import { FsFileWrapper } from "";
FsFileWrapper(file: Deno.FsFile)Properties
inner: Deno.FsFileGets the inner Deno.FsFile
that this wraps.
readable: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>readonly
writable: WritableStream<Uint8Array>Methods
close(): void
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null>
readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | null
seek(offset: number, whence: Deno.SeekMode): Promise<number>
seekSync(offset: number, whence: Deno.SeekMode): number
stat(): Promise<Deno.FileInfo>
truncate(len?: number | undefined): Promise<void>
truncateSync(len?: number | undefined): void
write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number>
writeBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): Promise<this>
Writes the provided bytes to the file.
writeBytesSync(bytes: Uint8Array): this
Synchronously writes the provided bytes to the file.
writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number
writeText(text: string): Promise<this>
Writes the provided text to this file.
writeTextSync(text: string): this
Synchronously writes the provided text to this file.