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Deno templating engine
'use strict';
import lib from './lib.js';import parser from './parser.js';import transformer from './transformer.js';import nodes from './nodes.js';// jshint -W079import Object from './object.js';import _Frame_ from './runtime.js';let Frame = _Frame_.Frame;
// These are all the same for now, but shouldn't be passed straight// throughvar compareOps = { '==': '==', '===': '===', '!=': '!=', '!==': '!==', '<': '<', '>': '>', '<=': '<=', '>=': '>='};
// A common pattern is to emit binary operatorsfunction binOpEmitter(str) { return function(node, frame) { this.compile(node.left, frame); this.emit(str); this.compile(node.right, frame); };}
var Compiler = Object.extend({ init: function(templateName, throwOnUndefined) { this.templateName = templateName; this.codebuf = []; this.lastId = 0; this.buffer = null; this.bufferStack = []; this.scopeClosers = ''; this.inBlock = false; this.throwOnUndefined = throwOnUndefined; },
fail: function (msg, lineno, colno) { if (lineno !== undefined) lineno += 1; if (colno !== undefined) colno += 1;
throw new lib.TemplateError(msg, lineno, colno); },
pushBufferId: function(id) { this.bufferStack.push(this.buffer); this.buffer = id; this.emit('var ' + this.buffer + ' = "";'); },
popBufferId: function() { this.buffer = this.bufferStack.pop(); },
emit: function(code) { this.codebuf.push(code); },
emitLine: function(code) { this.emit(code + '\n'); },
emitLines: function() { lib.each(lib.toArray(arguments), function(line) { this.emitLine(line); }, this); },
emitFuncBegin: function(name) { this.buffer = 'output'; this.scopeClosers = ''; this.emitLine('function ' + name + '(env, context, frame, runtime, cb) {'); this.emitLine('var lineno = null;'); this.emitLine('var colno = null;'); this.emitLine('var ' + this.buffer + ' = "";'); this.emitLine('try {'); },
emitFuncEnd: function(noReturn) { if(!noReturn) { this.emitLine('cb(null, ' + this.buffer +');'); }
this.closeScopeLevels(); this.emitLine('} catch (e) {'); this.emitLine(' cb(runtime.handleError(e, lineno, colno));'); this.emitLine('}'); this.emitLine('}'); this.buffer = null; },
addScopeLevel: function() { this.scopeClosers += '})'; },
closeScopeLevels: function() { this.emitLine(this.scopeClosers + ';'); this.scopeClosers = ''; },
withScopedSyntax: function(func) { var scopeClosers = this.scopeClosers; this.scopeClosers = '';;
this.closeScopeLevels(); this.scopeClosers = scopeClosers; },
makeCallback: function(res) { var err = this.tmpid();
return 'function(' + err + (res ? ',' + res : '') + ') {\n' + 'if(' + err + ') { cb(' + err + '); return; }'; },
tmpid: function() { this.lastId++; return 't_' + this.lastId; },
_templateName: function() { return this.templateName == null? 'undefined' : JSON.stringify(this.templateName); },
_compileChildren: function(node, frame) { var children = node.children; for(var i=0, l=children.length; i<l; i++) { this.compile(children[i], frame); } },
_compileAggregate: function(node, frame, startChar, endChar) { if(startChar) { this.emit(startChar); }
for(var i=0; i<node.children.length; i++) { if(i > 0) { this.emit(','); }
this.compile(node.children[i], frame); }
if(endChar) { this.emit(endChar); } },
_compileExpression: function(node, frame) { // TODO: I'm not really sure if this type check is worth it or // not. this.assertType( node, nodes.Literal, nodes.Symbol, nodes.Group, nodes.Array, nodes.Dict, nodes.FunCall, nodes.Caller, nodes.Filter, nodes.LookupVal, nodes.Compare, nodes.InlineIf, nodes.In, nodes.And, nodes.Or, nodes.Not, nodes.Add, nodes.Concat, nodes.Sub, nodes.Mul, nodes.Div, nodes.FloorDiv, nodes.Mod, nodes.Pow, nodes.Neg, nodes.Pos, nodes.Compare, nodes.NodeList ); this.compile(node, frame); },
assertType: function(node /*, types */) { var types = lib.toArray(arguments).slice(1); var success = false;
for(var i=0; i<types.length; i++) { if(node instanceof types[i]) { success = true; } }
if(!success) {'assertType: invalid type: ' + node.typename, node.lineno, node.colno); } },
compileCallExtension: function(node, frame, async) { var args = node.args; var contentArgs = node.contentArgs; var autoescape = typeof node.autoescape === 'boolean' ? node.autoescape : true;
if(!async) { this.emit(this.buffer + ' += runtime.suppressValue('); }
