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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim8
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import { Candidate, Context, DdcCandidate, DdcOptions, FilterOptions, SourceOptions,} from "./types.ts";import { defaultDdcOptions, foldMerge, mergeFilterOptions, mergeFilterParams, mergeSourceOptions, mergeSourceParams,} from "./context.ts";import { BaseSource, defaultSourceOptions, defaultSourceParams,} from "./base/source.ts";import { BaseFilter, defaultFilterOptions, defaultFilterParams,} from "./base/filter.ts";import { assertEquals, autocmd, Denops, toFileUrl } from "./deps.ts";
type DdcResult = { candidates: Candidate[]; completeStr: string; lineNr: number;};
function formatAbbr(word: string, abbr: string | undefined): string { return abbr ? abbr : word;}
function formatMenu(prefix: string, menu: string | undefined): string { menu = menu ? menu : ""; return prefix == "" ? menu : menu == "" ? `[${prefix}]` : `[${prefix}] ${menu}`;}
function byteposToCharpos(input: string, pos: number): number { const bytes = (new TextEncoder()).encode(input); return (new TextDecoder()).decode(bytes.slice(0, pos)).length;}
function charposToBytepos(input: string, pos: number): number { return (new TextEncoder()).encode(input.slice(0, pos)).length;}
function sourceArgs( options: DdcOptions, source: BaseSource,): [SourceOptions, Record<string, unknown>] { const o = foldMerge( mergeSourceOptions, defaultSourceOptions, [options.sourceOptions["_"], options.sourceOptions[]], ); const p = foldMerge(mergeSourceParams, defaultSourceParams, [ source.params(), options.sourceParams[], ]); return [o, p];}
function filterArgs( filterOptions: Record<string, Partial<FilterOptions>>, filterParams: Record<string, Partial<Record<string, unknown>>>, filter: BaseFilter,): [FilterOptions, Record<string, unknown>] { // TODO: '_'? const optionsOf = (filter: BaseFilter) => foldMerge(mergeFilterOptions, defaultFilterOptions, [ filterOptions[], ]); const paramsOf = (filter: BaseFilter) => foldMerge(mergeFilterParams, defaultFilterParams, [ filter.params(), filterParams[], ]); return [optionsOf(filter), paramsOf(filter)];}
export class Ddc { private sources: Record<string, BaseSource> = {}; private filters: Record<string, BaseFilter> = {}; private prevResults: Record<string, DdcResult> = {}; private events: string[] = [];
private foundSources(names: string[]): BaseSource[] { return => this.sources[n]).filter((v) => v); } private foundFilters(names: string[]): BaseFilter[] { return => this.filters[n]).filter((v) => v); }
private foundInvalidSources(names: string[]): string[] { return names.filter((n) => !this.sources[n]); } private foundInvalidFilters(names: string[]): string[] { return names.filter((n) => !this.filters[n]); }
async registerAutocmd(denops: Denops, events: string[]) { await, "ddc", (helper: autocmd.GroupHelper) => { for (const event of events) { if (! { helper.define( event as autocmd.AutocmdEvent, "*", `call denops#notify('${}', 'onEvent',["${event}"])`, );; } } }); }
async registerSource(denops: Denops, path: string, name: string) { const mod = await import(toFileUrl(path).href); const source = new mod.Source(); = name; source.onInit(denops); this.sources[] = source; if ( && != 0) { this.registerAutocmd(denops,; } } async registerFilter(denops: Denops, path: string, name: string) { const mod = await import(toFileUrl(path).href); const filter = new mod.Filter(); = name; filter.onInit(denops); this.filters[] = filter; if ( && != 0) { this.registerAutocmd(denops,; } }
async onEvent( denops: Denops, context: Context, options: DdcOptions, ): Promise<void> { // Check invalid sources const invalidSources = this.foundInvalidSources(options.sources); if (invalidSources.length != 0) { await "ddc#util#print_error", "Invalid sources are detected!", ); await"ddc#util#print_error", invalidSources); }
let filterNames: string[] = []; for (const source of this.foundSources(options.sources)) { const [sourceOptions, sourceParams] = sourceArgs(options, source); if ( { await source.onEvent( denops, context, options, sourceOptions, sourceParams, ); }
filterNames = filterNames.concat( sourceOptions.matchers, sourceOptions.sorters, sourceOptions.converters, ); }
// Uniq. filterNames = [ Set(filterNames)];
// Check invalid filters const invalidFilters = this.foundInvalidFilters(filterNames); if (invalidFilters.length != 0) { await "ddc#util#print_error", "Invalid filters are detected!", ); await"ddc#util#print_error", invalidFilters); }
const filters = this.foundFilters(filterNames);
for (const filter of filters) { if ( { const [o, p] = filterArgs( options.filterOptions, options.filterParams, filter, ); await filter.onEvent(denops, context, options, o, p); } } }
