
if (this.#table[index].next !== null) { let currentNode = this.#table[index] // generator function that returns an iterator const iterator = getGenerator(key, currentNode) const iteratorNext = if (iteratorNext.value) { return iteratorNext.value } }
return false }
log(column: string[] = []) { if (column.length > 0) { return console.table(this.#table, column) } return console.table(this.#table); }
iterator() { // generator function that returns an iterator const iterator = iteratorGenerator(this.#table) return iterator }}