this.emit('env.getExtension("' + node.extName + '")["' + node.prop + '"]('); this.emit('context');
if(args || contentArgs) { this.emit(','); }
if(args) { if(!(args instanceof nodes.NodeList)) {'compileCallExtension: arguments must be a NodeList, ' + 'use `parser.parseSignature`'); }
lib.each(args.children, function(arg, i) { // Tag arguments are passed normally to the call. Note // that keyword arguments are turned into a single js // object as the last argument, if they exist. this._compileExpression(arg, frame);
if(i !== args.children.length - 1 || contentArgs.length) { this.emit(','); } }, this); }
if(contentArgs.length) { lib.each(contentArgs, function(arg, i) { if(i > 0) { this.emit(','); }
if(arg) { var id = this.tmpid();
this.emitLine('function(cb) {'); this.emitLine('if(!cb) { cb = function(err) { if(err) { throw err; }}}'); this.pushBufferId(id);
this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(arg, frame); this.emitLine('cb(null, ' + id + ');'); });
this.popBufferId(); this.emitLine('return ' + id + ';'); this.emitLine('}'); } else { this.emit('null'); } }, this); }
if(async) { var res = this.tmpid(); this.emitLine(', ' + this.makeCallback(res)); this.emitLine(this.buffer + ' += runtime.suppressValue(' + res + ', ' + autoescape + ' && env.opts.autoescape);'); this.addScopeLevel(); } else { this.emit(')'); this.emit(', ' + autoescape + ' && env.opts.autoescape);\n'); } },
compileCallExtensionAsync: function(node, frame) { this.compileCallExtension(node, frame, true); },
compileNodeList: function(node, frame) { this._compileChildren(node, frame); },
compileLiteral: function(node) { if(typeof node.value === 'string') { var val = node.value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); val = val.replace(/"/g, '\\"'); val = val.replace(/\n/g, '\\n'); val = val.replace(/\r/g, '\\r'); val = val.replace(/\t/g, '\\t'); this.emit('"' + val + '"'); } else if (node.value === null) { this.emit('null'); } else { this.emit(node.value.toString()); } },
compileSymbol: function(node, frame) { var name = node.value; var v;
if((v = frame.lookup(name))) { this.emit(v); } else { this.emit('runtime.contextOrFrameLookup(' + 'context, frame, "' + name + '")'); } },
compileGroup: function(node, frame) { this._compileAggregate(node, frame, '(', ')'); },
compileArray: function(node, frame) { this._compileAggregate(node, frame, '[', ']'); },
compileDict: function(node, frame) { this._compileAggregate(node, frame, '{', '}'); },
compilePair: function(node, frame) { var key = node.key; var val = node.value;
if(key instanceof nodes.Symbol) { key = new nodes.Literal(key.lineno, key.colno, key.value); } else if(!(key instanceof nodes.Literal && typeof key.value === 'string')) {'compilePair: Dict keys must be strings or names', key.lineno, key.colno); }
this.compile(key, frame); this.emit(': '); this._compileExpression(val, frame); },
compileInlineIf: function(node, frame) { this.emit('('); this.compile(node.cond, frame); this.emit('?'); this.compile(node.body, frame); this.emit(':'); if(node.else_ !== null) this.compile(node.else_, frame); else this.emit('""'); this.emit(')'); },
compileIn: function(node, frame) { this.emit('runtime.inOperator('); this.compile(node.left, frame); this.emit(','); this.compile(node.right, frame); this.emit(')'); },
compileOr: binOpEmitter(' || '), compileAnd: binOpEmitter(' && '), compileAdd: binOpEmitter(' + '), // ensure concatenation instead of addition // by adding empty string in between compileConcat: binOpEmitter(' + "" + '), compileSub: binOpEmitter(' - '), compileMul: binOpEmitter(' * '), compileDiv: binOpEmitter(' / '), compileMod: binOpEmitter(' % '),
compileNot: function(node, frame) { this.emit('!'); this.compile(, frame); },
compileFloorDiv: function(node, frame) { this.emit('Math.floor('); this.compile(node.left, frame); this.emit(' / '); this.compile(node.right, frame); this.emit(')'); },
compilePow: function(node, frame) { this.emit('Math.pow('); this.compile(node.left, frame); this.emit(', '); this.compile(node.right, frame); this.emit(')'); },
compileNeg: function(node, frame) { this.emit('-'); this.compile(, frame); },
compilePos: function(node, frame) { this.emit('+'); this.compile(, frame); },
compileCompare: function(node, frame) { this.compile(node.expr, frame);
for(var i=0; i<node.ops.length; i++) { var n = node.ops[i]; this.emit(' ' + compareOps[n.type] + ' '); this.compile(n.expr, frame); } },
