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Deeply merge 2 or more objects respecting type information.
import * as deepmergets from "";

Type Aliases

And operator for types.

Returns whether or not all the given types are arrays.

Returns whether or not all the given types are maps.

Returns whether or not all the given types are never.

Returns whether or not all the given types are records.

Returns whether or not all the given types are sets.

Filter out U from a tuple.

Filter out nevers from a tuple.

Flatten a tuple of tuples into a single tuple.

Flatten a collection of tuples of tuples into a collection of tuples.

Safely test whether or not the first given types extends the second.

Returns whether or not the given type is an array.

Returns whether or not the given type is an map.

Safely test whether or not the given type is "never".

Returns whether or not the given type a record.

Returns whether or not the given type is an set.

Is the type a tuple?

Check if a key is optional in the given object.

Not operator for types.

Or operator for types.

Simplify a complex type such as a union or intersection of objects into a single object.

Perfrom a transpose operation on a 2D tuple.

Convert a tuple to an intersection of each of its types.

Convert a union to a tuple.

Union of the maps' values' types

Union of the maps' keys' types

Union of the sets' values' types