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A module version manager for Deno.
const { cwd } = Deno;
import { Module } from "./module.ts";import { Action, ADD_ALIAS, ADD_LINK, ADD_MODULE, REMOVE_ALIAS, REMOVE_LINK, REMOVE_MODULE, UPDATE_MODULE,} from "./actions.ts";import { mutateRepository, mutateStore } from "./mutations.ts";import { Store } from "./store.ts";import { Repository } from "./repository.ts";import { getFormattedImportFilePaths } from "./ast.ts";
export class App { constructor(public store: Store, private repo: Repository) {}
async init(): Promise<void> { await this.repo.saveConfig({ modules: [], aliases: {}, }); console.log("successfully initialized dem.json"); }
async addModule(urlStr: string): Promise<void> { let module: Module; try { module = Module.parse(urlStr); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
try { await this.commit([ { type: ADD_MODULE, payload: { module }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log( `successfully added new module: ${module.toString()}, version: ${module.version}`, ); }
async removeModule(urlStr: string): Promise<void> { let module: Module; try { module = Module.parse(urlStr); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
try { await this.commit([ { type: REMOVE_MODULE, payload: { moduleProtocol: module.protocol, modulePath: module.path, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log(`successfully removed module: ${urlStr}`); }
async addLink(urlStr: string): Promise<void> { try { await this.commit([ { type: ADD_LINK, payload: { link: urlStr, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log(`successfully created link: ${urlStr}`); }
async removeLink(urlStr: string): Promise<void> { try { await this.commit([ { type: REMOVE_LINK, payload: { link: urlStr, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log(`successfully removed link: ${urlStr}`); }
async addAlias(aliasTargetPath: string, aliasPath: string): Promise<void> { try { await this.commit([ { type: ADD_ALIAS, payload: { aliasPath, aliasTargetPath, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log( `successfully created alias: ${aliasPath} => ${aliasTargetPath}`, ); }
async removeAlias(aliasPath: string): Promise<void> { try { await this.commit([ { type: REMOVE_ALIAS, payload: { aliasPath, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log(`successfully removed alias: ${aliasPath}`); }
async updateModule(urlStr: string): Promise<void> { const updatedMod = Module.parse(urlStr); if (!updatedMod) { console.error(`failed to parse module: ${urlStr}`); return; }
try { await this.commit([ { type: UPDATE_MODULE, payload: { moduleProtocol: updatedMod.protocol, modulePath: updatedMod.path, moduleVersion: updatedMod.version, }, }, ]); } catch (e) { console.error(e.toString()); return; }
console.log( `successfully updated module: ${updatedMod.toString()}, version: ${updatedMod.version}`, ); }
async ensure(excludes: string[]): Promise<void> { const imports = await getFormattedImportFilePaths(cwd(), excludes); const actions: Action[] = []; for (const urlStr of imports) { let link = urlStr; if ([urlStr]) { link =[urlStr]; } actions.push({ type: ADD_LINK, payload: { link, }, }); }
await this.commit(actions); console.log(`succeeded to resolve modules`); }
async prune(excludes: string[]): Promise<void> { const imports = await getFormattedImportFilePaths(cwd(), excludes);
// Detect removed links const removedLinks: string[] = []; const aliasValues = Object.values(; for (const mod of { for (const filePath of mod.files) { const modUrlStr = `${mod.protocol}://${mod.path}${filePath}`; if (!imports.includes(modUrlStr) && !aliasValues.includes(modUrlStr)) { removedLinks.push(modUrlStr); } } }
const removeLinkActions: Action[] = []; // Remove links for (const link of removedLinks) { removeLinkActions.push({ type: REMOVE_LINK, payload: { link, }, }); }
try { = mutateStore(, removeLinkActions); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); return; }
const removeModuleActions: Action[] = []; for (const mod of { if (mod.files.length === 0) { removeModuleActions.push({ type: REMOVE_MODULE, payload: { moduleProtocol: mod.protocol, modulePath: mod.path, }, }); } }
try { = mutateStore(, removeModuleActions); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); return; }
const actions: Action[] = [...removeLinkActions, ...removeModuleActions];
try { await mutateRepository(this.repo,, actions); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); return; }
await this.repo.saveConfig(; console.log(`succeeded to prune modules`); }
async commit(actions: Action[]) { try { = mutateStore(, actions); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); } try { await mutateRepository(this.repo,, actions); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); } await this.repo.saveConfig(; }}