compileLookupVal: function(node, frame) { this.emit('runtime.memberLookup(('); this._compileExpression(, frame); this.emit('),'); this._compileExpression(node.val, frame); this.emit(')'); },
_getNodeName: function(node) { switch (node.typename) { case 'Symbol': return node.value; case 'FunCall': return 'the return value of (' + this._getNodeName( + ')'; case 'LookupVal': return this._getNodeName( + '["' + this._getNodeName(node.val) + '"]'; case 'Literal': return node.value.toString(); default: return '--expression--'; } },
compileFunCall: function(node, frame) { // Keep track of line/col info at runtime by settings // variables within an expression. An expression in javascript // like (x, y, z) returns the last value, and x and y can be // anything this.emit('(lineno = ' + node.lineno + ', colno = ' + node.colno + ', ');
this.emit('runtime.callWrap('); // Compile it as normal. this._compileExpression(, frame);
// Output the name of what we're calling so we can get friendly errors // if the lookup fails. this.emit(', "' + this._getNodeName("/g, '\\"') + '", context, ');
this._compileAggregate(node.args, frame, '[', '])');
this.emit(')'); },
compileFilter: function(node, frame) { var name =; this.assertType(name, nodes.Symbol); this.emit('env.getFilter("' + name.value + '").call(context, '); this._compileAggregate(node.args, frame); this.emit(')'); },
compileFilterAsync: function(node, frame) { var name =; this.assertType(name, nodes.Symbol);
var symbol = node.symbol.value; frame.set(symbol, symbol);
this.emit('env.getFilter("' + name.value + '").call(context, '); this._compileAggregate(node.args, frame); this.emitLine(', ' + this.makeCallback(symbol));
this.addScopeLevel(); },
compileKeywordArgs: function(node, frame) { var names = [];
lib.each(node.children, function(pair) { names.push(pair.key.value); });
this.emit('runtime.makeKeywordArgs('); this.compileDict(node, frame); this.emit(')'); },
compileSet: function(node, frame) { var ids = [];
// Lookup the variable names for each identifier and create // new ones if necessary lib.each(node.targets, function(target) { var name = target.value; var id = frame.lookup(name);
if (id === null || id === undefined) { id = this.tmpid();
// Note: This relies on js allowing scope across // blocks, in case this is created inside an `if` this.emitLine('var ' + id + ';'); }
ids.push(id); }, this);
if (node.value) { this.emit(ids.join(' = ') + ' = '); this._compileExpression(node.value, frame); this.emitLine(';'); } else { this.emit(ids.join(' = ') + ' = '); this.compile(node.body, frame); this.emitLine(';'); }
lib.each(node.targets, function(target, i) { var id = ids[i]; var name = target.value;
// We are running this for every var, but it's very // uncommon to assign to multiple vars anyway this.emitLine('frame.set("' + name + '", ' + id + ', true);');
this.emitLine('if(frame.topLevel) {'); this.emitLine('context.setVariable("' + name + '", ' + id + ');'); this.emitLine('}');
if(name.charAt(0) !== '_') { this.emitLine('if(frame.topLevel) {'); this.emitLine('context.addExport("' + name + '", ' + id + ');'); this.emitLine('}'); } }, this); },
compileIf: function(node, frame, async) { this.emit('if('); this._compileExpression(node.cond, frame); this.emitLine(') {');
this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(node.body, frame);
if(async) { this.emit('cb()'); } });
if(node.else_) { this.emitLine('}\nelse {');
this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(node.else_, frame);
if(async) { this.emit('cb()'); } }); } else if(async) { this.emitLine('}\nelse {'); this.emit('cb()'); }
this.emitLine('}'); },
compileIfAsync: function(node, frame) { this.emit('(function(cb) {'); this.compileIf(node, frame, true); this.emit('})(' + this.makeCallback()); this.addScopeLevel(); },
emitLoopBindings: function(node, arr, i, len) { var bindings = { index: i + ' + 1', index0: i, revindex: len + ' - ' + i, revindex0: len + ' - ' + i + ' - 1', first: i + ' === 0', last: i + ' === ' + len + ' - 1', length: len };
for (var name in bindings) { this.emitLine('frame.set("loop.' + name + '", ' + bindings[name] + ');'); } },
compileFor: function(node, frame) { // Some of this code is ugly, but it keeps the generated code // as fast as possible. ForAsync also shares some of this, but // not much.
