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Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
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import { logger } from "./console/mod.ts";import { BufReader, path } from "./deps.ts";
/** * Delay used for certain actions. * * @remarks Providing just a number will use milliseconds. */export type Delay = | number | `${number}ms` | `${number}s` | `${number}m` | `${number}m${number}s` | `${number}h` | `${number}h${number}m` | `${number}h${number}m${number}s`;
/** An iterator that returns a new delay each time. */export interface DelayIterator { next(): number;}
export function formatMillis(ms: number) { if (ms < 1000) { return `${formatValue(ms)} millisecond${ms === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; } else if (ms < 60 * 1000) { const s = ms / 1000; return `${formatValue(s)} ${pluralize("second", s)}`; } else { const mins = ms / 60 / 1000; return `${formatValue(mins)} ${pluralize("minute", mins)}`; }
function formatValue(value: number) { const text = value.toFixed(2); if (text.endsWith(".00")) { return value.toFixed(0); } else if (text.endsWith("0")) { return value.toFixed(1); } else { return text; } }
function pluralize(text: string, value: number) { const suffix = value === 1 ? "" : "s"; return text + suffix; }}
export function delayToIterator(delay: Delay | DelayIterator): DelayIterator { if (typeof delay !== "number" && typeof delay !== "string") { return delay; } const ms = delayToMs(delay); return { next() { return ms; }, };}
export function delayToMs(delay: Delay) { if (typeof delay === "number") { return delay; } else if (typeof delay === "string") { // code seems kind of repetitive const msMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+)ms$/); if (msMatch != null) { return parseInt(msMatch[1], 10); } const secondsMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)s$/); if (secondsMatch != null) { return Math.round(parseFloat(secondsMatch[1]) * 1000); } const minutesMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)m$/); if (minutesMatch != null) { return Math.round(parseFloat(minutesMatch[1]) * 1000 * 60); } const minutesSecondsMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)m([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)s$/); if (minutesSecondsMatch != null) { return Math.round( parseFloat(minutesSecondsMatch[1]) * 1000 * 60 + parseFloat(minutesSecondsMatch[2]) * 1000, ); } const hoursMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)h$/); if (hoursMatch != null) { return Math.round(parseFloat(hoursMatch[1]) * 1000 * 60 * 60); } const hoursMinutesMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)h([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)m$/); if (hoursMinutesMatch != null) { return Math.round( parseFloat(hoursMinutesMatch[1]) * 1000 * 60 * 60 + parseFloat(hoursMinutesMatch[2]) * 1000 * 60, ); } const hoursMinutesSecondsMatch = delay.match(/^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)h([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)m([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)s$/); if (hoursMinutesSecondsMatch != null) { return Math.round( parseFloat(hoursMinutesSecondsMatch[1]) * 1000 * 60 * 60 + parseFloat(hoursMinutesSecondsMatch[2]) * 1000 * 60 + parseFloat(hoursMinutesSecondsMatch[3]) * 1000, ); } }
throw new Error(`Unknown delay value: ${delay}`);}
export function filterEmptyRecordValues<TValue>(record: Record<string, TValue | undefined>): Record<string, TValue> { const result: Record<string, TValue> = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) { if (value != null) { result[key] = value; } } return result;}
export function resolvePath(cwd: string, arg: string) { return path.resolve(path.isAbsolute(arg) ? arg : path.join(cwd, arg));}
export class Box<T> { constructor(public value: T) { }}
export class TreeBox<T> { #value: T | TreeBox<T>;
constructor(value: T | TreeBox<T>) { this.#value = value; }
getValue() { let tree: TreeBox<T> = this; while (tree.#value instanceof TreeBox) { tree = tree.#value; } return tree.#value; }
setValue(value: T) { this.#value = value; }
createChild(): TreeBox<T> { return new TreeBox(this); }}
/** A special kind of tree box that handles logging with static text. */export class LoggerTreeBox extends TreeBox<(...args: any[]) => void> { getValue(): (...args: any[]) => void { const innerValue = super.getValue(); return (...args: any[]) => { return logger.logAboveStaticText(() => { innerValue(...args); }); }; }}
/** lstat that doesn't throw when the path is not found. */export async function safeLstat(path: string) { try { return await Deno.lstat(path); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return undefined; } else { throw err; } }}
export function getFileNameFromUrl(url: string | URL) { const parsedUrl = url instanceof URL ? url : new URL(url); const fileName = parsedUrl.pathname.split("/").at(-1); return fileName?.length === 0 ? undefined : fileName;}
/** * Gets an executable shebang from the provided file path. * @returns * - An object outlining information about the shebang. * - `undefined` if the file exists, but doesn't have a shebang. * - `false` if the file does NOT exist. */export async function getExecutableShebangFromPath(path: string) { try { const file = await, { read: true }); try { return await getExecutableShebang(file); } finally { try { file.close(); } catch { // ignore } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
export interface ShebangInfo { stringSplit: boolean; command: string;}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();export async function getExecutableShebang(reader: Deno.Reader): Promise<ShebangInfo | undefined> { const text = "#!/usr/bin/env "; const buffer = new Uint8Array(text.length); const bytesReadCount = await; if (bytesReadCount !== text.length || decoder.decode(buffer) !== text) { return undefined; } const bufReader = new BufReader(reader); const line = await bufReader.readLine(); if (line == null) { return undefined; } const result = decoder.decode(line.line).trim(); const dashS = "-S "; if (result.startsWith(dashS)) { return { stringSplit: true, command: result.slice(dashS.length), }; } else { return { stringSplit: false, command: result, }; }}