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⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
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const fs = require('fs')const path = require('path')const util = require('util')const { ncp } = require('ncp')
const { promisify } = util
const typeFileExt = '.d.ts'const localeDir = path.join(process.env.PWD, 'esm/locale')const pluginDir = path.join(process.env.PWD, 'esm/plugin')const localeTypePath = path.join(process.env.PWD, 'esm/locale', `index${typeFileExt}`);
(async () => { try { const readLocaleDir = await promisify(fs.readdir)(localeDir) readLocaleDir.forEach(async (l) => { const filePath = path.join(localeDir, l) const readFile = await promisify(fs.readFile)(filePath, 'utf8') const result = readFile.replace("'dayjs'", "'../index'") await promisify(fs.writeFile)(filePath, result, 'utf8') })
await promisify(ncp)('./types/', './esm')
const readLocaleFile = await promisify(fs.readFile)(localeTypePath, 'utf8') const localResult = readLocaleFile.replace("'dayjs", "'dayjs/esm") await promisify(fs.writeFile)(localeTypePath, localResult, 'utf8')
const readPluginDir = await promisify(fs.readdir)(pluginDir) readPluginDir.forEach(async (p) => { if (p.includes(typeFileExt)) { const pluginName = p.replace(typeFileExt, '') const filePath = path.join(pluginDir, p) const targetPath = path.join(pluginDir, pluginName, `index${typeFileExt}`) const readFile = await promisify(fs.readFile)(filePath, 'utf8') const result = readFile.replace(/'dayjs'/g, "'dayjs/esm'") await promisify(fs.writeFile)(targetPath, result, 'utf8') await promisify(fs.unlink)(filePath) } }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) // eslint-disable-line no-console }})()