var v; var i = this.tmpid(); var len = this.tmpid(); var arr = this.tmpid(); frame = frame.push();
this.emitLine('frame = frame.push();');
this.emit('var ' + arr + ' = '); this._compileExpression(node.arr, frame); this.emitLine(';');
this.emit('if(' + arr + ') {');
// If multiple names are passed, we need to bind them // appropriately if( instanceof nodes.Array) { this.emitLine('var ' + i + ';');
// The object could be an arroy or object. Note that the // body of the loop is duplicated for each condition, but // we are optimizing for speed over size. this.emitLine('if(runtime.isArray(' + arr + ')) {'); { this.emitLine('var ' + len + ' = ' + arr + '.length;'); this.emitLine('for(' + i + '=0; ' + i + ' < ' + arr + '.length; ' + i + '++) {');
// Bind each declared var for (var u=0; u <; u++) { var tid = this.tmpid(); this.emitLine('var ' + tid + ' = ' + arr + '[' + i + '][' + u + ']'); this.emitLine('frame.set("' +[u].value + '", ' + arr + '[' + i + '][' + u + ']' + ');'); frame.set([u].value, tid); }
this.emitLoopBindings(node, arr, i, len); this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(node.body, frame); }); this.emitLine('}'); }
this.emitLine('} else {'); { // Iterate over the key/values of an object var key =[0]; var val =[1]; var k = this.tmpid(); v = this.tmpid(); frame.set(key.value, k); frame.set(val.value, v);
this.emitLine(i + ' = -1;'); this.emitLine('var ' + len + ' = runtime.keys(' + arr + ').length;'); this.emitLine('for(var ' + k + ' in ' + arr + ') {'); this.emitLine(i + '++;'); this.emitLine('var ' + v + ' = ' + arr + '[' + k + '];'); this.emitLine('frame.set("' + key.value + '", ' + k + ');'); this.emitLine('frame.set("' + val.value + '", ' + v + ');');
this.emitLoopBindings(node, arr, i, len); this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(node.body, frame); }); this.emitLine('}'); }
this.emitLine('}'); } else { // Generate a typical array iteration v = this.tmpid(); frame.set(, v);
this.emitLine('var ' + len + ' = ' + arr + '.length;'); this.emitLine('for(var ' + i + '=0; ' + i + ' < ' + arr + '.length; ' + i + '++) {'); this.emitLine('var ' + v + ' = ' + arr + '[' + i + '];'); this.emitLine('frame.set("' + + '", ' + v + ');');
this.emitLoopBindings(node, arr, i, len);
this.withScopedSyntax(function() { this.compile(node.body, frame); });
this.emitLine('}'); }
this.emitLine('}'); if (node.else_) { this.emitLine('if (!' + len + ') {'); this.compile(node.else_, frame); this.emitLine('}'); }
this.emitLine('frame = frame.pop();'); },
_compileAsyncLoop: function(node, frame, parallel) { // This shares some code with the For tag, but not enough to // worry about. This iterates across an object asynchronously, // but not in parallel.
