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date-fns Deno package
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import toDate from '../toDate/index.ts'import isValid from '../isValid/index.js'import addLeadingZeros from '../_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js'
/** * @name formatISO * @category Common Helpers * @summary Format the date according to the ISO 8601 standard ( * * @description * Return the formatted date string in ISO 8601 format. Options may be passed to control the parts and notations of the date. * * @param {Date|Number} date - the original date * @param {Object} [options] - an object with options. * @param {'extended'|'basic'} [options.format='extended'] - if 'basic', hide delimiters between date and time values. * @param {'complete'|'date'|'time'} [options.representation='complete'] - format date, time with time zone, or both. * @returns {String} the formatted date string * @throws {TypeError} 1 argument required * @throws {RangeError} `date` must not be Invalid Date * @throws {RangeError} `options.format` must be 'extended' or 'basic' * @throws {RangeError} `options.represenation` must be 'date', 'time' or 'complete' * * @example * // Represent 18 September 2019 in ISO 8601 format (UTC): * const result = formatISO(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52)) * //=> '2019-09-18T19:00:52Z' * * @example * // Represent 18 September 2019 in ISO 8601, short format (UTC): * const result = formatISO(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52), { format: 'basic' }) * //=> '20190918T190052' * * @example * // Represent 18 September 2019 in ISO 8601 format, date only: * const result = formatISO(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52), { representation: 'date' }) * //=> '2019-09-18' * * @example * // Represent 18 September 2019 in ISO 8601 format, time only (UTC): * const result = formatISO(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52), { representation: 'time' }) * //=> '19:00:52Z' */export default function formatISO(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) { if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError( `1 argument required, but only ${arguments.length} present` ) }
const originalDate = toDate(dirtyDate)
if (!isValid(originalDate)) { throw new RangeError('Invalid time value') }
const options = dirtyOptions || {} const format = options.format == null ? 'extended' : String(options.format) const representation = options.representation == null ? 'complete' : String(options.representation)
if (format !== 'extended' && format !== 'basic') { throw new RangeError("format must be 'extended' or 'basic'") }
if ( representation !== 'date' && representation !== 'time' && representation !== 'complete' ) { throw new RangeError("representation must be 'date', 'time', or 'complete'") }
let result = '' let tzOffset = ''
const dateDelimiter = format === 'extended' ? '-' : '' const timeDelimiter = format === 'extended' ? ':' : ''
// Representation is either 'date' or 'complete' if (representation !== 'time') { const day = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getDate(), 2) const month = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getMonth() + 1, 2) const year = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getFullYear(), 4)
// yyyyMMdd or yyyy-MM-dd. result = `${year}${dateDelimiter}${month}${dateDelimiter}${day}` }
// Representation is either 'time' or 'complete' if (representation !== 'date') { // Add the timezone. const offset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset()
if (offset !== 0) { const absoluteOffset = Math.abs(offset) const hourOffset = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absoluteOffset / 60), 2) const minuteOffset = addLeadingZeros(absoluteOffset % 60, 2) // If less than 0, the sign is +, because it is ahead of time. const sign = offset < 0 ? '+' : '-'
tzOffset = `${sign}${hourOffset}:${minuteOffset}` } else { tzOffset = 'Z' }
const hour = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getHours(), 2) const minute = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getMinutes(), 2) const second = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getSeconds(), 2)
// If there's also date, separate it with time with 'T' const separator = result === '' ? '' : 'T'
// Creates a time string consisting of hour, minute, and second, separated by delimiters, if defined. const time = [hour, minute, second].join(timeDelimiter)
// HHmmss or HH:mm:ss. result = `${result}${separator}${time}${tzOffset}` }
return result}