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A module version manager for Deno.
import { Config, validateConfig } from "./config.ts";import { Module } from "./module.ts";import * as path from "./vendor/https/";import { sprintf } from "./vendor/https/";import { createURL } from "./net.ts";
const vendorDirectoryPath = "vendor";
export type Repository = { removeModule(moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string): Promise<void>; addLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, moduleVersion: string, filePath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void>; removeLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, filePath: string, ): Promise<void>; addAlias( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, filePath: string, aliasPath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void>; removeAlias(aliasPath: string): Promise<void>; updateLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, moduleVersion: string, filePath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void>; loadConfig(): Promise<Config>; saveConfig(config: Config): void;};
const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8");const enc = new TextEncoder();
export class StorageRepository { constructor(private filePath: string) {}
async removeModule( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, ): Promise<void> { const dp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, moduleProtocol, modulePath, );
try { await Deno.remove(dp, { recursive: true }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error(`module already removed: ${dp}`); } else { throw new Error(`failed to remove directory: ${dp}, ${e}`); } } }
async addLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, moduleVersion: string, filePath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void> { const directoryPath = path.dirname(filePath); const fp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, moduleProtocol, modulePath, filePath, ); const dp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, moduleProtocol, modulePath, directoryPath, ); const url = createURL(moduleProtocol, modulePath, moduleVersion, filePath); let script = sprintf('export * from "%s";\n', url); if (hasDefaultExport) { script += sprintf('export { default } from "%s";\n', url); }
// create directories and file await Deno.mkdir(dp, { recursive: true }); await Deno.writeFile(fp, enc.encode(script)); }
async removeLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, filePath: string, ): Promise<void> { const fp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, moduleProtocol, modulePath, filePath, );
try { await Deno.remove(fp, { recursive: false }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error(`link already removed: ${fp}`); } else { throw new Error(`failed to remove directory: ${fp}, ${e}`); } } }
async addAlias( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, filePath: string, aliasPath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void> { const aliasDirectoryPath = path.dirname(aliasPath); const fp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, aliasPath, ); const dp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, aliasDirectoryPath, ); const aliasTargetPath = `./${moduleProtocol}/${modulePath}${filePath}`; let script = sprintf('export * from "%s";\n', aliasTargetPath); if (hasDefaultExport) { script += sprintf('export { default } from "%s";\n', aliasTargetPath); }
// create directories and file await Deno.mkdir(dp, { recursive: true }); await Deno.writeFile(fp, enc.encode(script)); }
async removeAlias(aliasPath: string): Promise<void> { const fp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, aliasPath, );
try { await Deno.remove(fp, { recursive: false }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error(`alias already removed: ${fp}`); } else { throw new Error(`failed to remove alias: ${fp}, ${e}`); } } }
async updateLink( moduleProtocol: string, modulePath: string, moduleVersion: string, filePath: string, hasDefaultExport: boolean, ): Promise<void> { const fp = path.join( vendorDirectoryPath, moduleProtocol, modulePath, filePath, ); const url = createURL(moduleProtocol, modulePath, moduleVersion, filePath); let script = sprintf('export * from "%s";\n', url); if (hasDefaultExport) { script += sprintf('export { default } from "%s";\n', url); } await Deno.writeFile(fp, enc.encode(script)); }
async loadConfig(): Promise<Config> { const jsonBody = dec.decode(await Deno.readFile(this.filePath)); const configObj = JSON.parse(jsonBody); if (!configObj.aliases) { configObj.aliases = {}; } const config = configObj as Config; // throws error validateConfig(config); config.modules = (mod) => new Module(mod.protocol, mod.path, mod.version, mod.files), ); return config; }
async saveConfig(config: Config) { const jsonBody = JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2); await Deno.writeFile(this.filePath, enc.encode(jsonBody)); }}