var i = this.tmpid(); var len = this.tmpid(); var arr = this.tmpid(); var asyncMethod = parallel ? 'asyncAll' : 'asyncEach'; frame = frame.push();
this.emitLine('frame = frame.push();');
this.emit('var ' + arr + ' = '); this._compileExpression(node.arr, frame); this.emitLine(';');
if( instanceof nodes.Array) { this.emit('runtime.' + asyncMethod + '(' + arr + ', ' + + ', function(');
lib.each(, function(name) { this.emit(name.value + ','); }, this);
this.emit(i + ',' + len + ',next) {');
lib.each(, function(name) { var id = name.value; frame.set(id, id); this.emitLine('frame.set("' + id + '", ' + id + ');'); }, this); } else { var id =; this.emitLine('runtime.' + asyncMethod + '(' + arr + ', 1, function(' + id + ', ' + i + ', ' + len + ',next) {'); this.emitLine('frame.set("' + id + '", ' + id + ');'); frame.set(id, id); }
this.emitLoopBindings(node, arr, i, len);
this.withScopedSyntax(function() { var buf; if(parallel) { buf = this.tmpid(); this.pushBufferId(buf); }
this.compile(node.body, frame); this.emitLine('next(' + i + (buf ? ',' + buf : '') + ');');
if(parallel) { this.popBufferId(); } });
var output = this.tmpid(); this.emitLine('}, ' + this.makeCallback(output)); this.addScopeLevel();
if(parallel) { this.emitLine(this.buffer + ' += ' + output + ';'); }
if (node.else_) { this.emitLine('if (!' + arr + '.length) {'); this.compile(node.else_, frame); this.emitLine('}'); }
this.emitLine('frame = frame.pop();'); },
compileAsyncEach: function(node, frame) { this._compileAsyncLoop(node, frame); },
compileAsyncAll: function(node, frame) { this._compileAsyncLoop(node, frame, true); },
_compileMacro: function(node, frame) { var args = []; var kwargs = null; var funcId = 'macro_' + this.tmpid(); var keepFrame = (frame !== undefined);
// Type check the definition of the args lib.each(node.args.children, function(arg, i) { if(i === node.args.children.length - 1 && arg instanceof nodes.Dict) { kwargs = arg; } else { this.assertType(arg, nodes.Symbol); args.push(arg); } }, this);
var realNames =, function(n) { return 'l_' + n.value; }); realNames.push('kwargs');
// Quoted argument names var argNames =, function(n) { return '"' + n.value + '"'; }); var kwargNames = && kwargs.children) || [], function(n) { return '"' + n.key.value + '"'; });
// We pass a function to makeMacro which destructures the // arguments so support setting positional args with keywords // args and passing keyword args as positional args // (essentially default values). See runtime.js. if (keepFrame) { frame = frame.push(true); } else { frame = new Frame(); } this.emitLines( 'var ' + funcId + ' = runtime.makeMacro(', '[' + argNames.join(', ') + '], ', '[' + kwargNames.join(', ') + '], ', 'function (' + realNames.join(', ') + ') {', 'var callerFrame = frame;', 'frame = ' + ((keepFrame) ? 'frame.push(true);' : 'new runtime.Frame();'), 'kwargs = kwargs || {};', 'if (kwargs.hasOwnProperty("caller")) {', 'frame.set("caller", kwargs.caller); }' );
// Expose the arguments to the template. Don't need to use // random names because the function // will create a new run-time scope for us lib.each(args, function(arg) { this.emitLine('frame.set("' + arg.value + '", ' + 'l_' + arg.value + ');'); frame.set(arg.value, 'l_' + arg.value); }, this);
// Expose the keyword arguments if(kwargs) { lib.each(kwargs.children, function(pair) { var name = pair.key.value; this.emit('frame.set("' + name + '", ' + 'kwargs.hasOwnProperty("' + name + '") ? ' + 'kwargs["' + name + '"] : '); this._compileExpression(pair.value, frame); this.emitLine(');'); }, this); }
var bufferId = this.tmpid(); this.pushBufferId(bufferId);
this.withScopedSyntax(function () { this.compile(node.body, frame); });
this.emitLine('frame = ' + ((keepFrame) ? 'frame.pop();' : 'callerFrame;')); this.emitLine('return new runtime.SafeString(' + bufferId + ');'); this.emitLine('});'); this.popBufferId();
return funcId; },
compileMacro: function(node, frame) { var funcId = this._compileMacro(node);
// Expose the macro to the templates var name =; frame.set(name, funcId);
