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Deno Cache - dcache :t-rex:

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A simple Deno LRU cache utilities.


import { create, LRU } from "";

// Create a LRU with cap 3.
const lru: LRU<string, number> = create(3);

// Set key/value
lru.set("foo", 42);
lru.set("bar", 1024, 1000); // with 1s ttl
lru.set("baz", 2048);

console.log(lru.get("foo")); // print: 42

console.log(lru.get("bar")); // print: 1024
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); // sleep 1s
console.log(lru.has("bar")); // print: false

lru.set("aaa", 777);
lru.set("bbb", 888);

// Discards the least recently used item which is "baz"
console.log(lru.get("baz")); // print: undefined

console.log([...lru.keys()].join(",")); // print: bbb,aaa,foo

lru.forEach((v, k) => console.log(`${k}=${v}`));
// print:
// bbb=888
// aaa=777
// foo=42