async gatherResults( denops: Denops, context: Context, options: DdcOptions, ): Promise<[number, DdcCandidate[]]> { const sources = this.foundSources(options.sources) .map((s) => [s, ...sourceArgs(options, s)] as const); const rs = await Promise.all( ([s, o, p]) => { const pos = await s.getCompletePosition( denops, context, options, o, p, ); const forceCompletion = o.forceCompletionPattern.length != 0 && new RegExp("(" + o.forceCompletionPattern + ")$"), ) != -1; // Note: If forceCompletion and not matched getCompletePosition(), // Use cursor position instead. const completePos = (pos < 0 && forceCompletion) ? context.input.length : (s.isBytePos && pos >= 0) ? byteposToCharpos(context.input, pos) : pos; const completeStr = context.input.slice(completePos); if ( completePos < 0 || (!forceCompletion && context.event != "Manual" && context.event != "ManualRefresh" && (completeStr.length < o.minAutoCompleteLength || completeStr.length > o.maxAutoCompleteLength)) ) { delete this.prevResults[]; return; }
// Check previous result. const result = in this.prevResults ? this.prevResults[] : null;
if ( !result || !completeStr.startsWith(result.completeStr) || context.lineNr != result.lineNr || context.event == "Manual" || context.event == "AutoRefresh" || context.event == "ManualRefresh" || o.isVolatile ) { // Not matched. const scs = await s.gatherCandidates( denops, context, options, o, p, completeStr, ); if (!scs.length) { return; }
this.prevResults[] = { candidates: scs.concat(), completeStr: completeStr, lineNr: context.lineNr, }; }
const fcs = await this.filterCandidates( denops, context, options, o, options.filterOptions, options.filterParams, completeStr, this.prevResults[].candidates, );
const candidates = => ( { ...c, abbr: formatAbbr(c.word, c.abbr), source:, icase: true, equal: true, menu: formatMenu(o.mark,, } )); if (!candidates.length) { return; } return [completePos, candidates] as const; }));
// Remove invalid source const fs = rs.filter(<T>(v?: T): v is T => !!v); if (!fs.length) { return [-1, []]; }
const completePos = Math.min( => v[0]));
// Flatten candidates // Todo: Merge candidates by completePos const candidates = fs.flatMap(([_, cs]) => cs);
// Convert2byte for Vim const completePosBytes = charposToBytepos(context.input, completePos);
return [completePosBytes, candidates]; }
private async filterCandidates( denops: Denops, context: Context, options: DdcOptions, sourceOptions: SourceOptions, filterOptions: Record<string, Partial<FilterOptions>>, filterParams: Record<string, Partial<Record<string, unknown>>>, completeStr: string, cdd: Candidate[], ): Promise<Candidate[]> { const matchers = this.foundFilters(sourceOptions.matchers); const sorters = this.foundFilters(sourceOptions.sorters); const converters = this.foundFilters(sourceOptions.converters);
if (sourceOptions.matcherKey != "") { cdd = => ( { ...c, // @ts-ignore: Convert matcherKey word: c[sourceOptions.matcherKey], __word: c.word, } )); }
for (const matcher of matchers) { const [o, p] = filterArgs(filterOptions, filterParams, matcher); cdd = await matcher.filter( denops, context, options, sourceOptions, o, p, completeStr, cdd, ); }
if (sourceOptions.matcherKey != "") { cdd = => ( { ...c, // @ts-ignore: Restore matcherKey word: c.__word, } )); }
for (const sorter of sorters) { const [o, p] = filterArgs(filterOptions, filterParams, sorter); cdd = await sorter.filter( denops, context, options, sourceOptions, o, p, completeStr, cdd, ); }
// Filter by maxCandidates cdd = cdd.slice(0, sourceOptions.maxCandidates);
for (const converter of converters) { const [o, p] = filterArgs(filterOptions, filterParams, converter); cdd = await converter.filter( denops, context, options, sourceOptions, o, p, completeStr, cdd, ); } return cdd; }}
Deno.test("sourceArgs", () => { const userOptions: DdcOptions = { ...defaultDdcOptions(), sources: ["strength"], sourceOptions: { "_": { mark: "A", matchers: ["matcher_head"], }, "strength": { mark: "S", }, }, sourceParams: { "_": { "by_": "bar", }, "strength": { min: 100, }, }, }; class S extends BaseSource { params() { return { "min": 0, "max": 999, }; } gatherCandidates( _denops: Denops, _context: Context, _options: DdcOptions, _sourceOptions: SourceOptions, _sourceParams: Record<string, unknown>, _completeStr: string, ): Promise<Candidate[]> { return Promise.resolve([]); } } const source = new S(); = "strength"; const [o, p] = sourceArgs(userOptions, source); assertEquals(o, { ...defaultSourceOptions(), mark: "S", matchers: ["matcher_head"], maxCandidates: 500, converters: [], sorters: [], }); assertEquals(p.by_, undefined); assertEquals(p, { ...defaultSourceParams(), min: 100, max: 999, });});
Deno.test("filterArgs", () => { const userOptions: Record<string, FilterOptions> = { "/dev/null": { placeholder: undefined, }, }; const userParams: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>> = { "/dev/null": { min: 100, }, }; class F extends BaseFilter { params() { return { "min": 0, "max": 999, }; } filter( _denops: Denops, _context: Context, _options: DdcOptions, _sourceOptions: SourceOptions, _filterOptions: FilterOptions, _filterParams: Record<string, unknown>, _completeStr: string, _candidates: Candidate[], ): Promise<Candidate[]> { return Promise.resolve([]); } } const filter = new F(); = "/dev/null"; assertEquals(filterArgs(userOptions, userParams, filter), [{ ...defaultFilterOptions(), }, { ...defaultFilterParams(), min: 100, max: 999, }]);});
Deno.test("byteposToCharpos", () => { assertEquals(byteposToCharpos("あ hoge", 4), 2);});
Deno.test("charposToBytepos", () => { assertEquals(charposToBytepos("あ hoge", 2), 4);});