if(frame.parent) { this.emitLine('frame.set("' + name + '", ' + funcId + ');'); } else { if( !== '_') { this.emitLine('context.addExport("' + name + '");'); } this.emitLine('context.setVariable("' + name + '", ' + funcId + ');'); } },
compileCaller: function(node, frame) { // basically an anonymous "macro expression" this.emit('(function (){'); var funcId = this._compileMacro(node, frame); this.emit('return ' + funcId + ';})()'); },
compileImport: function(node, frame) { var id = this.tmpid(); var target =;
this.emit('env.getTemplate('); this._compileExpression(node.template, frame); this.emitLine(', false, '+this._templateName()+', false, ' + this.makeCallback(id)); this.addScopeLevel();
this.emitLine(id + '.getExported(' + (node.withContext ? 'context.getVariables(), frame, ' : '') + this.makeCallback(id)); this.addScopeLevel();
frame.set(target, id);
if(frame.parent) { this.emitLine('frame.set("' + target + '", ' + id + ');'); } else { this.emitLine('context.setVariable("' + target + '", ' + id + ');'); } },
compileFromImport: function(node, frame) { var importedId = this.tmpid();
this.emit('env.getTemplate('); this._compileExpression(node.template, frame); this.emitLine(', false, '+this._templateName()+', false, ' + this.makeCallback(importedId)); this.addScopeLevel();
this.emitLine(importedId + '.getExported(' + (node.withContext ? 'context.getVariables(), frame, ' : '') + this.makeCallback(importedId)); this.addScopeLevel();
lib.each(node.names.children, function(nameNode) { var name; var alias; var id = this.tmpid();
if(nameNode instanceof nodes.Pair) { name = nameNode.key.value; alias = nameNode.value.value; } else { name = nameNode.value; alias = name; }
this.emitLine('if(' + importedId + '.hasOwnProperty("' + name + '")) {'); this.emitLine('var ' + id + ' = ' + importedId + '.' + name + ';'); this.emitLine('} else {'); this.emitLine('cb(new Error("cannot import \'' + name + '\'")); return;'); this.emitLine('}');
frame.set(alias, id);
if(frame.parent) { this.emitLine('frame.set("' + alias + '", ' + id + ');'); } else { this.emitLine('context.setVariable("' + alias + '", ' + id + ');'); } }, this); },
compileBlock: function(node) { var id = this.tmpid();
// If we are executing outside a block (creating a top-level // block), we really don't want to execute its code because it // will execute twice: once when the child template runs and // again when the parent template runs. Note that blocks // within blocks will *always* execute immediately *and* // wherever else they are invoked (like used in a parent // template). This may have behavioral differences from jinja // because blocks can have side effects, but it seems like a // waste of performance to always execute huge top-level // blocks twice if(!this.inBlock) { this.emit('(parentTemplate ? function(e, c, f, r, cb) { cb(""); } : '); } this.emit('context.getBlock("' + + '")'); if(!this.inBlock) { this.emit(')'); } this.emitLine('(env, context, frame, runtime, ' + this.makeCallback(id)); this.emitLine(this.buffer + ' += ' + id + ';'); this.addScopeLevel(); },
compileSuper: function(node, frame) { var name = node.blockName.value; var id = node.symbol.value;
this.emitLine('context.getSuper(env, ' + '"' + name + '", ' + 'b_' + name + ', ' + 'frame, runtime, '+ this.makeCallback(id)); this.emitLine(id + ' = runtime.markSafe(' + id + ');'); this.addScopeLevel(); frame.set(id, id); },
compileExtends: function(node, frame) { var k = this.tmpid();
this.emit('env.getTemplate('); this._compileExpression(node.template, frame); this.emitLine(', true, '+this._templateName()+', false, ' + this.makeCallback('_parentTemplate'));
// extends is a dynamic tag and can occur within a block like // `if`, so if this happens we need to capture the parent // template in the top-level scope this.emitLine('parentTemplate = _parentTemplate');
this.emitLine('for(var ' + k + ' in parentTemplate.blocks) {'); this.emitLine('context.addBlock(' + k + ', parentTemplate.blocks[' + k + ']);'); this.emitLine('}');
this.addScopeLevel(); },
compileInclude: function(node, frame) { var id = this.tmpid(); var id2 = this.tmpid();
this.emitLine('var tasks = [];'); this.emitLine('tasks.push('); this.emitLine('function(callback) {'); this.emit('env.getTemplate('); this._compileExpression(node.template, frame); this.emitLine(', false, '+this._templateName()+', ' + node.ignoreMissing + ', ' + this.makeCallback(id)); this.emitLine('callback(null,' + id + ');});'); this.emitLine('});');
this.emitLine('tasks.push('); this.emitLine('function(template, callback){'); this.emitLine('template.render(' + 'context.getVariables(), frame, ' + this.makeCallback(id2)); this.emitLine('callback(null,' + id2 + ');});'); this.emitLine('});');
this.emitLine('tasks.push('); this.emitLine('function(result, callback){'); this.emitLine(this.buffer + ' += result;'); this.emitLine('callback(null);'); this.emitLine('});'); this.emitLine('env.waterfall(tasks, function(){'); this.addScopeLevel(); },
compileTemplateData: function(node, frame) { this.compileLiteral(node, frame); },
compileCapture: function(node, frame) { // we need to temporarily override the current buffer id as 'output' // so the set block writes to the capture output instead of the buffer var buffer = this.buffer; this.buffer = 'output'; this.emitLine('(function() {'); this.emitLine('var output = "";'); this.withScopedSyntax(function () { this.compile(node.body, frame); }); this.emitLine('return output;'); this.emitLine('})()'); // and of course, revert back to the old buffer id this.buffer = buffer; },
compileOutput: function(node, frame) { var children = node.children; for(var i=0, l=children.length; i<l; i++) { // TemplateData is a special case because it is never // autoescaped, so simply output it for optimization if(children[i] instanceof nodes.TemplateData) { if(children[i].value) { this.emit(this.buffer + ' += '); this.compileLiteral(children[i], frame); this.emitLine(';'); } } else { this.emit(this.buffer + ' += runtime.suppressValue('); if(this.throwOnUndefined) { this.emit('runtime.ensureDefined('); } this.compile(children[i], frame); if(this.throwOnUndefined) { this.emit(',' + node.lineno + ',' + node.colno + ')'); } this.emit(', env.opts.autoescape);\n'); } } },
compileRoot: function(node, frame) { if(frame) {'compileRoot: root node can\'t have frame'); }
frame = new Frame();
this.emitFuncBegin('root'); this.emitLine('var parentTemplate = null;'); this._compileChildren(node, frame); this.emitLine('if(parentTemplate) {'); this.emitLine('parentTemplate.rootRenderFunc(env, context, frame, runtime, cb);'); this.emitLine('} else {'); this.emitLine('cb(null, ' + this.buffer +');'); this.emitLine('}'); this.emitFuncEnd(true);
this.inBlock = true;
var blockNames = [];
var i, name, block, blocks = node.findAll(nodes.Block); for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { block = blocks[i]; name =;
if (blockNames.indexOf(name) !== -1) { throw new Error('Block "' + name + '" defined more than once.'); } blockNames.push(name);
this.emitFuncBegin('b_' + name);
var tmpFrame = new Frame(); this.emitLine('var frame = frame.push(true);'); this.compile(block.body, tmpFrame); this.emitFuncEnd(); }
this.emitLine('return {'); for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { block = blocks[i]; name = 'b_' +; this.emitLine(name + ': ' + name + ','); } this.emitLine('root: root\n};'); },
compile: function (node, frame) { var _compile = this['compile' + node.typename]; if(_compile) {, node, frame); } else {'compile: Cannot compile node: ' + node.typename, node.lineno, node.colno); } },
getCode: function() { return this.codebuf.join(''); }});
// var c = new Compiler();// var src = 'hello {% filter title %}' +// 'Hello madam how are you' +// '{% endfilter %}'// var ast = transformer.transform(parser.parse(src));// nodes.printNodes(ast);// c.compile(ast);// var tmpl = c.getCode();// console.log(tmpl);
export default { compile: function(src, asyncFilters, extensions, name, opts) { var c = new Compiler(name, opts.throwOnUndefined);
// Run the extension preprocessors against the source. if(extensions && extensions.length) { for(var i=0; i<extensions.length; i++) { if('preprocess' in extensions[i]) { src = extensions[i].preprocess(src, name); } } }
c.compile(transformer.transform( parser.parse(src, extensions, opts), asyncFilters, name )); return c.getCode(); },
Compiler: Compiler};